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Cinzia Arruzza Associate Professor of Philosophy Philosophy Department New School for Social Research 6 East 16th Street, Room 1017 NY 10003, New York +16467041191 Istruzione 2005 Dottorato in filosofia, Università di Roma Tor Vergata. 1999 Laurea in filosofia, 110/110 cum laude, Università di Roma Tor Vergata. Titoli 2022 Abilitazione a Professore di Prima Fascia in Storia della Filosofia, Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca (MIUR), Italy. Impiego 2017- Associate Professor, Philosophy Department, New School for Social Research. 2019 Visiting Professor, Università di Bologna. 2018 Visiting Professor, Università del Piemonte Orientale. 2018 Visiting Professor, Università di Roma Tor Vergata. 2010-2017 Assistant Professor, Philosophy Department, New School for Social Research. 2014 Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Alumni Fellowship, Università di Bonn. 2009-2010 Professore a contratto, Università di Bonn. 2008-2010 Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Postdoctoral Fellowship, Università di Bonn. 2007-2008 Professore a contratto, Storia della Filosofia Tardoantica, Università di Roma Tor Vergata. 2006-2007 Teaching Assistant, Storia della Filosofia Tardoantica, Università di Roma Tor Vergata. 2005-2006 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Università di Fribourg (Svizzera). Pubblicazioni In corso di stampa ‘Wearing Virtue: Plato’s Republic V, 449a-457b and the Socratic Debate on Women’s Nature’ (forthcoming, Archai 33, 2023). ‘Tyranny and Shamelessness in Plato and Today’, in Demokratie und Populismus in der griechischen Antike und Heute (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde), edited by in Ch. Riedweg, R. Schmid, A. V. Walser, de Gruyter Berlin/Boston (forthcoming). ‘The Soul, Virtue, and Women’s Nature in First-Generation Socratics’, in On the Soul. Acts of the UNR Symposium, March 31-April 1, 2022, edited by Marina Marren, Mercer University Press (forthcoming). In preparazione Socrates’ Women. Virtue, the Soul and Sexual difference in the Socratic Circle and Plato’s Dialogues, book manuscript (contratto con OUP). Plotin, Traité 26, (Contratto con Vrin). ‘The Madness of Philosophy and the Limits of Human Moderation in Plato’s Phaedrus 249d-257b, in Plato’s Phaedrus, edited by Pierre Destrée, Christoph Horn, and Susan Sauvé Meyer, “Plato Dialogue Project”, Oxford University Press (submission deadline: giugno 2023). ‘Justice of the First Wave in Plato’s Republic 5’. Books Filosofia antica 2018 A Wolf in the City. Tyranny and the Tyrant in Plato’s Republic, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Recensioni: Notre Dame Philosophical Review 2019.03.11 (R. Kraut); The Journal of the History of Philosophy, 5, 4, 2019 (M. Johnstone); The Philosophical Quarterly, 9 August 2019 (J. W. Carter); The Review of Metaphysics 73, 1, 2019 (Kevin M/ Cherry); Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.11.39 (Jakub Jirsa); Etudes platoniciennes 6, 2019 (Carolina Araújo); Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter, 22, 2020 (Vanessa Jansche); Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie (Chris Bobonich); The Heythrop Journal 62:2, 2021 (Robin Waterfield); Journal of Hellenic Studies 141, 2021 (Geoffrey Bowe). 2015 Plotinus. Ennead II 5. On What is Potentially and What Actually. Translation with an Introduction and Commentary, ‘The Enneads of Plotinus Series’ (editors: John Dillon and Andrew Smith), Parmenides Press, Las Vegas. 2011 Les Mésaventures de la théodicée. Plotin, Origène et Grégoire de Nysse, Brepols, “Nutrix” Series, Turnhout. Filosofia politica 2019 (con Tithi Bhattacharya e Nancy Fraser), Feminism for the 99%. A Manifesto, Verso, London and New York (translated into 30 languages). 