Final thesis information fro PhD students of 37th Cicle


To the PhD students enrolled in the XXXVII cycle


As you are approaching the end of your PhD cycle, I would like to make some recommendations

to you.

  1. You will finish your studies by 31st October 2024 and will have to take the final exam compulsorily from 1st November 2024 to 30th April 2025.

  2. Concerning the previous aspect, I would like to preliminarily agree with you the period to arrange the discussion of your thesis. I propose to have two sessions before the end of April 2025 (for example one in December 2024 if anyone could be interested or in February 2025 and the second one in April 2025). The precise date will be set according to your responses and, above all, the availability of the Commissioners and your tutors. In any case, for taking the final exam within the 30th of April, you must send the thesis two months before the date chosen, together with the final PhD report and the suggestion of the two external reviewers.

  3. Regarding the final PhD report, candidates must send me a concise report (no more than 2 pages in Word format with 12 font, 1 line spacing), which reports the activities carried out in the three year period, and a copy in PDF format of any publications produced during the three-year period of the Doctorate. I will send all the material mentioned above to two external evaluators, who will have to express an opinion on the candidate's entire production and will be able to provide suggestions and any changes to be made to the thesis work. Only after having obtained the two reports from the external evaluators I will arrange a meeting with the Teaching Board, which, based on the judgment expressed by the evaluators, will admit the candidate to the discussion of the thesis.

Only at this point will the candidate be able to upload the thesis into the computer system in its final form, including any changes, and this version will be sent to the members of the Commission.


Therefore, the thesis must not be uploaded to the system before completing this process.


Please also remember that by 31 October 2024, as per the instructions you will also receive from the Doctoral School, you will have to fill in the application for admission to the final exam in the reserved area in "DELPHI", as well as fill in the "mobility and research management" section".


The PhD School will provide by September/October the methods according to which the thesis must be written.Attached to this email, you can find the first page that you have to use for your thesis.


For any clarifications, please contact Ilaria Maugliani at the email address scuoladottorato@MIMIT.uniroma2 .



The Coordinator

Francesca Ceccherini Silberstein

open the attachement

Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" - Via Cracovia, 50, 00133 Roma RM