Vincenzo Andreacchio

PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
phone: +39 3409891328
building: 1°Piano Edificio B
room: 1.C.1-4

supervisor: Andrea Bonomi Savignon

I’m a student of XXXVIII PhD cycle in business administration, specifically in the “public management and governance” track at the department of Management and Law. After the end of course of my study with achievement degree in political science (University of Study of Rome “Sapienza”) and master degree in economics and management ( University of Study of Rome “Tor Vergata”), I decided to begin this course of research. After the professional and research experience with the purpose of realizing my thesis work for my master degree, start the interest of Cybersecurity theme in public sector. The goal of my research is to study the development and implementation of public governance and digital transformation strategies in the public sector, with the focus on CyberSecurity. The focus is to describe a progress and determinate the evaluation of information security in a contest of continuous transformation due to pandemic of Covid 19 and geopolitical events.

Research products

Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" - Via Cracovia, 50, 00133 Roma RM