2017 (con Lidia Cirillo), Storia delle storie del femminismo, Edizioni Alegre, Roma. 2013 Dangerous Liaisons, Marriages and Divorces of Marxism and Feminism, The Merlin Press, London (tradotto in divere lingue). Articoli in riviste peer-reviewed Storia della filosofia antica 2022 ‘I tre tiranni della Repubblica di Platone e la critica della democrazia ateniese’, Filosofia Politica, 3/2022 2018 ‘The Lion and the Wolf: The Tyrant’s Spirit in Plato’s Republic’, Ancient Philosophy, 38:1, pp. 47-67. 2017 ‘From Democracy to Tyranny: Plato, Trump, and the Misuses of a Philosophical Trope’, Bollettino della Società Filosofica Italiana, settembre-dicembre, pp. 69-81 . 2012 ‘“Cleaning the City”. Plato and Popper on political Change’, Polis. The Journal of the Society for Greek Political Thought, 29:2, pp. 259-285. 2012 ‘Plato’s World-Maker in Origen’s Contra Celsum’, Horizons, 3:1, pp. 61-80. 2011 ‘The Private and the Common in Plato’s Republic’, History of Political Thought, 32:2, pp. 215-233. 2011 ‘Passive potentiality in the physical realm: Plotinus’ critique of Aristotle in Enneads II 5 [25]’, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 1, pp. 24-57. 2009 ‘Le refus du bonheur. Négligence et chute dans la pensée d’Origène’, Revue de Théologie et de Philosophie, 141, pp. 261-272. 2007 ‘La matière immatérielle chez Grégoire de Nysse’, Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie, 54, pp. 215-223. 2003 ‘Ordo e mediazione gerarchica nelle Expositiones in ierarchiam coelestem di Giovanni Scoto Eriugena’, Studi medievali, IIIa S., XLIV: II, pp.117-145. Filosofia politica 2020 (with Patrick King), ‘“Class Struggle is not a Game.” Daniel Bensaïd’s Relational Conception of Class’, Século XXI, 10:1, pp. 21-44. 2017 ‘Capitalism and the Conflict over Universality: A Feminist Perspective’, Philosophy Today, 61:4. 2016 ‘Functionalist, Determinist, Reductionist: Social Reproduction Feminism and its Critics’, Science & Society, 80:1, pp. 9-30. 2015 ‘Marx’s Gendered Temporalities’, Historical Materialism, 23:4, pp. 49-59. 2015 ‘Gender as Social Temporality: Butler (and Marx)’, Historical Materialism, 23:1, pp. 28-52. 2015 ‘Genere e capitale: la critica marxiana dell’ecomia politica e il femminismo’, Iride, 1, pp. 79-94. Capitoli in volume Filosofia antica 2019 ‘Bad Lovers and Lovers of the Demos in Plato’s Gorgias and Phaedrus’, in Philosophie für die Polis. Akten des 5. internationalen Kongresses der Gesellschaft für Antike Philosophie in Zürich (6.–9. September 2016), ed. by Christoph Riedweg, de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 203-220. 2019 (with Aaron Jaffe), ‘Ancient Philosophy’, in The Bloomsbury Companion to Marx, ed. by Jeff Diamanti, Andrew Pendakis and Imre Szeman, Bloomsbury, London, pp. 175-184. 2016 ‘Philosophical Dogs and Tyrannical Wolves in Plato’s Republic’, in Philosophy and Political Power in Antiquity, ed. by C. Arruzza and D. Nikulin, Brill, Leiden. 2013 ‘Being True to One’s Birth: What is gennaion in the Noble Falsehood of the Republic?’, in Plato Revived, ed. by Filip Karfik and Euree Song, de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 278-289. Filosofia politica 2021 ‘Feminist Movements in a Pandemic World: Toward a New Class Politics’, in Class and Redistribution, ed. by Farah Aksoy, Meagan Down, and Corina Oprea, L’Internationale Online, pp. 25-44 ( 2021 ‘Three Debates in Marxist Feminism’, in The Sage Handbook of Marxism, ed. by Svenja Bromberg, Sara R. Farris, Beverley Skeggs, & Alberto Toscano, SAGE, London, Vol. 3, pp. 1354-1372 2021 ‘Feminismo, clase y reproducción social’, in Clase, proceso de trabajo y reproducción social: Ampliando las perspectivas de los estudios laborales, ed. by M. Atzeni, R. Elbert, C. Marticorena, J. Montero Bressan and J. Soul, Conice, Buenos Aires, pp. 228-240. 2017 ‘Capitalism’s Insidious Charm vs. Women’s and Sexual Liberation’, in Feminism, Capitalism, and Critique. Essays in Honor of Nancy Fraser, ed. by B. Bargu and C. Bottici, Palgrave McMillan, pp. 85-100. 