Seminari Seminari e workshop organizzati da docenti internazionali e nazionali che, in accordo con le linee di indirizzo della Scuola di Dottorato dell’Associazione italiana Ingegneria Gestionale (AiIG), si sviluppano secondo quattro cardini fondamentali: METODOLOGIE DI RICERCA, IMPATTO DELLA RICERCA E TRASFERIMENTO TECNOLOGICO, TEACHING. Convegno Innovazione e Sviluppo: Il Trasferimento Tecnologico nell’Ecosistema del Rome Technopole. 4/03/2024 Leadership, comunicazione e carisma 27/04/2023 Trasferimento Tecnologico 16 /17 Febbraio 2023 Qualitative interviews. Modeling and simulation. Developing process theory with narratives (and secondary data). 12/13/14 Dicembre 2022 SUPPLY CHAIN RESEARCH AND INNOVATION BUSINESS MODEL 03/06/2024 IL DATA ACT: LA CIRCOLAZIONE DEI DATI NEL RISPETTO DEI DIRITTI FONDAMENTALI 30/05/2024 Dalla Data Protection alla Data Governance: il Regolamento (UE) 2022/868, Convegno organizzato dalla Cattedra Jean Monnet di Diritto Digitale (Eudila) Metodologia di ricerca per la ricerca di ingegneria gestionale. 23 Novembre 2022 Crowdshipping: A behavioural analysis of public transport passengers 07/06/2024 Although Crowd-Shipping (CS) solutions have substantial potential for increasing the sustainability of urban deliveries they have not been successfully implementing in many cities. There is a need for enhancing understanding of the behaviour of travellers to design more viable schemes. This seminar will describe behavioural models developed to investigate users willingness to participate in public transport based initiatives based on a survey that was conducted in the Sydney metropolitan area. Models were developed to explore different classes of participant characteristics and preferences for accepting CS delivery tasks, under different levels of offered incentives, package weights, and required detour distance at the destination. Models that investigate the use of parcel lockers by crowdshippers at public transport terminals will also be presented. A probabilistic mathematical model with behavioural constraints was used to estimate the probability of accepting CS task by passengers will be outlined. Future research directions will also be explored HOW TO GET PUBLISHED UNDER YOUR INSTITUTION’S OPEN ACCESS AGREEMENT WITH IEEE 11/11/2024 TECH TRANSFER DAY 14/11/2024