Annual report

The research activities carried out by the doctoral students of the XXXIX cycle covered the following topics:
- Application of 'flexible photovoltaics' for a high penetration of the solar source in the energy mix of the Rome Technopole;
- Additive manufacturing metamaterials, design and mechanical characterisation;
- Inverse homogenisation for the design of metamaterials through topology optimisation;
- Development of virtual and augmented reality methodologies to support the creation, navigation and interactive interrogation of Digital Twin and Virtual Prototypes;
- Advanced design and dynamic analysis of mechanical transmissions using data-driven methods and physics-informed artificial intelligence;
- Application of artificial intelligence to optimise operations in small, medium and large enterprises;
- 4d printing for spatial mechanisms: blends and high-performance polymer-based composites with shape memory;
- Prospects for implementing artificial intelligence in SMEs: opportunities and emerging challenges;
- Studying the effects of the thermal field in the braking elements of a railway vehicle
The research activities carried out by the PhD students of cycle XXXVIII covered the following topics:
- Development of efficiency prediction models for Ferrari electrified axles
- Fatigue life of electronic components in the automotive sector
- Development of a calculation methodology for optimising the NVH performance of an electric axle
- Manufacture of composite material recycling tanks for compactor vehicles
- Innovative waste management with valorisation of the organic fraction
- Development of functionalised coatings and intelligent sensors
- Structural optimisation methods for mechanical components
- Design and optimisation of a NACA air intake based on machine learning and mesh morphing
- Characterization and modelling of innovative photovoltaic technologies for the energy transition
- Multiaxial fatigue crack initiation and crack propagation rules for components used in nuclear fusion applications
- Development of innovative conductors for power transformers with low environmental impact
The research activities carried out by the PhD students of Cycle XXXVII covered the following topics:
- Development of methodologies for the dynamic analysis and design of centrifugal dampers;
- Engineering design with periodic lattice structures: asymptotic homogenisation and performance optimisation;
- Development of novel 3D printable magnetic materials from in-situ resources (ISRU) for space applications / Development of 3D printed magnetic materials
3D from in-situ resources (ISRU) for space applications;
- A study for the implementation of Lean 4.0 - Integration of Lean Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 / Study for the implementation of Lean 4.0 -
Lean manufacturing and Industry 4.0 integration;
- New Structural Linear and Nonlinear Models and Finite Elements Formulations for Mechanical Design;
- Enabling Technologies for Industry 4.0 - Innovation in Production Process Management;
- Multibody Dynamics Simulation of High Precision Mechanisms with Wide Dynamic Range With Application to a Pulling Equipment in Czochralski
- Advanced innovative methods for the digitisation of the development, planning and control of production processes with the use of integrated information systems
integrated / Advanced innovative methods for the digitisation of development, planning and control of production processes with the use of integrated information systems

Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" - Via Cracovia, 50, 00133 Roma RM