Annual report

With respect to the court of first year Phd students, the following is related: A) initial meetings to define the topic of the thesis and identify one or more tutors in relation to the identified research, and the supervisors; B) periodic meetings of the individual student with his/her tutor; C) preparation of the indicative index scheme of the thesis and research of the essential bibliography relating to the chosen topic; D) individual or group interviews (by thematic or disciplinary areas) to identify common critical issues and proposed solutions; E) in the second semester, specific meeting to define the foreign University in which to carry out (in terms of mobility) the research activity in the second year.
With respect to the court of second year PhD students, the following is related: A) periodic meetings to monitor the progress of the research with the tutors, with possible identification of the opportunity to stipulate co-supervision or incentive agreements for European Label ; B) periodic meetings of the individual student with their tutor in order to resolve specific critical issues that arise during the research and with the supervisor, even remotely for students on foreign mobility; C) reports on the progress of the research; D) individual or group interviews (by thematic or disciplinary areas) to identify common critical issues and proposed solutions, in particular in relation to carrying out the research abroad; E) in the second semester, specific meeting for the definition of a first delivery of the ongoing work carried out on the doctoral thesis; F) exchange of impressions between Italian and possibly foreign tutors on the students followed and supervisors.
G) More than 50% of PhD students have
With respect to the court of third year PhD students, the following applies: A) periodic meetings to monitor the progress of the research with Italian and foreign tutors and supervisors; B) periodic meetings of the individual student with his/her tutor in order to resolve specific critical issues that arose during the research; C) reports on the progress of the research and preparation by April of the third year of a calendar of deadlines to be respected for the deadlines for discussing the thesis provided for by the regulation; D) oral presentation (as a seminar) by individuals or groups (by thematic or disciplinary areas) of the research carried out in the final phase of writing the thesis; E) in the second semester, specific meeting to define the definitive delivery of the work carried out on the doctoral thesis; F) identification of the referees who have evaluated the level reached by the thesis completed, for the final discussion.
In the XXXV cycle, 80% of the students passed the discussion with a positive outcome. For the remaining 20% ​​(in double degree or in time extension or suspension for different reasons) discussion is expected by 2024/25.

Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" - Via Cracovia, 50, 00133 Roma RM