email: wafaa.raouf@hotmail.com

1- Bachelor of Al-Alsun, May 1999, with a very good grade with honours, Ain Shams University.
2- Pre-master’s degree, May 2001, Faculty of Al-Alsun, Ain Shams University.
3- MA in Modern Italian Literature, Faculty of Al-Alsun, Ain Shams University, with excellent grade, October 2003.
4- PhD in Modern Italian Literature, Faculty of Al-Alsun, Ain Shams University, with excellent grade with honours, May 2006.
Scientific missions
1- Italian Language Faculty Development Scholarship, University of Siena, Italy, July-September 2001.
2- PhD scholarship in Italian literature, to the Faculty of Arts, University of Rome, Italy from February to December 2005
3- Scientific assignment at the University of Rome La Sapienza from July to September 2008.
Employment history
1- Researcher, Department of Italian Language, Faculty of Al-Alsun, Minia University, from 2000 to 2001
2- Demonstrator, Department of Italian Language, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University, from 29 May 2001 to 12 January 2004.
3- Assistant Lecturer at the same college, January 13, 2004, to September 23, 2006.
4- Lecturer at the same college from September 24, 2006, to January 23, 2012.
5- Assistant Professor of Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature at the same faculty from January 24, 2012, to March 27, 2017.
6- Professor of Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature at the same faculty since March 28, 2017.
7- Acting Head of the Italian Language Department at the same college from September 11, 2012, to September 22, 2014.
8- Acting Head of the Department of Italian Language and Literature from 19 September 2015 to 26 May 2017
9- Chairman of the Board of the Department of Italian Language and Literature from May 27, 2017, to May 26, 2020.
Honoris and Awards:
- Chevalier of the Order of the Star of Italy 9/12/2020.
- Naji Noman Literary Award, Honour Award for Complete Works, 2022.
Academic Activities
1- Professor of Modern Italian Literature and Criticism, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University.
2- Associate Professor, Department of Italian Language, Faculty of Languages and Translation, Al-Azhar University.
3- Head of the first-year control at the Faculty of Arts - Helwan University, for the academic year 2016-2017.
4- Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Helwan University.
5- Professor of Italian Language in the joint program between the Faculty of Engineering - Helwan University, and the Italian University of Uninettuno since 2011 until now.
6- Visiting Professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Rome Sapienza.
7- External reviewer for doctoral research in Islamic civilization: history and philology, thirtieth session 2014/2017, Department of Oriental Studies, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, University of Rome Sapienza.
8- External reviewer for the program of the Department of Italian Language and Literature at the Faculty of Al-Alsun, Ain Shams University for the academic year 2017/2018.
9- External reviewer for doctoral research in comparative studies: languages, literatures and arts, thirty-first session, specialization in Italian studies, University of Rome Torvergata, 2019-2023.
10- External reviewer to study the research plan and self-scientific activities at the Faculty of Arts, Helwan University for the academic years 2015/2019.
11- Member of the lists of arbitrators for examining scientific production to fill the positions of professors and assistant professors, thirteenth and fourteenth sessions, Supreme Council of Universities (2020-2023/2023-2025).
Practical activities
1- Consultant of developing exams for the development of Italian language teachers in secondary schools.
2- Member of the Committee for the Development of Italian Language Curricula in Secondary Education.
3- Member of the Committee for Writing Italian as a Second Foreign Language in Egyptian Schools.
4- Member of the selection committee for Italian language textbooks in secondary schools.
5- Chairman of the committee to develop the entrance exam for 30,000 teachers in the Ministry of Education.
6- Head of the translation team to and from Italian at Al-Azhar Center for Translation from 2016 until now.
7- Chairman of the Plida Examination Committee in Egypt, Dante Alighieri Association/National Association for Social Assistance A.N.A.S., from December 2022 till now.
Participate in the editing and arbitration of international and local scientific periodicals
1- Editor of the annual journal BIGLI (General Bibliography of Italian Language and Literature), Salerno Publishing House, Italy.
2- Editor of the journal (Observatory of Studies on Pavese around the World), supervised by Prof. Antonio Catalfamo, Center for Pavese Studies, Cuneo, Italy.
3- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal (Quepos) for the Studies of Italian Literature, Clore Publications, Italy.
4- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Lušinia Series - Series of Criticism, Italian Studies and Philology, Arcane Publishing House, Italy.
5- Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Reviewer of the Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt.
6- References for the periodical (Al-Alsun newspaper), Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
7- Reviewer for the Journal of Languages and Translation, Faculty of Al-Alsun, Minia University, Egypt.
8- Reviewer for the Journal of Middle East Research, Middle East Research Center, Ain Shams University, Egypt.
9- Reviewer for the journal (Egyptian Journal of Linguistics and Translation), Scientific Publishing Center, Sohag University, Egypt.
10- References for the journal (Journal of Al-Alsun for Languages and Humanities), Luxor University, Egypt.
