Delivered study plan 2023/2024


- Neurowebinars and Journal Club:

Data Title   Speaker
15/01/24 Ernesto de Martino and the Euro-Mediterranean mourning. An archaeological reinterpretation    Prof.ssa Benedetta Bessi 
18/01/24 The immunometabolic bases of self tolerance ECM Prof. Giuseppe Matarese 
18/01/24 Diagnosis of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody - associated disease: International MOGAD Panel proposed criteria   Journal club Dr. Gaia Cola
18/01/24 Heo et al. Aberrant tonic inhibition of dopaminergic neuronal activity causes motor symptoms in animal models of Parkinson’s Disease   Journal club Dr. Francesca Cossa
22/01/24 Neuroscience: evidence, confidence, future   Dr. Federico Piazza 
25/01/24 Apathy in a transnational perspective acquisitions and perspectives   ECM  Prof.ssa Armida Mucci
25/01/24 Immune dysregulation in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: mechanisms and emerging therapies   Journal club Dr. Susanna De Stefano
29/01/24 The role of the complement   Dr. Dario Campanelli
01/02/24 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis motor phenotypes and extramotors  ECM Prof. Nicola Ticozzi
01/02/24 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Post - traumatic Stress Disorder.   Journal Club  Dr. Matteo di Marino
05/02/24 Cladribine tablets for the treatment of multiple sclerosis:real world data and future prospects   Dr Simona Coviello and Francesca Romana Rizzo
08/02/24 Analysis of the microstructure of sleep   ECM  Prof. Andrea Romigi
08/02/24 Invasive and Non - invasive Brain Stimulation in Parkinson's Disease: Clinical Effects and Future Perspectives   Journal club Dr. Carlo Fabrizio
08/02/24 Innate immune dysfunction and neuroinflammation in autism spectrum disorder  Journal club Dr.ssa Martina Montanari
12/02/24 The Value of a Multimodal Approach in Managing NMD Research     Dr Alice Berti 
15/02/24 Pathophysiology of neuropathic pain   ECM   Prof. Andrea Truini
15/02/24 Inflammation and immune dysfunction in Parkinson disease  Journal club Dr.  Andrea Termine
15/02/24 Predictive models for response to non-invasive brain stimulation in stroke. A critical review of opportunities and pitfalls   Journal club Dr. Jacopo Lanzone.
19/02/24 Vortioxetine in depression in comorbidity with neurological pathologies     Dr Anna Pugliese 
22/02/24 Precision Medicine in Parkinson's disease   ECM    Prof. Giovanni Fabbrini
22/02/24 Rewiring the Lesioned Brain Electrical Stimulation for Post-Stroke Motor Restoration   Journal Club  Dr. Federico Marrama
22/02/24 Precuneus magnetic stimulation for Alzheimer's disease a randomized sham controlled trial  Journal Club  Dr. Alessandro Mazzetta
26/02/24 The anxiety of the hummingbird -  Book presentation   Dr. Thomas Leoncini 
29/02/24 Thalamocortical dysrhythmia-  a bridge between psychiatry and neurology   ECM   Prof. Stefano Sensi
29/02/24 Toward non-invasive brain stimulation 2.0 in Alzheimer's disease   Journal Club  Dr. Sabrina Bonarota
29/02/24 Microgliamediated T cell infiltration drives neurodegeneration in tauopathy disease   Journal Club   Dr.. ssa Marta Tiberi
04/03/24 Evolutionary trajectories of psychiatric disorders focus on neurodevelopment.    Prof. Alfondo Antonio Vincenzo Tortorella 
07/03/24 HLA and complement in multiple sclerosis will return protagonists   ECM    Prof. Marco Salvetti
07/03/24 Efficacy of non invasive brain stimulation on global cognition and neuropsychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment   Journal Club  Dr. Colleen Ryan
07/03/24 Ocrelizumab Impairs the Phenotype and Function of Memory CD8+ T Cells   Journal Club  Dr. Gianluca Lauritano
11/03/24 Update on non epileptic psychogenic seizures   Prof. Edoardo Ferlazzo
