
The PhD program in History and Philosophical-Social Sciences is organised in two curricula: History and Philosophical-Social Sciences; it brings together various fields of research, including Medieval, Modern and Contemporary History, Economic and Business History, History of Christianity and the Churches, Political, Theoretical and Moral Philosophy, Aesthetics and Sociology. Scientific dialogue and cooperation among different disciplines and research interests is a fundamental element of the PhD program, which aims to train young researchers capable of reaching levels of excellence in the analysis and methodological skills of historical knowledge and the philosophical-social sciences. Within the framework of a broad internationalization, teaching activities include conferences and seminars with Italian and foreign scholars, some of whom are members of the PhD teaching staff. Co-tutela, exchanges and stays abroad for doctoral students are promoted in order to foster relations with the international networks.


Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" - Via Cracovia, 50, 00133 Roma RM