Full professor

phone: +1-508-793-2550

Ph.D. in Classical Philology, Harvard University 1978


American School of Classical Studies at Athens 1973-75

(member of the archaeological excavation staff at ancient Corinth 1974, 1975)


A.M. in Classical Philology, Harvard University 1972


A.B. in Classics summa cum laude, Princeton University 1970



Jeremiah O'Connor Professor in Classics, College of the Holy Cross 1992-present


Professor of Classics and Henry E. Sheffield Professor of History, Pomona College 1991- 1992


Associate Professor of Classics and History, Pomona College 1985-1991


Harris K. Weston Associate Professor of the Humanities, Harvard University 1983-1985 Assistant Professor of the Classics, Harvard University 1978-1983

Head Tutor (director of undergraduate program in Classics), Harvard University 1978- 1985


External faculty member of the PhD program Antichità classiche e loro fortuna, University of Rome II Tor Vergata 2007-





Chair, Department of Classics, College of the Holy Cross, 2004-2007, 2009-2012


Acting Chair, Department of Classics, College of the Holy Cross, Fall 1997, Spring 2004 Chair, Humanities Division, Pomona College 1990-92

Chair, Classics Department, Pomona College, 1989-92


Chair, American Philological Association Committee on Ancient History, 1988-1993


Member, Executive Committee, Perseus Project for Interactive Sources and Studies in Ancient Greek Civilization funded by the Annenberg/CPB Foundation, 1985-2000


Chair, Pomona College Project for Faculty Development and Interdisciplinary Curriculum in the Liberal Arts funded by the Pew Charitable Trust, 1986-1987



Print Books and Electronic Projects

Sovereignty and Coinage in Classical Greece (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985); republished Holy Cross CrossWorks (


Perseus 1.0. Interactive Sources and Studies on Ancient Greece. Co-authored with Gregory Crane, Nicholas Cahill, Kenneth Morrell, Elli Mylonas, and Neel Smith (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992)


The Challenge of the West. From the Stone Age to the Global Age. Co-authored with Lynn Hunt, Barbara Rosenwein, R. Po-chia Hsia, and Bonnie Smith (Boston: D.C. Heath, 1994)


Perseus 2.0. Interactive Sources and Studies on Ancient Greece. Co-authored with Gregory Crane, Nicholas Cahill, Kenneth Morrell, and Neel Smith (New Haven: Yale University Press 1996)


An Overview of Classical Greek History from Mycenae to Alexander, Perseus Project (1999 and earlier iterations)


Ancient Greece. From Prehistoric to Hellenistic Times (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996, revised edition 2000, second edition 2013, audiobook edition 2017)

Chinese translation 2011

Italian translation 2004, 2006

Korean translation 2002, second edition 2016 Polish translation 1998, second edition forthcoming Portuguese translation (Brazil) 1998

Turkish translation 2012

Russian translation 2020


The Making of the West. Peoples and Cultures. Co-authored with Lynn Hunt, Barbara Rosenwein, and Bonnie Smith (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2001; second edition 2005; third edition 2008; fourth edition 2012; sixth edition 2019; seventh edition 2022)


The Making of the West. Peoples and Cultures. A Concise History. Co-authored with Lynn Hunt, Barbara Rosenwein, and Bonnie Smith (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2003; second edition 2007; third edition 2010; fourth edition 2013; fifth edition 2016; electronic

edition 2016)


Sima Qian. Uomini e storie dell’antica Cina. Co-authored with Ivy Sui-yuen Sun. Translated Monica Berti. (Rome: Edizioni TORED, 2008)


Herodotus and Sima Qian: The First Great Historians of Greece and China (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2009)


Ancient Rome: From Romulus to Justinian (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2012; audiobook edition 2018)

Polish translation 2014

Portuguese translation (Brazil) 2014 Korean translation 2016


Alexander the Great: The Story of an Ancient Life. Co-authored with Christopher W. Blackwell. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012)

Portuguese translation (2020)


Pericles: A Biography in Context (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016) Spanish translation 2018


Articles and Book Chapters


"Inscriptions at Corinth" Hesperia 46 (1977), pp. 178-198.