2015 ‘Il genere del capitale. Introduzione al femminismo marxista’, in Storia del marxismo.Vol 3: Economia, politica, cultura: Marx oggi, ed. by Stefano Petrucciani, Carocci editore, Roma. 2013 ‘Of What is Anarcha-feminism the Name?’, in The Anarchist Turn, ed. by Chiara Bottici, Jacob Blumenfeld and Simon Critchley, Pluto Press, London, pp. 111-123. 2012 ‘“La femme est l’avenir du spectre”? Le genre, le capital, et le marxisme de Daniel Bensaïd’, in Daniel Bensaïd, l’intempestif, ed. by François Sabado, Editions La Decouverte, Paris. 2008 (con Antonio Montefusco) ‘Come perdere l’aureola. Vademecum per la ricerca precaria’, in L’onda anomala. Alla ricerca dell’autopolitica, Edizioni Alegre, Roma. Articoli in rivista 2018 ‘From Women’s Strike to a New Class Movement: The Third Feminist Wave’, Viewpoint Magazine: 2017 ‘Italy’s Refusal’, New Left Review, 103, pp. 117-127. 2015 ‘Logic or History? The Political Stakes of Marxist Feminist Theory’, Viewpoint Magazine: 2014 ‘Remarks on Gender’, Viewpoint Magazine: 2013 ‘The Authority of Reason: on John Scottus Eriugena’s Periphyseon, I, 508C-513C’, Glossator, 7. 2010 ‘Le temps du retour. Temporalité et apocatastase dans le Perì Archôn d’Origène’, in Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis, Theologica Olomucensia,10, pp. 69-78. 2010 ‘Vers une union queer de marxisme et féminisme?’, in Contretemps, 6, pp. 89-100. 2009 (con Felice Mometti) ‘Le berlusconisme et la transition autoritaire’, in Contretemps, 4, pp. 91-99. Curatela di numeri di rivista 2020 (con Kelly Gawel), ‘The Politics of Social Reproduction’, Special Issue, CLC Web, Comparative Literature and Culture, 22:2. 2016 (con Patrick King), ‘Symposium on Daniel Bensaïd’, Historical Materialism 24:4. 2015 (con Christoph Horn, Dmitri Nikulin, ed Emidio Spinelli), ‘Hans Jonas: the Thinker of Antiquity and Modernity’, Giornale Critico di Storia delle Idee, 14. Curatela di volumi 2016 (con Dmitri Nikulin), Philosophy and Political Power in Antiquity, Brill, Leiden. 2008 Pensare con Marx, ripensare Marx. Teorie per il nostro tempo, Edizioni Alegre, Roma. Recensioni 2023 ‘Taming Politics. Plato and the Democratic Roots of Tyrannical Man. By Ivan Jordović. Stuttgart: Steiner 2019. 236 S. (Studies in Ancient Monarchies. 5.)’, Gnomon, 95, 2, pp. 175-176. 2021 ‘Dangerous Counsel. Accountability and Advice in Ancient Greece. By Matthew Landauer. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2020’, Polis 38: 2, pp. 336-339. 2020 ‘Plato as Critical Theorist. By Jonny Thakkar. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2018’, Ancient Philosophy 40:1, pp. 217-221. 2017 ‘Plotinus and Epicurus: Matter, Perception, Pleasure. Edited by Angela Longo and Daniela Patrizia Taormina. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016’, Ancient Philosophy, 37:2. 2016 ‘Andreas Bedke, Anthropologie als Mosaik. Die Aufnahme antiker Philosophie durch Gregor von Nyssa in seiner Schrift De hominis opificio, Münster : Aschendorff 2012’, Gnomon, 88, pp. 171-173. 2014 ‘James Wilberding and Christoph Horn (eds.), Neoplatonism and the Philosophy of Nature, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012’, Aestimatio: Critical Reviews in the History of Science, 11, pp. 253-259. 2014 ‘Kevin M. Cherry, Plato, Aristotle, and the Purpose of Politics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2012’, Ancient Philosophy, 34:2, pp. 432-436. 2013 ‘Mario Vegetti, Un paradigma in cielo’. Platone politico da Aristotele al Novecento, Rome: Carocci, 2009, Historical Materialism, 21:1, pp. 185-195. 2009 ‘Wilfried Kühn, Quel savoir après le scepticisme ? Plotin et ses prédécesseurs sur la conscience de soi, Vrin, Paris 2009’, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 3, pp 322-325. Traduzioni in italiano 2010 Eustache Kouvélakis, Philosophie et Révolution. De Kant à Marx, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris 2003 (Filosofia e rivoluzione. Da Kant a Marx, Edizioni Alegre, Roma 2010). 