Organizational Structure


Review Group

The review group is composed of the coordinator, at least two faculty members from the board of professors, and a representative of the doctoral students. The review group supports the coordinator in annual monitoring and cyclical review activities, as well as in the preparation of related documents. It is composed of:

  • Prof. Roberto Rea
  • Prof. Walter Angelelli
  • Prof. Francesco Grisolia
  • Prof. Fabio Pierangeli
  • Dr. Rita Bianco (student representative)

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board is chaired by the PhD program coordinator and is composed of high-profile scholars associated with Italian and international universities and institutions. Depending on the specific scientific-professional profile defined by the PhD program, the Committee may include representatives from the labor market and society. The Advisory Board provides advice and guidance on the scientific and educational project of the PhD program and on identifying employment opportunities, which is particularly important when launching a new PhD program and during the Periodic Review.

  • Prof. Ted Cachey (Director of Italian and Dante Studies, University of Notre Dame; Pizzo Family Chair in Dante Studies)
  • Prof. Francesca Cappelletti (Director of the Borghese Gallery, Rome; Full Professor of Modern Art History, University of Ferrara)
  • Prof. Sarah K. Kozlowski (Associate Director and Head of Scholarly Research & Programs, The Edith O’Donnell Institute of Art History; University of Texas)
  • Prof. Andrea Mazzucchi (President of SFLI; Full Professor of Italian Literature Philology, University Federico II of Naples)
  • Dr. Franco Signoretti (President of the Signoretti Foundation, Pesaro)
  • Prof. Pietro Trifone (Accademia della Crusca, Emeritus Professor of Italian Language History, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”)

Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" - Via Cracovia, 50, 00133 Roma RM