Scientific societies
1- Member of the International Union of Italian Language Teachers (AIPI).
2- Member of the Alumni Association of the Faculty of Al-Alsun (Ain Shams University).
3- Member of the Association of Learners of Literature and Italian Language (ADI).
4- Member of the Egyptian Translators and Linguists Association.
5- Member of the Canadian Association of Italian Studies (CAIS).
Charities with cultural activities
1- Member of the National Society for Social Assistance (Antonio Schiaparelli) A.N.A.S.
2- Member of the Italian charity S.I.B.
Supervising scientific theses
1- The Image of China in Marco Polo's "The Million", "China-Japan" by Jovanni Comisso, and "Cultural Revolution in China" by Alberto Moravia, PhD thesis, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University.
2- The folk tale between the Italian and Arab worlds in the works of Luigi Capuana and Abdel Tawab Youssef, a comparative study, PhD thesis, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University.
3- The concept of freedom and tyranny according to Alfieri and Al-Kawakibi, a comparative analytical study, PhD thesis, Faculty of Languages and Translation, Al-Azhar University.
4- The Image of Islam in Italian Textbooks and Journalism, A Critical Analytical Study, PhD Thesis, Faculty of Languages and Translation, Al-Azhar University.
5- The Ego and the Other Between "Life in Egypt" by Enrico Pia and "The Clash of Civilizations over an Elevator in Piazza Vittorio" by Amara Lakhous, PhD thesis, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University.
6- The Image of Political Power in (His Eminence Tito) by (Pietro Metastasio) and (Philip) by (Vittorio Alfieri), master’s Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University.
7- The crisis of southern society after World War II in the novels (The Spiral Mist) and (Evening Skies) by "Michael Briscoe", Master's Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University.
8- History and the World of Visions in “The Search for the Emperor" and "The Floating Room" by (Roberto Pazzi), an analytical study, Master's Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University.
9- The Dream of Return in the Poetry of Lina Gali and Raffaele Ciccone, Analytical Study, PhD Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University.
10- The sense of patriotism in the poems of Manzoni, Birkett and Mamili, an analytical study, PhD thesis, Faculty of Languages and Translation, Al-Azhar University.
11- Cultural exchange between Africa and Italy in “Immigrato" by Salah Mithnani and "Me, the Elephant Seller" by Bab Khoma, an analytical study, Master's thesis, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University.
12- The symbol and reality in the novels "The Circular Dance", "The Return Party" and "Between Bahrain" by the Italian writer Carmine Abate, an analytical study, PhD thesis, Faculty of Al-Alsun, Minia University.
13- Trends of Contemporary Islamic Sufism in Italy, PhD Thesis, Faculty of Languages and Translation, Al-Azhar University.
14- The transformations of Italian society during the economic boom in the novels "The Bitter Life" by Luciano Bianchardi and "Memoirs" by Paolo Volponi, a comparative study, PhD thesis, Faculty of Languages and Translation, Al-Azhar University.
15- The concepts of "nothingness" and "possible" in the book Zibaldone by the Italian writer Giacomo Leopardi, an analytical and hermeneutical study, master’s thesis, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University.
16- Italian stories in L'Imparziale between 1892 and 1930, analytical study, master's thesis, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University.
17- Feminist Identity in Migration Literature in the Works of Igiaba Scego and Gabriella Kuruvilla, Analytical Study, PhD Thesis, Faculty of Al-Alsun, Minia University.
18- The image of Egypt between the books Life in Egypt by Enrico Pia and Courtyard in Cleopatra by Fausta Cialente, a study from the perspective of image science, master’s thesis, Faculty of Languages and Translation, Al-Azhar University.
19- The Journey to the East in the books "The Two Million" by Marco Polo and "Hidden Cities" by Italo Calvino, a comparative study, master’s thesis, Faculty of Languages and Translation, Al-Azhar University.
20- Resistance literature in the novels "Men and Non-Men" by Elio Vittorini and "In Our House is a Man" by Ihsan Abdel Quddus, a comparative study, master’s thesis, Faculty of Languages and Translation, Al-Azhar University.
21- The pattern of auditory cues in the interactive video and its impact on developing the skill of oral communication in Italian among secondary school students, Master's thesis in Education, specializing in curricula and methods of teaching educational technology and the production of educational materials, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University.
22- The Journey and Self-Reconciliation in the Novels "Blue China" and "The Ink of China" by the Italian writer Bamboo Hirst, an analytical study, master’s thesis, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University.
23- The bourgeois world in the novel "The Materasi Sisters" by the Italian writer Aldo Palazzaeschi, an analytical study, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University.
24- History and Fiction in the Novel "The Illusion" by Sebastiano Vassali, Analytical Study, master’s Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University.
25- Cultural Identity in Laila Wadia's Literary Works, master’s Thesis, Faculty of Languages and Translation, Al-Azhar University.
26- The image of the illegal immigrant in the novels "The Zombies" by Marco Lodoli and "The Clash of Civilizations in an Elevator in Piazza Vittorio" by Amara Lakhous, master’s Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University.
