Scientific Disciplines Sectors for our PhD

Below is the list of Scientific Disciplinary Sectors (SSD) for the MIMIT Doctorate, and their weight percentage in relation to the PhD Scientific Board:

  • MED/07: Microbiology and clinical microbiology 30%
  • BIO/19: General microbiology 19%
  • MED/17: Infectious diseases 13%
  • MED/18: General surgery 5%
  • MED/01: Medical statistics 4%
  • BIO/13: Experimental biology 4%
  • MED/30: Eye diseases 4%
  • MED/12: Gastroenterology 4%
  • CHIM/08:Pharmaceutical chemistry 3%
  • MED/41: Anestesiology 3%
  • VET/06: Parasitology and animal parasitic diseases 3%
  • MED/23: Heart surgery 3%
  • MED/22: Vascular surgery 3%
  • MED/21: Thoracic surgery 2%

Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" - Via Cracovia, 50, 00133 Roma RM