2009 Slavoj Žižek, First as Tragedy, then as Farce, Verso, London 2009 (Dalla tragedia alla farsa, Ponte Alle Grazie, Milano 2010). Slavoj Žižek, In Defense of Lost Causes, Verso, London 2008 (In difesa delle cause perse, Ponte Alle Grazie, Milano 2009). 2008 Georges Didi-Huberman, Ce que nous voyons, ce qui nous regarde, Les Editions de Minuit, Paris 1992 (Il gioco delle evidenze, Fazi Editore, Roma 2008). 2007 Daniel Bensaïd, Marx l’intempestif, Editions Fayard, Paris 1995 (Marx l’intempestivo, Edizioni Alegre, Roma 2007). Daniel Bensaïd, Les trotskysmes, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris 2002 (Chi sono questi troskisti?, Edizioni Alegre, Roma 2007). Associazioni professionali internazionali e redazioni 2022- Membro dell’Editorial Board of “Polity”, Journal of NPSA 2022- Membro del Collegio di dottorato in filosofia, Università di Roma Tor Vergata. 2022 Membro del Board del Centro studi dipartimentale “Marx e i marxismi”, Università di Padova. 2022 - Membro del Comitato Scientifico di “Archai: The Origins of Western Thought”. 2021- Membro dell’International Scientific Committee del Centro per la Teoria Critica e la Politica, Ca’ Foscari Università di Venezia. 2016 - Membro dell’Editorial Review Board di “Theoria and Praxis: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Thought”. 2015- Affiliato esterno del Centre for Philosophy and Critical Thought, Goldsmiths University of London. Referaggi Fellowships 2020 Anonymous peer-reviewer, American Academy in Berlin Prize Fellowship. 2019 Anonymous peer-reviewer, American Academy in Berlin Prize Fellowship. Riviste accademiche Ancient Philosophy; Apeiron; Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie; Classical Quarterly; Elenchos: rivista di studi sul pensiero antico; Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy; Iride: Rivista di filosofia e di discussione pubblica; Journal of Hellenic Studies; Plato: Journal of the International Plato Society; Methexis; Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek and Roman Thought; Review of Metaphysics. Case editrici Bloomsbury; Oxford University Press; Pluto Press; Routledge; Verso Books. SERVICE Organizazzione di convegni internazionali 2017 (con Paul Kottman) Marx, Arts, Politics. Contemporary Reflections, The New School for Social Research, May 4-5. 2016 (con Chiara Bottici and Nancy Fraser) Feminism, Capitalism and Social Transformation, New School for Social Research, New York, April 21-22. 2014 (con Christoph Horn, Dmitri Nikulin, Emidio Spinelli) Hans Jonas und die Klassische Philosophie, Mönchengladbach, December 15-17. 2013 (con Dmitri Nikulin) Tyrants, Kings, Emperors, and Philosophers: Philosophy and Political Power in Antiquity, New School for Social Research, New York, May 10-11. 2010 (con Damian Caluori) Neoplatonic Epistemology and the Limits of Reason, panel at 2010 ISNS Madrid Conference. 2008 “Cosa vogliamo? Vogliamo tutto”. Il Sessantotto quarant’anni dopo, II International Conference organizzata dal Centro Studi Livio Maitan, Roma, 1-31 febbraio. 2007 Pensare con Marx, ripensare Marx, I International Conference organizzata dal Centro Studi Livio Maitan, Roma, 25-26 gennaio. Supervisione di tesi di dottorato 2014 Aaron Jaffe, Alienation from “Species-Being” An Investigation of Marx’s Philosophical Anthropology, The New School for Social Research, Philosophy Department (awarded the NSSR prize for best dissertation in philosophy and sociology). 2015 Elizabeth Suergiu, The Philosopher’s Mirror: Imitation and Image Making in Socratic Dialectic, The New School for Social Research, Philosophy Department. 2018 Juniper Alcorn, Pregnancy is not a Choice: Toward a Feminist Philosophical Critique of Sexual Reproduction, The New School for Social Research, Philosophy Department. 