
COURSE AIMS AND FEATURES This Doctorate aims to promote interdisciplinarity among substantial law and remedies techniques, all seen through different angles in a comparative way. Despite being widely open to all contemporary experiences, the course specifically refers to the comparative method and specifically to the Roman legal system. Being split into two curricula, the Course allows the student to achieve at the same time common and more specific competences, based on internationalism and on defined issues focused on specificities of the Roman system. 1) CURRICULUM: JUDICIAL PROTECTION OF RIGHTS, The programme focuses on a specific management of complex legal matters, with a interdisciplinary approach, both substantial and procedural, using a comparative method and a specific attention to internationalization. Students will be guided and addressed in methodology and in the research objectives, integrating theorical learning with actual practices with judicial institutions, professional environments, and ADR methods; 2) CURRICULUM: ROMAN LAW, ROMAN LEGAL SYSTEM, COMPARATIVE LAW The programme aims to provide the student with a deep competence in Roman law and its paper as a base of the roman legal systems all around the World. The programme uses methods and tools of legal comparison and legal history to address both a diachronic and synchronic analysis of legal issues in different juridical experiences. Specific emphasis is given to the comparation with other legal models, such as those of the European, Latin American or Islamic Countries, and China. The professional outcomes are usually that of lawyer, judge, national and international public servant, corporate lawyer, notary or in the Academy.


Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" - Via Cracovia, 50, 00133 Roma RM