The PhD program in Civil Engineering includes all the research lines in Civil engineering and Architecture.
The disciplinary aim, included in the PhD program, is particularly wide: it ranges from the scientific sectors of structural, geotechnical and environmental engineering to the history of construction, architectural composition and history of architecture in the important European tradition of the polytechnic school. The coexistence of such an articulated range of different knowledge and skills stimulates and facilitates disciplinary interactions, allowing to establish that link between the scientific field and the humanistic field, which need is particularly felt today.
In this perspective, a solid scientific board has formed over time, which has established fruitful relationships with the institutional and productive context and has obtained significant recognition in the international scientific community.
On the other hand, the heterogeneity of the specialized areas is balanced by the solid anchoring to a common mission, which is identical in the field of design and construction as in the field of civil engineering. To deepen the theoretical and applicative aspects of these issues, overcoming the fragmentation that characterizes the university system, constitutes the main objective of the Doctorate, both in training and in individual research.
The doctorate proposes three lines of research:
Structural and Geotechnical Engineering (scientific contact: Prof. Paolo Bisegna);
Architecture and Construction (scientific contact: Prof. Tullia Iori)
Environmental engineering (scientific contact: Prof. Renato Baciocchi)
The lines are closely linked to each other even in methodological autonomy. Although the specificity of the individual research of the candidates, the doctoral program is based on a solid base of training during the 3 years.