14/03/24 The crisis of reproducibility in neuroscience: why we are all guilty and what we must do to save ourselves   ECM Dr. Guglielmo Foffani
14/03/24 Non - invasive brain stimulation as therapy: systematic review and recommendations with a focus on the treatment of Tourette syndrome   Journal club Dr. Denis Roberto
14/03/24 Mechanisms of myeloid cell entry to the healthy and diseased central nervous system   Journal club Dr. Antonio Bruno
18/03/24 Disease-modifying therapies for Alzheimer’s disease:adverse event management   Prof. Federica Agosta
21/03/24 Endocannabinoid system, cytokines and psychotherapy ECM Prof. Diego Centonze 
21/03/24 Neuroinflammation Stroke - Blood Brain Barrier Dysfunction  and Imaging Modalities   Journal club Dr Maria Rosaria Bagnato
25/03/24 Presentation of the book IO & IA     Prof. Riccardo Manzotti and Prof. Simone Rossi 
28/03/24 Migratory phenomena and inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system   ECM Professor Maura Pugliatti
28/03/24 Transcranial magnetic stimulation disrupts the perception and embodiment of facial expression   Journal club Dr Angela Borrelli
28/03/24 Neuroinflammation in frontotemporal dementia   Journal club Dr Chiara Bonomi
04/04/24 Synaptic plasticity and psychoanalysis  ECM  Prof. Diego Centonze
04/04/24 Transcranial current stimulation in epilepsy A systematic review of the fundamental and clinical aspects   Journal club Dr Federica Novegno
04/04/24 Brain sex - dependent alterations after prolonged high fat diet exposure in mice  Journal club Dr Roberta Campanile
08/04/24 Psychedelics, philosophy and spirituality: history (and stories) of harmonizing attempts.    Edoardo Baietti 
11/04/24 T lymphocyte, mediated synaptopathy in Multiple Sclerosis  ECM  Prof. ssa Georgia Mandolesi
11/04/24 MicroRNAs modulate neuroinflammation after intracerebral hemorrhage Prospects for new therapy  Journal club Dr. Domenico Junior Brunetti
11/04/24 Efficacy and safety of transcranial magnetic stimulation for treating major depressive  Journal club  Dr.ssa Ilaria Adults
15/04/24 TREATMENT vs CARE an innovative approach in the management of PARKINSON   S. Santoro,  G. Croppo,  G. Dellapietra 
18/04/24 Recall motor representations from understanding actions to language processing  ECM Prof. Giovanni Buccino
18/04/24 Can we rewire criminal mind via non - invasive brain stimulation of prefrontal cortex?  Journal club Dr. Lorenzo Maria Contini
18/04/24 Immunometabolic Crosstalk: An Ancestral Principle of Trained Immunity?  Journal club  Dr.ssa Silvia Corbisiero
22/04/24 Presentation of the book Non tutto è scritto nel DNA   Gianvito Martino and Jacopo Lo Grasso 
29/04/24 Presentation of the book Perché mentiamo. What lies lie about    Prof. Alberto Siracusano 
02/05/24 Functional Neurologic Disorders new name, old story   Prof. Marco Onofri 
09/05/24 Neuroplasticity and functional recovery in multiple sclerosis.  ECM Prof.ssa Valentina Tomassini
09/05/24 Immune activation state modulates infant engram expression across development Journal Club Dr De Introna
09/05/24 How reliable are amygdala findings in psychopathy? A systematic review of MRI studies Journal Club Dr. D'Argenio
13/05/24 The endocannabinoid system at the interface between symptomatic therapy and modifying the course of MS.    Prof. Diego Centonze 
16/05/24 Mirror amino acids: the enigmatic role of D-aspartate metabolism in the brain ECM Prof. Francesco Errico
16/05/24 Predicting disease severity in multiple sclerosis using multimodal data and machine learning Journal club Dr. Lorenzo De Marco
16/05/24 Safety of Ocrelizumab in Patients With Relapsing and Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Journal club Dr Veronica Di Caprio
23/05/24 ECM ECM  
23/05/24 Brain and immune system-derived extracellular vesicles mediate regulation of complement system, extracellular matrix remodeling, brain repair and antigen tolerance in Multiple sclerosis  Journal club Dr. Ettore Dolcetti 