2019 Joshua Nicholas Pineda, Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: Theory and Critique in the Marxist and Post-Marxist Traditions, The New School for Social Research, Philosophy Department (awarded the NSSR prize for best dissertation in philosophy and sociology). 2021 Daniel Boscov Ellen, After the Flood. Political Philosophy in the Capitalocene, The New School for Social Research, Philosophy Department. In corso Aaron Berman Pedro Dotto Kelly Gawel Lygia Georgiou Marcello Kilani Mithra Lehn Jase Short Purnima Tulsyan Samuel Yelton Miranda Young Chen Weioqing External Examiner 2022 René de Nicolay, The Origins of Licence: Excessive Freedom in Ancient Political Philosophy, Classics Department of Princeton University and Doctoral School 540 of Paris Sciences et Lettres University. Conferenze 2023 ‘The Logic of Sexual Difference and Equality in Plato’s Republic 5”, WIP, Philosophy and Classics Departments, NYU, February 10. 2022 ‘La logica della differenza e dell’uguaglianza sessuale nel libro V della Repubblica di Platone’, Scuola Normale Superiore, 20 dicembre. ‘La tirannide democratica e la sua psicologia morale nei libri VIII e IX della Repubblica di Platone’, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, 19 dicembre. ‘Philosophical Madness and the Limits of Human Moderation in Plato’s Phaedrus’, Boston University, 10 novembre. ‘Phaedrus, 249d-257b’, Plato Dialogue Project, Athens, 22-24 setembre ‘Wearing Virtue, Plato’s Republic V, 449a-457b and the Socratic Debate on Women’s Nature”, International Symposium Pato Today!, 12-14 settembre (online). ‘Philosophical Madness and the Limits of Human Moderation in Plato’s Phaedrus’, Philosophy Department, NSSR, 8 settembre. ‘‘Plotinus’ Critique of Aristotle in Ennead 3.6 [26].8-10’, Plotinus Conference, Princeton University, Philosophy Department, 3-4 settembre. ‘The Feminist Strike Movement and the Question of Universalism’, Philosophy Department, University of Utrecht, 2 giugno. MA Guest Lecture, ‘Virtue and Sexual Difference in the Socratic Circle’, Philosophy Department, University of Utrecht, 2 giugno. MA Guest Lecture, ‘Feminism and Social Reproduction’, Philosophy Department, Loyola University, 12 aprile. ‘The Androgynous Soul and the Socratic Circle’, UNR Symposium on the Soul, 31 marzo e 1 aprile. Keynote speaker, Central PA Consortium WGSS Conference, 25 marzo. 2021 ‘Feminist Movements in a Pandemic World’, “Social Reproduction in/under Crisis”, Department of Gender and Women’s Studies, Berkeley University, 12 aprile. ‘Philosopher-Queens: A Social Reproduction Reading of the First Two Waves in Plato’s Republic V’, WIP talks, Classics Department, NYU, 8 aprile. ‘Philosopher-Queens: A Social Reproduction Reading of the Abolition of the Oikos in Plato’s Republic Book V’, “I Jornada Archai Gênero e Antiguidade: problemas e métodos”, University of Brasilia, 22 febbraio. ‘Reading Philosophical Arguments in Historical Context: A Disappearing Art’, “Historical Materialism and the Classics”, AIA/SCS Joint Annual Meeting, 5-10 gennaio. ‘Tyranny and Shamelessness in Pato and Today’, “New Perspectives on Plato’s Internal Critique of the Athenian Politeia”, AIA/SCS Joint Annual Meeting, 5-10 gennario. 2020 ‘Readings and Misreadings of Primitive Accumulation’, The Franke Lectures in the Humanities, Yale McMillan Center, 9 dicembre. ‘Democracy, tyranny, and Shamelessness in Plato’s Republic’, “Demokratie und Populismus in der griechischen Antike und heute”, ZAZH – Zentrum Altertumswissenschaften Zürich, 12-14 febbraio. 