Scientific Conferences
1- International Conference "Saba an Extraordinary traveller", Milan, Italy, 14-16 November 2007.
2- International Conference "East-West Relationship: Dialectics and Comparisons", Cairo, Egypt, 31 March 2009 to 2 April 2009.
3- Third International Workshop of "Country of Arrival Italy" entitled "The Image of Italy: The Portrait Painted by Migrants", Helwan University, Egypt in collaboration with the University of Oxford, UK, 3-4 October 2011.
4- International Conference "Alberto Moravia and America", Alberto Moravia Center in collaboration with John Capote University, Rome, Italy, 19-21 May 2011.
5- International Conference "Julian Diaspora, Dalmatian in Literature", Institute I. R. C. I in collaboration with the University of Trieste Studies, Trieste, Italy from February 28 to March 1, 2013.
6- International Symposium "Fifty Years of Italian Studies at Ain Shams", Cairo, Egypt, 17 and 18 March 2013.
7- International Symposium "Africa in Italian Literature", Faculty of Arts, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, November 11, 2013.
8- Events of the "Week of Arabic Language and Egyptian Culture", University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy from 24 to 27 November 2013.
9- International Conference "Intercultural Studies: Theories and Applications in the Field of Cultural Exchange with the Southern Shore of the Mediterranean", University of Rome La Spence, Rome, Italy, 28-29 November 2013.
10- Chairing the second session of the "First Young Researchers Conference in Languages and Translation", Faculty of Languages and Translation, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, April 18, 2015.
11- Rapporteur of the International Conference "Literature, Translation and Language", Faculty of Arts, Helwan University, Cairo, 7-8 December 2015.
12- Sixteenth edition of the Italian Language Week in the World: "Italian Language and Creativity: Brands and Fashion, Fashion and Engineering Drawing", Faculty of Arts, Helwan University, Cairo, October 17, 2016.
13- Seminar "To Say Almost the Same Thing", Italian Language Week in the World, Italian Cultural Institute, Cairo, October 18, 2016.
14- Round table on "Problems of Literary Translation" in cooperation with Siena University for Foreigners, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University, Cairo, November 10, 2016.
15- International Conference: "The sails of the author in the Eastern Adriatic. Sailing between Grado and Dolccino in Italian Literature", Institute I. R. C. I, Trieste, Italy on 5-6 October 2017.
16- International Conference: "The world of Italian language, the Italian language of the world", one hundred years since the establishment of the School of Italian Language and Culture in Siena, Siena University for Foreigners, Siena, 8-11 November 2017.
17- Twenty-third International Conference of the International Association of Teachers of the Italian Language: "Methods of the Italian Language: Merchants, Backpackers, Immigrants, and Others. Possible paths and intersections between literature, language, culture and civilization", Siena, 5-9 September 2018.
18- International Conference: "Teaching Italian in the Mediterranean. Teaching Language - Italian Culture Abroad", University of Carthage, Higher Institute of Languages of Tunis, Tunisia, 4-5 April 2019.
19- Head of the Organizing and Scientific Committee at the International Conference: "A Path between East and West: The Silk Road from (and Across the Mediterranean), Italian Cultural Institute in Cairo, Cairo, 6-7 July 2019.
20- Coordinator and moderator of the session: "Beyond geographical boundaries: the literary-scientific interchange between Italy and the East", 23rd Conference of Learners of Literature and Italian Language entitled "Literature and Science", University of Pisa, Italy, 12-14 September 2019.
21- Dante Day: Celebration of Dante Alighieri International Day, Ravenna, Italy, 13 September 2019.
22- Head of the Organizing and Scientific Committee of the International Conference: "An East-West Path: The Silk Road from (and Trans) the Mediterranean, Siena University for Foreigners, Siena, Italy, 4-5 December 2019.
23- International Conference: "Bridge Builders 6- On the Silk Road, Intercultural Encounters", Institut Chervi, University of Salerno, Italy, 12-14 March 2020.
24- 20th edition of the Italian Language Week in the World: "Italian between word and image: murals, illustrations and animation", Helwan University Symposium, Cairo, October 20, 2020.
25- International Conference: "Teaching Italian as a Foreign Language: Comparative Learning Experiences", Department of Italian Language and Literature in Rabat, Mohammed V University, Morocco, December 18, 2020.
26- Webinar: "A Look at Italian Language Teaching and Learning: Applications and Research", Faculty of Arts, Helwan University, Siena University for Foreigners, Cairo, March 29, 2021.
27- Coordinator and moderator of the session: "Censorship and the publishing industry between Italy and the Arab world", 24th Conference of Learners of Literature and Italian Language entitled "Literature and Power/Authorities", University of Catania, Italy, 23-25 September 2021.
28- International Conference: "Italian in Africa, Africa in Italian", Siena University for Foreigners, Siena, Italy, 4-5 November 2021.