23/05/24 Endometriosis leads to central nervous system-wide glial activation in a mouse model of endometriosis Journal club  Dr. Cecilia Giacomet 
27/05/24 Learning disabilities   Prof. Irene Altarelli
30/05/24 Role of meningeal immunity in modulating brain functions. Prof.ssa Cristina Limatola ECM  
30/05/24 APOE4:4 is linked to damaging lipid droplets in Alzheimer’s disease microglia Journal Club Dr. Maria Pia Guerrieri 
30/05/24 Knockout of reactive astrocyte activating factors slows disease progression in an ALS mouse model Journal Club Dr. Valentina Nesci 
03/06/24 Natural intelligence is already artificial   Prof. Federico Leoni
06/06/24 Gender microaggressions ECM Prof.ssa Terri Mannarini
06/06/24 Neurophysiological and behavioral effects of multisession prefrontal tDCS and concurrent cognitive remediation training in patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) Journal Club Dr. Lucrezia Arturi 
06/06/24 The evidence-based rationale for physical therapy treatment of children, adolescents, and adults diagnosed with joint hypermobility syndrome:hypermobile Ehlers Danlos syndrome Journal Club Dr. Marco Lipera 
10/06/24 Acute onset neuropsychiatric symptoms and neuroinflammation   Prof. Antonella Gagliano
13/06/24 Multiple Sclerosis is Environment, Nutrition, Physical Activity ECM Prof. Marinella Clerico
13/06/24 Clinical research challenges posed by difficult-to-treat depression. Psychological Medicine. 2022;52(3)419-432 Journal club Dr. Walter Paganin
13/06/24 Second-line immunotherapy in new onset refractory status epilepticus. Epilepsia. 2024 Mar 2 Journal club Dr.  Andrea Pagano
17/06/24 Rehabilitation of aphasic language disorders   Prof. Costanza Papagno
20/06/24 Pharmacology and toxicology of words. ECM Prof. Fabrizio Benedetti
20/06/24 Sleep is required to consolidate odor memory and remodel olfactory synapses. Cell. 2023 Jun 22;186(13)2911-2928.e20 Journal club Dr. Carlotta Ricci
20/06/24 The relationship between preterm birth and sleep in children at school age Journal club Dr. Chiara Scoppola
24/06/24 New scenarios in the treatment of cerebral hemorrhage   Prof. Raffaele Ornello 
27/06/24 Resistant and treatment-refractory migraine ECM Prof. Simona Sacco 
27/06/24 Retrograde procedural memory is impaired in people with Parkinson's disease with freezing of gait Journal club Dr. Agostino Stanzione 
27/06/24 Age at onset of mental disorders worldwide large scale meta analysis of 192 epidemiological studies Journal club Dr. Michelangelo Vasta 
01/07/24 Advancements in treatment-resistant depression.  ECM Prof. Giorgio Di Lorenzo 
01/07/24 Clearance of β-amyloid and synapses by the optogenetic depolarization of microglia is complement selective Journal Club  Dr. Emma Cauzzi 
01/07/24 How reliable are amygdala findings in psychopathy? A systematic review of MRI studies Journal Club  Dr. Alberto D'Argenio 
04/07/24 Sport and Parkinson.  ECM  Dr. Nicola Modugno 
04/07/24 Novel Non invasive Transcranial Electrical Stimulation for Parkinson's Disease  Journal Club  Dr. Roberta Bovenzi 
04/07/24 Normalization of Fronto-Parietal Activation by Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Unmedicated Pediatric Patients With Anxiety Disorders  Journal Club  Dr. Nadia Volpe 
08/07/24 PerAMPAnel beyond crisis    Dr. Carlo Di Bonaventura 


- 28th april 2023 and 10th november 2023
ECM The treatment of Multiple Sclerosis and the spectrum of disorders of optic neuromyelitis: immunological and neuroprotective effects of symptomatic treatments and symptomatic effects of disease-modifying treatments. 

- 30 agosto - 3 settembre 2023
4A Summer School: Plasticity between Neuroscience and Art.
Brochure available in italian.