"Two Notes on the Roman Law from Cnidos. 1. A Note on the Text of the Law." Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 35 (1979), pp. 153-160 (second note by E. Badian, pp. 161-167).


"Diodorus on Philip II and Thessaly in the 350s B.C." Classical Philology 76 (1981), pp. 188-201.


"A Third-Century B.C. Hoard from Thessaly at the ANS (IGCH 168)." American Numismatic Society Museum Notes 26 (1981), pp. 51-77.


"The End of Thessalian Civic Coinage in Silver: Macedonian Policy or Economic Reality?" Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of Numismatics. Berne, September 1979 (Louvain-La-Neuve, Luxembourg, 1982), pp. 157-164.


"A Phantom Fragment of Theopompus and Philip II's First Campaign in Thessaly."

Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 86 (1982), pp. 55-78.


"The Chronology of the Fourth-Century B.C. Facing-Head Silver Coinage of Larissa." American Numismatic Society Museum Notes 28 (1983), pp. 1-34; republished Holy Cross CrossWorks (


"Athenians, Other Allies, and the Hellenes in the Athenian Honorary Decree for Adeimantos of Lampsakos." Co-authored with Ernst Badian. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 61 (1985), pp. 167-172.


"Quintus Curtius' Presentation of Philip Arrhidaeus and Josephus' Accounts of the Accession of Claudius." American Journal of Ancient History 8 (1983, publ. 1987), pp. 161-190.


"Sulla imperator iterum, the Samnites, and Roman Republican coin propaganda."

Schweizerische Numismatische Rundschau 68 (1989), pp. 19-45.


"Silver Coins and Public Slaves in the Athenian Law of 375/4 B.C." In William Metcalf, ed., Mnemata: Papers in Memory of Nancy M. Waggoner (New York: American Numismatic Society, 1991), pp. 21-47.


"Seizing the Moment: Themistocles of Athens." Co-authored with Philip Rosenzweig.

Hartwick Classic Leadership Cases (1993).


"Constructing Charisma: Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt." Co-authored with Richard Larson.

Hartwick Classic Leadership Cases (1994).


"Antigone: A Woman Challenges Authority." Co-authored with Richard Larson.

Hartwick Classic Leadership Cases (1995).


"Coins, Mints, and the Polis." In Mogens Herman Hansen ed., Sources for the Ancient Greek City State (Copenhagen, 1995), pp. 257-291.


"Classical Greek Currency in Thucydides." In Robert B. Strassler ed., The Landmark Thucydides, (New York: The Free Press, 1996), pp. 620-622.


"Calendar and Dating Systems in Thucydides." In Robert B. Strassler ed., The Landmark Thucydides, (New York: The Free Press, 1996), pp. 623-625.


"Why Did the Greek Polis Originally Need Coins?" Historia 45 (1996), pp. 257-283; republished Holy Cross CrossWorks (


"Adeimantos of Lampsakos and Demetrios Poliorcetes' Fraudulent Peace of 302 B.C." In Robert Wallace and Edward Harris eds., Transitions to Empire in the Greco-Roman World, 360-146 B.C. (Norman, Okla.: Oklahoma University Press, 1996), pp. 179-190.


“Ancient Greece,” ENCARTA 2000.


“Fulfilling the Digital Promise in Liberal Arts Education on the National Level.” In Lawrence K. Grossman and Newton N. Minow eds., A Digital Gift to the Nation.


Fulfilling the Promise of the Digital and Internet Age (Century Foundation Press, 2001),

pp. 121-134.


"The New Rhetoric: Classics on the Web." On STOA (2003)


“Democracy in the Politics of Aristotle.” On STOA (2003)



“Plato’s NDE.” PHENOMENA Magazine, no. 1, 2003, p. 51.