29- Webinar: "Translation from Passion to Professionalism", Faculty of Alsun and Applied Languages, King Salman International University, Egypt, December 12, 2021.
30- International Symposium: "The Translation Movement from Arabic to Italian and Vice Versa: Present and Future", Activities "Week of Arabic Language and Egyptian Culture in Italy, Rome, Italy, 16 December 2021.
31- International Conference: "Images of Fascist Racism in Italian Publications", University of Lille, France, March 18, 2022.
32- Scientific Conference: "Children's Literature and Human Heritage (Locally, Arably and Internationally)", Helwan University, Cairo, 7-8 September 2022.
33- Coordinator and moderator of the session: "Identity/Otherness: Scenes of East-West Conflict between Italian Literature and Arabic Literature", 25th Conference of Learners of Italian Literature and Language entitled "Conflict Scenes in Italian Literature", University of Foggia, Italy, 15-17 September 2022.
34- International Scientific Conference: "The Development of the Humanities in the Light of the Age of Digitization and the New Republic", Faculty of Arts, Kafr El-Sheikh University, Hurghada, 26-29 October 2022.
35- The Thirty-third Conference of the Arab Federation for Libraries and Information: "Integration of National Information and Knowledge Institutions in the UAE: Libraries, Archives and Museums, in cooperation with the National Archives and Library of the United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates, 31 October - 2 November 2022.
36- International Conference: "The Mediterranean in the Italian imagination from the nineteenth century to the present", Bergamo University of Studies, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Bergamo, Italy, 24-25 November 2022.
37- Webinar: "Italian in Africa". Reality, Teaching, Prospects, Edilingua Publishing, Italy, 18 February 2023.
38- Conference of the Canadian Society for Italian Studies, University of Montreal, Canada, 4-7 May 2023.
39- Scientific Meeting: "Italians in Egypt", Almamid (Memory of the Mediterranean Archive), Naples University of Orientale Studies, Italy, 23 May 2023.
40- Coordinator and moderator of the session: "Telling the Nature of the Mediterranean in Italian and Arabic Literature", 26th Conference of Learners of Italian Literature and Language entitled "Meditation/Habitation: Nature in Italian Literature", Naples, Italy, 14-16 September 2023.
Workshops & Training Courses
1- Workshop in Translation and its Techniques, Department of Italian Language, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University, January to May 2015.
2- Workshop for training teachers of the Italian language at the level of the Republic, Faculty of Al-Alsun - Ain Shams University from 5 to 10 September 2015.
3- Italian Language Teacher Training Course, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University, from August 28 to September 1, 2016.
4- Coordinator of the capacity development course for faculty members of Italian language departments and their assistants in Egypt, in cooperation with Siena University for Foreigners, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University, 19 to 23 March 2017.
5- Coordinator of the training course for Italian language teachers in Egyptian secondary schools in cooperation with the Scientific Office of the Italian Embassy and Edilingua Publishing House, Cairo, 29 January - February 2018.
6- A workshop to train Italian language teachers at the level of the Republic, Faculty of Al-Alsun - Ain Shams University from 27-28 August 2019.
7- "Problems of Translating Religious Texts", Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Cairo, August 29, 2022.
8- "Problems of Interpretation" workshop, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Cairo, September 5, 2022.
9- PLICO- Training of B2 level examiners in Italian, Dante Alighieri Association, Rome, February-March 2023.
Research in Italian
1- The nobility in Giuseppe Parini's "Il Giorno", master’s thesis 2003. https://www.tesionline.it/tesi/indice/la-nobilt%C3%A0-ne-il-giorno-di-giuseppe-parini/18991/1
2- The image of the hero between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in the works of "Shaul" and "Mira" by Alfieri and "Ortis" by Foscolo, doctoral research 2006.
3- The Woman Who Does Not Exist at Giacomo Leopardi, "Journal of Italian Literature", Third Issue, Pisa, Italy, December 2007.
4- "Al-Diwan": The Story of a Worried Traveller, "Journal of Italian Literature", Publications of the International Conference "Saba Rahal Extraordinary", 2007, Nos. II and III, Pisa, Italy, November 2008.
5- Tragedy in Grazia Deleda's The Mother, Journal of Italian Literature, Second Issue, Pisa, Italy, September 2009.
6- When one realizes that he lives. "The Alarm Clock" and Madness in Pirandello's Short Stories, "Al-Alsun Newspaper", Ain Shams University, Egypt, 2009.
7- The desert and the search for oneself with reference to the novels "The Tatar Desert" by Dino Buzzati and "Sunset Oasis" by Bahaa Taher, Publications of the conference "The East-West Relationship: Dialectics and Comparisons", Cairo, Egypt, 2009.
8- From tyranny to freedom: features of the portrait of the hero between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in Alfieri's Shaul and Foscolo's Ortis, Journal of Studies on the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, fourth issue, Pisa, Italy 2009.