- Neurowebinars, Journal Club and synaptoloy lessons (2023):

Data Title Speaker
06/02/23 A neuro immunological perspective on basal ganglia network functioning Prof. Andrea Mancini
13/02/23 Ozanimod in SM dal meccanismo d’azione all’efficacia a lungo termine.Aggiornamenti dal congresso ECTRIMS Dott.ssa Angela Del Rosso
20/02/23 Smouldering multiple sclerosis mechanisms and therapeutic targets Prof. Massimiliano Di Filippo
27/02/23 Malattia di Parkinson associata a deficit cognitivi lievi aspetti clinici e neurochimici Prof. Federico Paolini Paoletti
28/02/23 Il problema della Coscienza in Epilettologia Prof. Giancarlo Di Gennaro
03/03/23 I - Lezioni di Sinaptologia, Lettura e commento da “Principi di Neuroscienze”, E. Kandel Prof. Diego Centoze
06/03/23 L'altra genetica nell'eziologia della Sclerosi Multipla Prof. Marco Salvetti
09/03/23 D- amino acid metabolism alterations in psychiatric disorders Prof. Alessandro Usiello
10/03/23 II- Lezioni di Sinaptologia, Lettura e commento da “Principi di Neuroscienze”, E. Kandel Prof. Diego Centoze
13/03/23 BIOGEN: Terapia personalizzata nella Sclerosi Multipla tra presente e futuro Dott.ssa Daria Perini e Dott.ssa Ilaria Vaccari
16/03/23 Modelli preclinici di PD Prof.ssa Ezia Guatteo
20/03/23 Ipogammaglobulinemia in corso di terapia con anti CD20 nei pazienti con Sclerosi Multipla Prof.ssa Diana Ferraro
21/03/23 Merk: Cladribina Compresse per il trattamento della Sclerosi Multipla: dalle evidenze consolidate dei trials clinici ai nuovi dati di Real Life Dott.ssa Angela Albanese e Dott.ssa Francesca Romana Rizzo
27/03/23 Patogenesi dell'emicrania ruolo dell'infiammazione neurogenica e della neuroinfiammazione Prof.ssa Paola Sarchielli
28/03/23 L'analisi dei neuroni olfattori come modello traslazionale e fonte di biomarcatori per la MDP Prof. Tommaso Schirinzi
04/04/23 Touch and hand movements optimal integration and biased combination Prof. A. Moscatelli
04/04/23 Journal Club Kavalali ET, Monteggia LM. Rapid homeostatic plasticity and neuropsychiatric.\therapeutics. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2023 an;48(1):54-60. doi: 10.1038/s41386-022-01411-4. Epub 2022 Aug 22. Dott. Ettore Dolcetti
06/04/23  Suicidalità in età evolutiva valutazione del rischio Prof. Luigi Mazzone
06/04/23 Journal Club - Sun J, Huang T, Debelius JW, Fang F. Gut microbiome and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A systematic review of current evidence. J Intern Med. 2021 Oct;290(4):758-788. doi: 10.1111/joim.13336. Epub 2021 Jul 8 Dott.ssa Francesca Ciaiola
07/04/23 III- Lezioni di Sinaptologia, Lettura e commento da “Principi di Neuroscienze”, E. Kandel Prof. Diego Centoze
13/04/23 Terapia genica per l'atrofia spinale muscolare Dott. Paolo Giorgetti
13/04/23 Journal Club - Hyde J, Carr H, Kelley N, Seneviratne R, Reed C, Parlatini V, Garner M, Solmi M, Rosson S, Cortese S, Brandt V.    Efficacy of neurostimulation across mental disorders: systematic review and meta-analysis of 208 randomized controlled trials.   Mol. Psychiatry 2022 Jun;27(6):2709-2719. Dott. Alberto D’Argenio
27/04/23 Role of beta and gamma oscillations in the pathophysiology of motor dysfunctions in patients with PD Prof. Andrea Guerra
27/04/23 Journal Club - Chase, H.W., Boudewyn, M.A., Carter, C.S. et al. Transcranial direct current stimulation: a roadmap for research, from mechanism of action to clinical implementation. Mol Psychiatry (2020). 25, 397–407 Dott. Vincenzo de Lucia
