In the A.Y. 2022/23, 8 students have been enrolled on the basis of a competitive selection one of which funded by PNRR initiative (38th cycle). The mobility has registered an increase of activity due to the regression of the pandemic, involving 27 students with an average of 1.7 missions/student, with a remarkable reduction of on line, in favour of participations in presence to national and international conferences. Those missions were in part performed to carry out collaborative experiments with other Institutions. In the A.Y. 2021/2022 13 students have been registered. Among them 1 has resigned and 2 have been selected on the basis of the competitive selection MUR1061 on the track Green (1 Student) and Innovation (1 Student). The mobility increased due to the attenuation of the Covid 19 pandemic. The mobility in 2021/22 has involved 29 students with an average 1.8 missions/student, some of them carried out with the online procedure and concerning national and international conferences and, in minor extent, experiments in collaboration with other Institutions. In the A.Y. 2020/219 student have been registered, of which 1 has resigned and the PhD degree has been awarded to 13 Students. The mobility, strongly affected by the pandemic, has been carried out with an average value of 1,4 missions/student with a majority of events (conferences) on line. In the A.Y. 2019/20 9 students have been registered, among which 1 has resigned. In this A.Y. 20 students have been awarded with a PhD degree. The mobility, again strongly influenced by the pandemic, decreased to 1,4 missions/student, most of them for attending conferences online.