9- The Procession of Fools in the novel "Christ Stopped at Eboli", "Philology", Ain Shams University, Egypt, 2011, and republished in the volume "Literature and Beyond. Book honoring Prof. Giorgio Baroni", Pisa, Italy 2011.
10- America in the Works of Moravia between Myth and Reality, Publications of the International Conference "Alberto Moravia and America", Rome, Italy, 19-21 May 2011, 2012.
11- A Journey into a World of Fear and Hope: A Reading of the Novels "Sir Barhuma" and "The Return" by Mohamed Ghoneim, "Journal of Italian Literature", First Issue, Pisa, Italy 2013.
12- Half a Century of Italian Literary Studies in Egypt, Publications of the International Symposium "Fifty Years of Italian Studies in Ain Shams", Ain Shams University, 17 and 18 March 2013, Cairo 2013.
13- Tomizza and the Questioning of Official History, Publications of the International Conference "Julian-Dalmatian Diaspora in Literature", University of Studies in Trieste from February 28 to March 1, 2013, by Giorgio Baroni and Cristina Pinosi, Trieste, Italy 2014.
14- Africa: A stereotyped continent in the collections "Africa according to us" and "This is Africa", Publications of the International Symposium "Africa in the eyes of Italians", Faculty of Arts, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, November 11, 2013, Helwan University, Ensemble, Cairo 2014.
15- Yacoub Sanua and the Italian Presence in Egypt in the Nineteenth Century, Publications of the International Conference "Intercultural Studies: Theories and Applications in the Field of Cultural Exchange with the Southern Shore of the Mediterranean", University of Rome La Spence, Rome, Italy, 28-29 November 2013, Arablit Magazine, Fourth Year, Nos. 7, 8, 2014.
16- The Functions of the Narrator in the Stories of Ingy Mubiayi, Publications of the International Conference "Literature, Translation and Language", Faculty of Arts, Helwan University, Cairo, 7-8 December 2015, Osiris, 2016.
17- The world's vision in the book "The Old Arab" by Jacob Sanua, "Journal of Studies on the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries", Issue XII, Pisa, Italy 2017.
18- Translation of "That Nothingness / From an Indestructible Secret" into Arabic, "Journal of Italian Literature", Third Issue, Pisa, Italy 2017.
19- Pirates in the works of Sergio Anselmi between history and storytelling, International Conference Publications: "The Author's Sails in the Eastern Adriatic. Sailing between Grado and Dolcino in Italian Literature", Institute I. R. C. I, Trieste, Italy on 5-6 October 2017, "Journal of Italian Literature", Pisa, Italy 2018.
20- Italian Language in Egypt, Publications of the International Conference: "The World of Italian Language, Italian Language in the World", One Hundred Years of the Establishment of the School of Italian Language and Culture in Siena, Siena University for Foreigners, Siena, 8-11 November 2017, Siena, Italy 2019.
21- The Journey and the Dynamics of Identity in Bamboo Hirst's Blue China and Mohamed Ghoneim's The Return, intersections between East and West. The Silk Road to (and Trans) the Mediterranean and Other Routes, Proceedings of the International Conference "An East-West Path: The Silk Road from (and Through) the Mediterranean", Cairo, 6-7 July 2019, prepared by Wafaa El Beih, Monica Biasiolo, Osiris, Italian Cultural Institute in Cairo, Cairo 2020.
22- Teaching Italian in Egypt and the Labour Market, Proceedings of the International Conference: "Teaching Italian in the Mediterranean Region. Language Teaching - Italian Culture Abroad", University of Carthage, Higher Institute of Languages of Tunis, Tunisia 4-5 April 2019, Tunisia 2021.
23- Cartesian memory and science fiction according to Primo Levy and Mustafa Mahmoud, Proceedings of the International Conference: "Literature and Science", XXIII Congress of the Association of Learners of Literature and Italian Language, University of Pisa, Italy, 12-14 September 2019, Rome, Italy 2021.
24- Introduction to the book "Rebellion of the Dancing Demons", “ Gramsci Today Magazine", Antonio Gramsci Cultural Center Association, Milan, February 2022.
25- "China on the Vespa" by Giorgio Bettinelli and "My Journey to China" by Abdallah Tayeh: A Rediscovery of China? , A Path between East and West: The Silk Road from (and Across the Mediterranean), Studies and Research, prepared by Aqeel Al-Marai, Carla Bania, Wafaa El Beih, Siena University Press, Italy, 2022.
26- Learning about Italy through mythology: Italy's Corner pilot model at um al-Mu'minin High School, "Cultural Harmony Days" project, Faculty of Humanities and Philosophy, University of Salerno, Italy, 2022.
Research in Arabic:
1- Documenting and digitizing the Italian heritage published in Egypt between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, "Journal of Humanities and Literary Studies", Faculty of Arts, Kafr El-Sheikh University, January 2023.
Book Introduction:
1- Antonio Catalfamo, Rebellion of Dancing Demons (poetry), presented by Wafaa El Beih, Pendragon, Bologna 2021.