28/04/23 Il trattamento della SM e della NMOSD - ECM 28042 D. Centonze; M. Stampanoni Bassi; F. Buttari; L. Guadalupi; A. Romigi; E. Dolcetti; F. Azzolini; A. Bruno
04/05/23 Psicologia della relazione interspecifica con il cane e il gatto prospettive coevoluzionistiche Prof. Vincenzo Bochicchio
04/05/23 Journal Club - Majdi, A., van Boekholdt, L., Sadigh-Eteghad, S. et al. A systematic review and meta-analysis of transcranial direct-current stimulation effects on cognitive function in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Mol Psychiatry 27, 2000–2009
Dott. Margherita De Introna
08/05/23 Non invasive brain stimulation e funzioni cognitive Prof. Mauro Mancuso
08/05/23 Journal Club -  Leng F, Edison P. Neuroinflammation and microglial activation in Alzheimer disease: where do we go from here? Nat Rev Neurol. 2021 Mar;17(3):157-172. Dott.ssa Emma Cauzzi
12/05/23 IV - Lezioni di Sinaptologia, Lettura e commento da “Principi di Neuroscienze”, E. Kandel Prof. Diego Centoze
18/05/23 Astrociti e Neuroinfiammazione Prof.ssa Cinthia Farina
18/05/23 Journal Club - Leon Hosang, Roger Cugota Canals, Felicia Joy van der Flier, Jacqueline Hollensteiner, Rolf Daniel, Alexander Flügel & Francesca Odoardi. The lung microbiome regulates brain autoimmunity Nature 2022 Dott. Lorenzo De Marco
22/05/23 Neuroinfiammazione e plasticità sinaptica nel deterioramento cognitivo Dott.ssa Cinzia Coppola
22/05/23 Journal Club - Klann EM, Dissanayake U, Gurrala A, Farrer M, Shukla AW, Ramirez-Zamora A, Mai V, Vedam-Mai V. The Gut-Brain Axis and Its Relation to Parkinson's Disease: A Review. Front Aging Neurosci. 2022 Jan 7;13:782082. Dott.ssa Cecilia Giacomet
25/05/23 Le Psicosi indotte da Cannabis e Nuove Sostanze Giovanni Martinotti
25/05/23 Journal Club - Primavera A. Spagnolo, David Goldman, Neuromodulation interventions for addictive disorders: challenges, promise, and roadmap for future research, Brain, Volume 140, Issue 5, May 2017:1183–1203. Dott. Marco Lipera
29/05/23 Stroke e vasculopatie cerebrali atipiche Prof. Fabio Pilato
29/05/23 Journal Club - He J, Tang Y, Lin J, Faulkner G, Tsang HWH, Chan SHW.  Non-invasive brain stimulation combined with psychosocial intervention for depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis.   BMC Psychiatry. 2022 Apr 19; 22(1):273. Dott. Simone Cappellano
08/06/23 La fatica nella Malattia di Parkinson Prof.ssa Ilaria Di Vico
08/06/23 Journal Club - Needham BD, Funabashi M, Adame MD, Wang Z, Boktor JC, Haney J, Wu WL, Rabut C, Ladinsky MS, Hwang SJ, Guo Y, Zhu Q, Griffiths JA, Knight R, Bjorkman PJ, Shapiro MG, Geschwind DH, Holschneider DP, Fischbach MA, Mazmanian SK. A gut-derived metabolite alters brain activity and anxiety behaviour in mice. Nature. 2022 Feb;602(7898):647-653 Dott.ssa  Veronica Di Caprio
09/06/23 V - Lezioni di Sinaptologia - Lettura e commento da “Principi di Neuroscienze”, E. Kandel Prof Diego Centonze
12/06/23 Lundbeck: Eptinezumab: una nuova opzione per la prevenzione dell'emicrania Dott.ssa Monica Angelini
12/06/23  Journal Club - Dohnalová, L., Lundgren, P., Carty, J.R.E. et al. A microbiome-dependent gut–brain pathway regulates motivation for exercise. Nature 612, 739–747 (2022).* Dott.ssa Maria Pia Guerrieri
15/06/23 Biomarcatori neurofisiologici delle demenze prospettive cliniche e terapeutiche Prof. Francesco Di Lorenzo
