The aim of the PhD Programme is to train students in research in the field of Contract, Service and Market Theory. It is a three-year third-level university course. The PhD Programme belongs to the Department of Management and Law of the University of Rome 'Tor Vergata' and is part of the PhD School.
The PhD programme is characterised by an international approach. Agreements have been signed to encourage PhD theses in collaboration with prestigious universities abroad. Doctoral students are required to undertake a minimum mobility period of three months during the three-year course.
The programme is also characterised by interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary training. In fact, lecturers come from various scientific-disciplinary fields and different macro-areas: legal, economic and social sciences. In addition to the Board, the PhD course avails itself of a group of experts from national and foreign universities and research institutes, institutions and companies in order to increase the range of high-level and highly experienced interlocutors who can convey the needs expressed by society and the global economic and legal context. This inter/multi/pluri-disciplinarity enables doctoral students to acquire and consolidate on a permanent basis the epistemological tools for the interpretation of legal phenomena in their micro and macro dimensions and the operational intervention in the legal world. The educational path thus prepares them for professional placement in private enterprises, public institutions and academia.
The training objective is achieved through the use of innovative research and teaching techniques. PhD students are involved in think tanks and debates with the aim of sharpening their ability to conceive, design and implement investigative hypotheses independently. Encounters and dialectics with high-level representatives of institutions and the business world, individually or collectively, confront them with alternative but complementary ways of analysing and evaluating reality to the academic ones. This gives them the opportunity to acquire transversal skills and develop abilities of criticism and synthesis. A system for surveying PhD students' opinions and checking their progress, during and after the course, makes it possible to collect suggestions regarding the organisation of the PhD programme and to constantly monitor the suitability of the training programme with respect to the objectives pursued.