2- Domenico Pisana, Literature and Life (criticism), presented by Wafaa El Beih, Publications of the Cultural Association "Coccino di Stella", under publication.
Book reviews:
1- Yosry Abdullah, The Egyptian Novel: The Question of Freedom and the Accountability of Tyranny, Arablit Magazine, Third Year, Fifth Issue, 2013.
1- Roberto Pazzi: History in the Wind, Le Muse, LXXI, April 2021.
2- Italian Art in Egypt, Le Muse, LXXI, June 2021.
3- Halfway through our lives. in Arabic, Le Muse, LXXI, October 2021.
4- Dionysus, Catalfamo, and we, Le Muse, LXXI, December 2021.
5- Writing as therapy: Don't Tell Me I Loved the Wind, Le Muse, LXXII, February 2022.
6- Annie Vivante in the Land of Cleopatra, Le Muse, LXXII, April 2022.
7- Censorship and self-censorship: the model of Elio Vittorini and Jamal Al-Ghitani, Le Muse, LXXII, June 2022.
8- Manifestations of the historical Italian cultural presence in Egypt, Egyptian Conditions, Issue 86, Year XXI, October 2022.
9- And now I speak: The Labyrinth of Narrative, Le Muse, The Year of LXXII, October 2022.
10- Rose Words in Maria Teresa Liuzzo's Poetry: The Night Dances in Your Pupils, Le Muse, LXXIII, February 2023.
11- I'm not talking about myself. Pirandello in Egypt, Le Muse, LXXIII, April 2023.
Books (in Italian):
1- Africa in the Eyes of Italians, International Symposium Publications, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University, November 11, 2013, prepared by Wafaa El Beih, Armando Nishi, Hussein Mahmoud, Helwan University, Ensemble, Cairo 2014.
2- "Unfaithful husband". Yaqub Sanua and the Italian Theatre in Egypt, prepared by Wafaa El Beih, Sestante Publishing House, Bergamo 2015.
3- The Egyptian Civilization Part of Presentiamo l'Egitto, the Lexicon, and Junior Plus in the book Progetto italiano junior 1, first grade of secondary school, Edilingua, Cairo, 1st Edition 2015- 2nd Edition 2019, pp. 49-52/ 87-94/ 97-112.
4- The part of the Egyptian civilization Presentiamo l'Egitto, the lexicon, and Junior Plus in the book Progetto italiano junior 2, second grade of secondary school, Edilingua, Cairo, 1st Edition 2015- 2nd Edition 2019, pp. 52-55/ 89-94/ 97-112.
5- The part of the Egyptian civilization Presentiamo l'Egitto, the lexicon, and Junior Plus in the book Progetto italiano junior 3, third grade of secondary school, Edilingua, Cairo, 1st Edition 2015- 2nd Edition 2019, pp. 50-54/ 88-94/ 97-112.
6- Literature, Translation and Language, Publications of the International Conference "Literature, Translation and Language", Faculty of Arts, Helwan University, 7-8 December 2015, prepared by Wafaa El Beih, Osiris, Cairo 2016.
7- Yacoub Sanua's Italian Poems, The Old Arab and Other Poems, by Wafaa El Beih, Aracne, Rome 2018.
8- Intersections between East and West. The Silk Road to (and through) the Mediterranean and Other Routes, Proceedings of the International Conference "An East-West Path: The Silk Road from (and Trans) the Mediterranean, Cairo, 6-7 July 2019, prepared by Wafaa El Beih, Monica Biasiolo, Osiris, Italian Cultural Institute in Cairo, Cairo 2020.
9- Beyond Geographical Borders: The Literary-Scientific Interchange between Italy and the East", Proceedings of the XXIII Conference of Learners of Literature and the Italian Language entitled "Literature and Science", University of Pisa, Italy, 12-14 September 2019, prepared by Wafaa El Beih, Addy Publishing House, Pisa, 2021.
10- A Path between East and West: The Silk Road from (and across the Mediterranean), Studies and Research, prepared by Aqeel Al-Marai, Carla Bania, Wafaa El Beih, Siena University Publications for Foreigners, Italy, 2022.
11- Progetto ragazzi, for teaching Italian in junior high schools, by Telles Marin, Fabio Caon, Edilingua, Italy, 2023.
Books (in Arabic):
1- Al-Wafi in Italian Grammar, Osiris, Cairo, 1st Edition 2016, 2nd Edition 2017.
2- Italian Verbs, Osiris, Cairo 2019.
3- Dictionary of Literary and Critical Terms, Osiris, Cairo 2023.
Research Projects:
1- "Africa in the Eyes of Italians", Research Project, Department of Italian Language, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University, November 1, 2012, to November 11, 2013.
Scientific Projects
1- Egyptian Youth Education and Training Project in Fayoum Governorate. Activities to stimulate legal migration and positive exchange, IOM, 2015.