2019 ‘Democratic Hedonism and its Tyrannical Child in Plato’s Republic’, The C.J. de Vogel symposium “21st century Plato”, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 29 novembre. Invited panelist, Ethics Here and Now: Racial Justice, Reproductive Justice, Climate Justice, Symposium, Fairfield University, 4 ottobre. Keynote speaker, Conference of the Interdisciplinary Center for Studies and Research on Marx and Marxism, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói-Rio de Janeiro, August 26-30, 2019. ‘Plato on Shame’, Philosophy in Assos. Plato, July 1-4. ‘Social Reproduction, Class Formation and the New Feminist Wave’, The Future with Marx, International Conference, Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences, May 24-25. Feminism for the 99%. A Manifesto, book panels in Berlin, Bologna, Philadelphia, Milan, New York, Naples, Rome, Padua, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago de Chile, Seattle, Zagreb. ‘What's the Need for Shame? Plato on Shamelesness and Injustice’, Scranton University, February 27. ‘Beyond the Logic of Parallel Movements: the New Feminist Wave as Class Formation’, International Conference on Feminism and Marxism, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), February 11-12. 2018 Invited Panelist at the 8th Conference of the Latin America Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), Buenos Aires, November 19-23, 2018. ‘La lutte féministe comme lutte de classe : retour sur la question du sujet de l’histoire’, Socialisme/communisme. Penser et construire les alternatives, International conference, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Paris-Nord, November 9-10. ‘Social Reproduction and Class Struggle’, Keynote talk at the 9th International Marx & Engels Colloquium, University of Campinas – Unicamp Campinas (SP), Brazil, July 17-20. ‘Reflections on class, feminism and the work of social reproduction’, Keynote speaker, 36th International Labour Process Conference, University of Buenos Aires, March 21-23. 2017 ‘Clever Villains: The Tyrant’s Reason in Plato’s Republic’, CUNY Graduate Center, Classics Department, December 8. ‘Bad Lovers and Lovers of the Demos: What Phaedrus Shows about Callicles [and vice versa]’, Vassar College, November 29. ‘Capitalism and the Conflict over Universality’, Feminism and Marxism: an Unhappy Marriage?, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, November 8-10. ‘From Democracy to Tyranny: Plato, Trump, and the Misuses of a Philosophical Trope’, Trump Philosophy, The Arendt-Schurmann Annual Symposium in Political Philosophy, April 28-29. Respondant to Jessica Moss, ‘Why can rhetoric produce only doxa?’, Between Philosophy and Rhetoric, NYU Classics Department, May 13-14. Keynote speaker at the Final Plenary ‘The International Women’s Strike and the Anticapitalist Feminist Movement’, Historical Materialism Conference, New York City, April 23. 2016 ‘Tyrannical Democracy’s Deceiving Gentleness in Plato’s Republic’, Kratology: Workshop at the Institute for Comparative Literature and Society, Columbia University, November 10. Translation and Commentary of Plotinus, Ennead V 3, 9-10, Plotinus Workshop, Cornell University, October 28-30. ‘The Demos and its Son: Tyranny and the Critique of Democracy in Plato’s Republic’, Keynote Speaker at the Ancient Philosophy Society at SPEP 2016, Salt Lake City, October 20. ‘Let Us Take Care of Ourselves: Stoic Exercises and Foucault’, STOICON 2016, New York City, October 15. ‘Plato’s Critique of Tyranny as a Critique of Democracy in Republic VIII and IX’, Philosophie für die Polis, GANPH, Universität Zurich, September 6-9. ‘Repenser l’oppression des femmes et le capitalisme : théorie unitaire et reproduction sociale’, CNRS, Séminaire Féminismes matérialistes et analyses critiques, Paris, May 17. ‘Bad Lovers and Lovers of the Demos: What the Phaedrus Shows about Callicles’, at Phaedrus Workshop, CUNY, March 18-19. ‘Gender and Sexuality: within and beyond Capitalism’, at the Conference ‘Jenseits des Kapitalismus’, Wuppertal University, February 4-6. 2015 ‘Capitalism and the Conflict over Universality: a Feminist Perspective’, at Thinking Universalities, De Paul University, Chicago, October 23-24. ‘Conflictual Universality: A Feminist Perspective on Revolution’, at Rethinking Revolution, University of Helsinki, September 25. 