Eventuali maggiori informazioni per le voci sopra elencate
In general, the first year of the programme is mainly devoted to a review of the available literature related to the research project by PhD students, preliminary research on its experimental feasibility, together with the acquisition of basic technical and scientific knowledge on standard methodologies.
The PhD education program prescribes the acquisition of 9 credit points per year during the first two years. This is achieved by joining courses to be chosen in agreement with the assigned tutor, so to personalize the training program according both to the student expectations and the need of acquiring a specific background. The choice will be among the following modules (in Italian or in English):
- Preparatory courses for the students during their first year. One of them is mandatory, namely: “From data to divulgation: the scientific path”;
- Academic general courses, normally delivered by our or other Italian and foreign Universities;
- “On demand” specialist PhD courses, to be chosen among the courses given by members of the PhD panel and experts cooperating in the doctoral activities.
- Summer Schools, Workshops, Company Training Courses
Personalized training plans will be devised for PhD students by their tutors, in order to provide them with the best and most appropriate learning and training opportunities. Training also includes lectures, seminars, schools and guided research activity. PhD students are also strongly encouraged to attend courses aimed at improving the level of their knowledge of the English language.
Modalità di scelta del soggetto della tesi
During the application procedure by the PhD candidates, they are requested to submit a proposal for a doctoral research activity. If they do submit such a proposal, it is straightforward to assign them with a related subject. Otherwise, once they are assigned a tutor who supervises the course of their studies, they will have the chance to get in touch with the research groups operating in the framework of the PhD research program and choose a topic/title for their thesis work.
Modalità delle verifiche per l'ammissione all'anno successivo
By the end of the academic year, an interview session is scheduled for all the PhD students. They are asked to give a 20 minutes oral presentation to the member of the PhD panel, followed by 5-10 minutes discussion. They need to report on the achievements obtained in their research program during the last year, to emphasize their own individual contribution to the presented results and to assess a program for future work and developments. In case of a positive evaluation by the PhD panel, the student is allowed to proceed with the enrollment to the next academic year. If this is not the case, a warning is issued by the committee to the student and his/her tutor. The enrollment to the next academic year is still possible, but the PhD student will be asked to give a new oral presentation with additional results and discussions in spring, to better assess the validity of his/her research and training programs.