2- Italian-Egyptian Center for Translation Project / Saad-Castro, Children's and Young People's Literature: Strengthening Identity and Identifying Cultural Differences, Faculty of Arts (Helwan University), Faculty of Al-Alsun (Luxor University), Faculty of Humanities and Philosophy (University of Salerno), 2017.
3- Excelling: Towards Proficiency in Teaching Second Foreign Languages in Egypt, in collaboration with the Universities of Salamanca, Bologna, Coimbra, Heidelberg, Bugtier, Minya, Cairo, Alexandria, Al-Azhar, Pharos, 2018-2019.
4- "The project of digitizing Italian newspapers published in Egypt between 1892 and 1945", Italian Antiquities Center - Bank of Alexandria, 2021.
Translation (single):
1- Christ stopped at Eboli, Carlo Levy, Kalima, Abu Dhabi, January 2010.
2- Antonio Gemayel, Vitalino Brancati, Dar Sharqiat, Cairo 2011 (2nd Edition, Mediterranean, 2020).
3- Forbidden Books, Mario Infelise, Kalima, Abu Dhabi 2012.
4- Siburia, The Awakening of Galino, Perdomenico Clario, Kalima, Abu Dhabi 2013.
5- Elya and Vanina, Federico Tozzi, Book of Happiness, Osiris, Egypt 2015.
6- The Same Woman, Federico Tozzi, The Book of Happiness, Osiris, Egypt 2015.
7- The emergence of Arab theater in Egypt, Sayed Ali Ismail, the new in the emergence of Arab theater in Egypt, Dar Al-Wafa, Egypt 2020.
8- Floating Room, Roberto Patsy, National Center for Translation, Egypt 2020.
9- Dream of a knitting machine, Bianca Pizzorno, Mediterranean, Milan 2020.
10- Brothers, Achinti 11, Catholic Civilization Works, several authors, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Cairo 2020.
11- Embassy of Italy in Egypt, several authors, Osiris, Egypt 2021.
12- Reason, Giuseppe Petri, The Book of Friends and Other Italian Stories Translated into Arabic, Osiris, Egypt 2022.
13- Cicchino, Giuseppe Petri, The Book of Friends and Other Italian Stories Translated into Arabic, Osiris, Egypt 2022.
14- The Queen, Cristina Bellimo, Isadora Berillo, Kalima, Abu Dhabi, 2022.
15- Don Juan in Sicily, Vitalino Brancati, Mediterranean, Milan 2023.
16- Six characters looking for an author, Luigi Pirandello, Osiris, Egypt 2023.
Translations (shared):
1- European Literature from the Perspective of the Other, Franca Sinopoli, Supreme Council of Culture, Cairo, 2007.
2- Italy, the homeland of scholars, Valdemaro Fiorentino, Al-Shorouk International, Egypt 2010.
3- Fences, tears and thyme. Stories from life and voices from Palestine, Jean-Luca Solera, Dar Al-Ain, Egypt, Arab Diaspora, Lebanon 2013.
Translations (Review):
1- Words in the Land of Peace, Maryam Tawfiq, translated by Dr. Sayed Qutb Amin and Dr. Sameh Ahmed Hussein, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2017.
2- Words on the Island of Peace, Maryam Tawfik, translated by Dr. Sayed Qutb Amin and Dr. Sameh Ahmed Hussein, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2017.
3- A Very Different Love, Maryam Tawfik, translated by Dr. Sayed Qutb Amin and Dr. Sameh Ahmed Hussein, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt, 2017.
4- The Imam's Words on Tolerance and Peace, translated by Dr. Sayed Qutb Amin and Dr. Sameh Ahmed Hussein, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2018.
5- God is not so, Sigrid Honke, translated by Dr. Sayed Qutb Amin and Dr. Sameh Ahmed Hussein, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2018.
6- International Relations in Islam, Sheikh Muhammad Abu Zahra, translated by Dr. Sayed Qutb Amin and Dr. Sameh Ahmed Hussein, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2018.
7- One Hundred Questions about Islam, Part 1, Sheikh Muhammad Al-Ghazali, translated by Dr. Sayed Qutb Amin and Dr. Sameh Ahmed Hussein and others, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2018.
8- Introducing Islam, Sheikh Attia Saqr, translated by Dr. Sameh Ahmed Hussein, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2018.
9- One Hundred Questions about Islam, Part 2, Sheikh Muhammad Al-Ghazali, translated by Dr. Nagham Abdel-Gawad and others, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2018.
10- Hajj and Umrah Guide, Dr. Youssef Amer, translated by Dr. Sameh Ahmed Hussein, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2018.
11- Islam is a Creed and Sharia, Sheikh Mahmoud Shaltout, translated by Dr. Nagham Abdel-Gawad and Dr. Sameh Ahmed Hussein, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2018.
12- Elements of Islam, Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb, translated by Dr. Sayed Qutb Amin and Dr. Sameh Ahmed Hussein, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2019.