2015 ‘The Gender of Capital: Women’s Oppression and Capital’s Reproduction’, University of Helsinki, September 22. ‘Spirit in Plato's Republic and the Tyrant’s Psychopathology’, New School for Social Research, September 17. ‘Il corpus degli scritti platonici: una rilettura di insieme’, Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza, March 31. ‘Il lupo e il tiranno: il thumos del tiranno nella Repubblica di Platone’, Università degli studi di Milano, March 10. ‘The Wolf and the Lion: The Tyrant’s Spirit in Plato’s Republic’, at the Conference on Ancient Philosophy, University of Bonn, January 21. ‘Loups et lions. Le thumos du tyran chez Platon’, University of Fribourg (CH), November 24. 2014 ‘Gender as Social Temporality: Butler (and Marx)’, Applied Philosophy Lyceum, Middle Tennessee State University, March 28. ‘Social Reproduction Feminism and its Critics’, School of Politics and International Relations, Queen Mary University of London, January 30. ‘On Plato and Foucault’, MA lecture, CIDRAL Theory Intensive, University of Manchester, January 29, 2014. Series of book panels on Dangerous Liaisons. Marriages and Divorces of Marxism and Feminism: Oxford, January 27, 2014; London, January 28, 2014; Manchester, January 29, 2014. 2013 ‘Social Reproduction Feminism and its Critics’, at the workshop Crisis, Critique, Capitalism, Collège d’études mondiales under the auspices of the Chair in “Global Justice”, Paris, November 21-23. ‘Philosophical Dogs and Tyrannical Wolves in Plato’s Republic’, Hannah Arendt and Reiner Schürmann Symposium in Political Philosophy, New School for Social Research, May 10-11. ‘Gender as Social Temporality: Butler (and Marx)’, Critical Theory Conference, University of Oregon, April 18-20. ‘Non sono ammesse deviazioni: causalità e atomismo epicureo in Plotino, Enneade III 1’, Conference Gli atomi di Epicuro e l’ordine di Plotino, University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, March 7-8. 2012 Translation and commentary of Plotinus, Enneads IV 3 (27), 4, Plotinus Workshop, Cornell University, Ithaca, November 2-4, 2012. Translation and commentary of Plotinus, Enneads, V 1(10), 4, 1-21, Plotinus Colloquium, Paris, May 18-19. 2011 Translation and commentary of Plotinus, Enneads I 1, 6-7, 6, Plotinus Workshop, Cornell University, Ithaca, October 28-30. ‘Cleaning the City. Plato and Popper on Political Change’, Trinity University, San Antonio, October 7. ‘Plato’s World-Maker in Origen’s Contra Celsum’, at the Symposium Demiurge: the World-Maker in the Platonic Tradition’, Institute of Humanities and Institute of Philosophy, Seoul National University, Seoul, September 8-9. ‘Cleaning the City. Plato and Popper on Political Change’, University of Bonn, July 1. ‘Gender Performativity and Capital Performativity’, 2nd NY Historical Materialism Conference, The New School for Social Research, New York, May 6-8. ‘What is Anarchafeminism the Name for?’, at the 2011 Arendt-Schürmann Symposium, “The Anarchist Turn”, The New School for Social Research, New York, 5-6 May. 2010 ‘The Private and the Common in Plato’s Republic’, The New School for Social Research, New York, 9 March. 2009 Translation and Commentary on Plotinus, Enneades, III 6, 2, 1-22, Plotinus Colloquium, Rome, 22-23 May. 2008 Translation and Commentary on Plotinus, Enneades, I 5, 6, 6-16, Plotinus Colloquium, University of Oslo, 6-7 June. ‘Le refus du bonheur. Négligence et chute dans la pensée d’Origène’, University of Geneva, April 23. 2007 ‘Le temps du retour. Temporalité et apocatastase dans le Peri Archôn d’Origène’, University of Olomouc (Czech Republic), April 23-25. 2006 ‘Matière immatérielle chez Grégoire de Nysse’, Journée d’études ‘Paradoxes de la philosophie entre Antiquité et Moyen Age’, University of Fribourg, June 6.

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