Study plan for the academic year 2023/2024

List of courses / activities for the first year

From Polymers to Gels 8
Equilibrium and kinetic aspects in chemical processes 8
New materials for optoelectronics 8
Chemistry of Porphirinoids 8
Nanomaterials: preparation, properties and applications 8

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Doctorate students are invited to attend the clanguage courses organized by the University, besides the English courses available in the master degrees. they are also invited to attend the classes of Informatics organized ad hoc by the faculty (macroarea) of Economics.

Method of choosing the subject of the thesis

Independent decision by the Student and approval by the PhD School in Chemical Sciences

Admission to the second year

Report every year on the activities and on the next research plan

List of courses / activities for the second year

Method for spectroscopy and morphological characterization of materials 8
Complex Materials 8
Enzymes vs. Supremolecular catalysis 6

More information

Doctorate students are invited to attend the clanguage courses organized by the University, besides the English courses available in the master degrees. they are also invited to attend the classes of Informatics organized ad hoc by the faculty (macroarea) of Economics.

Method of preparation of the thesis

Stages abroad, study and individual research, discussion with the tutor/cotutor

Admission to the third year

Year Report on the activity an on the research next goals 

List of courses / activities for the third year

Confocal microscopy and Atomic force microscopy. Principles and applications 8
Soft skills 2

More information

In the third year the activity is focused mainly to the conclusion of the research activities.

Method of admission to the final examination

Tutor evaluation, Decision of the PhD Panel to admit the Candidate to the final examination, following the tutor's evaluation. Evaluations of anonimous Reviewers, potential implementations, modifications based on Reviewers indications, Research Highlights and results presentation in front of the PhD panel, external guersts and PhD Students.

Final examination

Defense in front of a Commission ( 1 member from the PhD Panel, 2 external membes)

Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" - Via Cracovia, 50, 00133 Roma RM