13- The Theory of War in Islam, Sheikh Muhammad Abu Zahra, translated by Dr. Nagham Abdel Gawad, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2019.
14- Man, and Values in the Islamic Perception, Dr. Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzouq, translated by Dr. Sameh Ahmed Hussein, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2019.
15- The Impact of the Qur'an on the Liberation of Human Thought, Dr. Abdel Aziz Gawish, translated by Dr. Nagham Abdel Gawad, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2019.
16- The Prophet of Islam in the Mirror of Western Thought, Dr. Ezzedine Farrag, translated by Dr. Sayed Qutb, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2019.
17- The Moderation of Islam, Dr. Muhammad Muhammad Al-Madani, translated by Dr. Sayed Qutb Amin and Dr. Sameh Ahmed Hussein, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2019.
18- Perspectives on Islam, Dr. Mohamed Abdullah Draz, translated by Dr. Shirin Al-Nawasany, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2020.
19- Defending Muhammad (peace be upon him) against his detractors, Dr. Abd al-Rahman Badawi, translated by Dr. Sayed Qutb Amin and Dr. Sameh Ahmed Hussein, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2020.
20- Jihad in Islam, its reality and controls, Dr. Hamdallah Hafez Al-Safti, translated by Dr. Shirin Al-Nawasany, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2020.
21- The sanctity and dangers of atonement, Dr. Ibrahim Salah Al-Hudhud, translated by Dr. Sameh Ahmed Hussein, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2020.
22- The rights of the insured in Islam, Dr. Ibrahim Salah Al-Hudhud - translated by Dr. Sayed Qutb Amin, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2020.
23- The issue of loyalty and disavowal: its concept and origin, Dr. Ibrahim Salah Al-Hudhud, translated by Mr. Mahmoud Kamal, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2020.
24- The concept of governance, Dr. Abdel Fattah Al-Awari, translated by Dr. Sameh Ahmed Hussein, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2020.
25- Islamic Culture, Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb, translated by Dr. Shirin Al-Nawasany, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2021.
26- Islamic Culture 2 - Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb - translated by Dr. Sayed Qutb and Dr. Sameh Ahmed Hussein, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2021.
27- Islam's position on the use of human shields, Dr. Ibrahim Salah Al-Hudhud - translated by Dr. Sayed Qutb Amin, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2021.
28- The Concept of Citizenship, Dr. Abdel Fattah Al-Awary, translated by Dr. Sameh Ahmed Hussein, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2021.
29- Defining concepts and its role in renewing religious discourse, Dr. Abdel Fattah Al-Awari, translated by Dr. Sayed Qutb Amin, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2021.
30- Migration Concept and Reality, Dr. Abdel Fattah Al-Awari, translated by Dr. Sayed Qutb Amin, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2021.
31- Political Employment of Religion, Dr. Ibrahim Salah Al-Hudhud - translated by Dr. Sayed Qutb Amin, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2021.
32- The concept of ignorance, Dr. Abdel Fattah Al-Awari, translated by Dr. Sameh Ahmed Hussein, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2021.
33- Exaggeration in the Prophet's Covenant - its Images and Treatment - Dr. Ibrahim Salah Al-Hudhud - translated by Dr. Sayed Qutb Amin, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2021.
34- The concept of succession, Dr. Ibrahim Salah Al-Hudhud, translated by Dr. Mahmoud Kamal, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2021.
35- In defense of the Qur'an against its critics, Dr. Abd al-Rahman Badawi, translated by Dr. Sayed Qutb Amin and Dr. Sameh Ahmed Hussein, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2022.
36- The choice of the ruler in Islam and contemporary elections, Dr. Ibrahim Salah Al-Hudhud, translated by Dr. Mahmoud Kamal, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2022.
37- The Role of Sharia Purposes in Achieving Community Stability, Dr. Abdel Fattah Al-Awari, translated by Dr. Nagham Abdel Gawad, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2022.
38- The Reality of Contemporary Religious Discourse: An Approach to Description and Solution, Dr. Ibrahim Salah Al-Hudhud, translated by Dr. Nagham Abdel-Gawad, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2022.
39- The Good Saying: From the Words and Lectures of the Grand Imam Ahmed Al-Tayeb, Sheikh of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif and Chairman of the Muslim Council of Elders, Volume One, translated by Dr. Sayed Qutb and Dr. Sameh Ahmed Hussein, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2022.
40- The Happy Homeland Bus, Ihab Al-Qastawy, translated by Dr. Mahmoud Kamal, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2022.
41- The Good Saying: From the Words and Lectures of the Grand Imam Ahmed Al-Tayeb - Sheikh of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif and Chairman of the Muslim Council of Elders - Volume Two - translated by Dr. Sayed Qutb and Dr. Sameh Ahmed Hussein, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2022.
42- From the age of divine love, Maryam Tawfik, translated by Dr. Sameh Ahmed Hussein, Al-Azhar Center for Translation, Egypt 2023.

Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" - Via Cracovia, 50, 00133 Roma RM