15/06/23 Journal Club - Yu KB, Hsiao EY. Roles for the gut microbiota in regulating neuronal feeding circuits. J Clin Invest. 2021 May 17;131(10):e143772 Dott.ssa Valentina Nesci
19/06/23 Effetto modulatorio delle pratiche sportive nella Malattia di Parkinson Prof. Nicola Modugno
19/06/23 Journal Club: - Cappon D, den Boer T, Jordan C, Yu W, Metzger E, Pascual-Leone A. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) for geriatric depression. Ageing Res Rev. 2022 Feb;74:101531. Dott.  Agostino Stanzione
22/06/23 Obesità e interocezione implicazioni cliniche e di ricerca Prof.ssa Chiara Conti
22/06/23 Journal Club - García-González S, Lugo-Marín J, Setien-Ramos I, Gisbert-Gustemps L, Arteaga-Henríquez G, Díez-Villoria E, Ramos-Quiroga JA. Transcranial direct current stimulation in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2021 Jul;48:89-109. doi: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2021.02.017. Dott.ssa Chiara Scoppola
26/06/23 Teriflunomide nel trattamento della SM dagli studi randomizzati alla pratica clinica Dott. Alberto Farina Dott. Daniele Todaro
26/06/23 Journal Club: Flammer J, Neziraj T, Rüegg S, Pröbstel AK. Immune Mechanisms in Epileptogenesis: Update on Diagnosis and Treatment of Autoimmune Epilepsy Syndromes. Drugs. 2023 Feb;83(2):135-158. Dott. Andrea Pagano
29/06/23 La complessità della componente genetica nelle malattie Neurologiche e Neurodegenerative Prof. Stefano Gambardella
29/06/23 Journal Club:  Roman M, Irwin MR. Novel neuroimmunologic therapeutics in depression: A clinical perspective on what we know so far. Brain Behav Immun. 2020 Jan;83:7-21. Dott. Walter Paganin
30/06/23 Vi - Lezioni di Sinaptologia - Lettura e commento da “Principi di Neuroscienze”, E. Kandel Prof Diego Centonze
03/07/23 Il sistema dell'Orexina e il ruolo di Daridorexant Dott. Francesco Vagni
03/07/23 Journal Club: Rodella C, Bernini S, Panzarasa S, et al.  A double-blind randomized controlled trial combining cognitive training (CoRe) and neurostimulation (tDCS) in the early stages of cognitive impairment. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2022;34(1):73-83. Dott.ssa Nadia Volpe
06/07/23 Journal Club - Leung CS, Rosenzweig S, Yoon B, Marinelli NA, Hollingsworth EW, Maguire AM, Cowen MH, Schmidt M, Imitola J, Gamsiz Uzun ED, Lizarraga SB. Dysregulation of the chromatin environment leads to differential alternative splicing as a mechanism of disease in a human model of autism spectrum disorder. Hum Mol Genet. 2023 Jan * Dott.ssa Carlotta Ricci
06/07/23 Alexion: Aggiornamento in gMG: nuove opportunità terapeutiche* Dott. Dario Campanelli
07/07/23 VII - Lezioni di Sinaptologia - Lettura e commento da “Principi di Neuroscienze”, E. Kandel Prof Diego Centonze
10/07/23 Miastenia Gravis con uno sguardo agli unmet needs, physicalpsychological burden e le terapie innovative Prof. Francesco Saccà
10/07/23 Journal Club - Sasegbon A, Watanabe M, Simons A, Michou E, Vasant DH, Magara J, Bath PM, Rothwell J, Inoue M, Hamdy S. Cerebellar repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation restores pharyngeal brain activity and swallowing behaviour after disruption by a cortical virtual lesion. J Physiol. 2019 May;597(9):2533-2546. Dott. Michelangelo Vasta
11/09/23 Nuovi scenari nell'insonnia cronica il sistema dell'Orexina e il ruolo di Daridorexant Dott.ssa Anna Troianielli 
11/09/23 Journal Club - Seo DO, O'Donnell D, Jain N, Ulrich JD, Herz J, Li Y, Lemieux M, Cheng J, Hu H, Serrano JR, Bao X, Franke E, Karlsson M, Meier M, Deng S, Desai C, Dodiya H, Lelwala-Guruge J, Handley SA, Kipnis J, Sisodia SS, Gordon JI, Holtzman DM. ApoE isoform- and microbiota-dependent progression of neurodegeneration in a mouse model of tauopathy. Science. 2023 Jan 13;379(6628):eadd1236 Dott.ssa Beatrice Zarilli
18/09/23 Ozanimod in SM efficacia e sicurezza nel lungo termine.Nuove evidenze dai recenti Congressi internazionali Dott.ssa Michol Savio
18/09/23 Journal Club: Katrinli, S., Oliveira, N.C.S., Felger, J.C. et al. The role of the immune system in posttraumatic stress disorder. Transl Psychiatry 12, 313 (2022).  Dott.ssa Ferrara Maria Laura 
21/09/23 Presentazione del Libro EROICA, FOLLE E VISIONARIA. Storie di Medicina Spericolata Dott.ssa Silvia Bencivelli 
28/09/23 Comunicazione sensorimotoria in laboratorio ed in contesti ecologici Prof. Alessandro D'Ausilio 
28/09/23 Journal Club - Golaszewski S, Frey V, Thomschewski A, Sebastianelli L, Versace V, Saltuari L, Trinka E, Nardone R. Neural mechanisms underlying the Rubber Hand Illusion: A systematic review of related neurophysiological studies. Brain Behav. 2021 Aug;11(8):e02124. doi: 10.1002/brb3.2124. Epub 2021 Jul 21.  Dott.ssa Frezza Erica
02/10/23 Natalizumab dall’Endovena al Sottocute. L’importanza della convenience nel paziente con Sclerosi Multipla Dott.ssa Daria Perini
02/10/23 Journal Club: Lorentzen, R., Nguyen, T. D., McGirr, A., Hieronymus, F., & Østergaard, S. D. (2022). The efficacy of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) for negative symptoms in schizophrenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Schizophrenia (Heidelberg, Germany), 8(1), 35. Dott. Fiori Nastro Federico 
05/10/23 Horizon:  Dalla comprensione del processo di malattia allo sviluppo di approcci terapeutici specifici: inebilizumab e la deplezione CD19 nella neuromielite ottica Dott.ssa Silvia Rossi
09/10/23 L'errore delle neuroscienze nella ricerca della coscienza verso l'identità mente/oggetto Prof. Riccardo Manzotto
09/10/23 Journal Club - Andrea Guerra, Matteo Bologna; Low-Intensity Transcranial Ultrasound Stimulation: Mechanisms of Action and Rationale for Future Applications in Movement Disorders; Brain Sci. 2022 May 7;12(5):611. Dott. Matteo Conti
16/10/23 Tolebrutiniban investigational BTKi to address multiple sclerosis Dott. Alberto Farina, Dott. Daniele Todaro
26/10/23 Infezioni virali,  parkinsonismi e Malattia di Parkinson.  ipotesi patogenetiche e quadri clinici Prof.ssa M. Pierantozzi
26/10/23 Journal Club - Dalakas MC, Alexopoulos H, Spaeth PJ. Complement in neurological disorders and emerging complement-targeted therapeutics. Nat Rev Neurol. 2020 Nov;16(11):601-617. Dott.ssa Giulia Greco
30/10/23 Journal Club -  Lin B, Ye Z, Ye Z, Wang M, Cao Z, Gao R, Zhang Y. Gut microbiota in brain tumors: An emerging crucial player. CNS Neurosci Ther. 2023 Jan 10. doi: 10.1111/cns.14081. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36627748. Dott. Andrea Iaquinandi
30/10/23 Approfondimento sull’efficacia e la sicurezza delle terapie anti-complemento in Nmosd e gMG* Dott. Dario Campanelli
06/11/23 Il Network Italiano per il riconoscimento precoce dei disturbi dello spettro autistico Prof.ssa Maria Luisa Scattoni
06/11/23 Journal Club - Pellegrini L, Garg K, Enara A, Gottlieb DS, Wellsted D, Albert U, Laws KR, Fineberg NA. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (r-TMS) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor-resistance in obsessive-compulsive disorder: A meta-analysis and clinical implications. Compr Psychiatry. 2022 Dott. Tommaso Jannini
09/11/23 Sensori a nanoporo una promettente tecnologia per la ricerca biochimica su malattie neurodegenerative Prof. Mauro Chinappi
09/11/23 Journal Club - Ibarra-Lecue I, Unzueta-Larrinaga P, Barrena-Barbadillo R, Villate A, Horrillo I, Mendivil B, Landabaso MA, Meana JJ, Etxebarria N, Callado LF, Urigüen L. Cannabis use selectively modulates circulating biomarkers in the blood of schizophrenia patients. Addict Biol. 2022 Nov;27(6):e13233. Dott.ssa Martina Pelle
13/11/23 Glia e Neuroinfiammazione due bersagli innovativi per il trattamento dei disturbi neurocognitivi dell'anziano Prof. Luca Steardo
13/11/23 Journal Club - Gupta A, Osadchiy V, Mayer EA. Brain-gut-microbiome interactions in obesity and food addiction. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020 Nov;17(11):655-672. doi: 10.1038/s41575-020-0341-5. Epub 2020 Aug 27. Dott. Leonardo Procenesi
17/11/23 VIII - Lezioni di Sinaptologia - Lettura e commento da “Principi di Neuroscienze”, E. Kandel Prof Diego Centonze
20/11/23 Journal Club - Goldfarb S, Fainstein N, Ganz T, Vershkov D, Lachish M, Ben-Hur T. Electric neurostimulation regulates microglial activation via retinoic acid receptor α signaling. Brain Behav Immun. 2021 Aug;96:40-53. Dott.ssa Martina Assogna
23/11/23 Figure della soggettivazione un nuovo paradigma Prof Matteo Bonazzi
23/11/23 Journal Club - Grippe T, Desai N, Arora T, Chen R. Use of non-invasive neurostimulation for rehabilitation in functional movement disorders. Front Rehabil Sci. 2022 Nov 16;3:1031272. doi: 10.3389/fresc.2022.1031272. Dott. Bledar Gjikolaj
27/11/23 Farmaci ad alta efficacia e gravidanza in donne con Sclerosi Multipla e neuromielite ottica Prof.ssa Doriana Landi
27/11/23 Journal Club - McDew-White M, Lee E, Premadasa LS, Alvarez X, Okeoma CM, Mohan M. Cannabinoids modulate the microbiota-gut-brain axis in HIV/SIV infection by reducing neuroinflammation and dysbiosis while concurrently elevating endocannabinoid and indole-3-propionate levels. J Neuroinflammation. 2023 Mar 8;20(1):62 Dott.ssa Alice Tartacca
30/11/23 Presentazione del Libro Il Corpo Artificiale Prof. Simone Rossi e Prof. Domenico Prattichizzo
01/12/23 IX  Lezioni di Sinaptologia  Lettura e commento da “Principi di Neuroscienze” di  E. Kandel Prof. Diego Centonze
04/12/23 Multimodal imaging of focal “benign” epilepsy Prof. Angelo Labate
04/12/23 Journal Club - Kirton A, Metzler MJ, Craig BT, Hilderley A, Dunbar M, Giuffre A, Wrightson J, Zewdie E, Carlson HL. Perinatal stroke: mapping and modulating developmental plasticity. Nat Rev Neurol. 2021 Jul. doi: 10.1038/s41582-021-00503-x.  Dott.ssa Damiana Rubeca
14/12/23 Presentazione del Libro Cervelli da buttare Un viaggio nelle malattie neurodegenerative Prof. Alessandro Stefani
18/12/23 Biomarcatori olfattivi  CSERP e OERP nei processi neurodegenerativi e nell'aging Prof.ssa Sara Invitto
18/12/23 Journal Club - Muñoz-Lopetegi A, Graus F, Dalmau J, Santamaria J. Sleep disorders in autoimmune encephalitis. Lancet Neurol. 2020 Dec;19(12):1010-1022. Dott. Alessandro Castelli

Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" - Via Cracovia, 50, 00133 Roma RM