“Why Can’t We Forget Atlantis?” PHENOMENA Magazine, no. 2, 2004, pp. 46-51.


“Sovereignty and Coinage in Classical Greece: The Case of Thessaly. Part I” (translated into modern Greek), Thessaliko Imerologio 48 (2005), pp. 113-128.


“Sovereignty and Coinage in Classical Greece: The Case of Thessaly. Part II” (translated into modern Greek), Thessaliko Imerologio 49 (2006), pp. 33-48.


“Sovereignty and Coinage in Classical Greece: The Case of Thessaly. Part III” (translated into modern Greek), Thessaliko Imerologio 50 (2006), pp. 49-72.


“Sovereignty and Coinage in Classical Greece: The Case of Thessaly. Part IV” (translated into modern Greek), Thessaliko Imerologio 51 (2007), pp. 73-96.


“Sovereignty and Coinage in Classical Greece: The Case of Thessaly. Part V” (translated into modern Greek), Thessaliko Imerologio 52 (2007), pp. 97-118.


“Sovereignty and Coinage in Classical Greece: The Case of Thessaly. Part VI” (translated into modern Greek), Thessaliko Imerologio 53 (2008), pp. 119-134.


“Sovereignty and Coinage in Classical Greece: The Case of Thessaly. Part VII” (translated into modern Greek), Thessaliko Imerologio 54 (2008), pp. 135-152.


“Sovereignty and Coinage in Classical Greece: The Case of Thessaly. Part VIII” (translated into modern Greek), Thessaliko Imerologio 55 (2009), pp. 153-164.


“Sovereignty and Coinage in Classical Greece: The Case of Thessaly. Part IX” (translated into modern Greek), Thessaliko Imerologio 56 (2009), pp. 165-192.


“Sovereignty and Coinage in Classical Greece: The Case of Thessaly. Part X” (translated into modern Greek), Thessaliko Imerologio 57 (2010), pp. 193-212.


“Sovereignty and Coinage in Classical Greece: The Case of Thessaly. Part XI” (translated into modern Greek), Thessaliko Imerologio 58 (2010), pp. 213-238.



“Sovereignty and Coinage in Classical Greece: The Case of Thessaly. Part XII” (translated into modern Greek), Thessaliko Imerologio 59 (2011), pp. 239-252.


“From Iraq to Greece: Is Freedom Natural or Not?” New England Classical Journal 34.1 (2007), pp. 3-21.


“Ancient Greek Coins, Weights, and Measures in Herodotus.” In Robert B. Strassler, ed.,

The Landmark Herodotus (New York: Pantheon Books, 2007), pp. 773-780.


“An Ancient Perspective on a Modern Idea: Tertullian and Roman Imperial Policy on Freedom of Religion.” In Edmund P. Cueva, Shannon N. Byrne, and Frederick Benda, S. J., eds. Jesuit Education and the Classics (Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009), pp. 220-231.


“Technology, Collaboration, and Undergraduate Research.” Co-authored with Christopher Blackwell. Digital Humanities Quarterly 3.1 (2009); print publication in Melissa Terras and Gregory Crane, eds., Changing the Center of Gravity (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2010), pp. 57-88.


“La natura ‘frammentaria’ delle storie di Erodoto e di Sima Qian.” In Eugenio Lanzillotta, Virgilio Costa, and Gabriella Ottone, eds., Tradizione e Trasmissione degli Storici Greci Frammentari. In Ricordo di Silvio Accame. Atti del II Workshop Internazionale Roma, 16-18 Febbraio 2006 (Rome: TORED, 2009), pp. 695-729.


“Akairos or Eukairos? The Nickname of the Seleucid King Demetrius III in the Transmission of the Texts of Josephus’s War and Antiquities.” Co-authored with David Levenson. Journal for the Study of Judaism 40 (2009), pp. 307-341.


“Units of Distance, Currency, and Capacity in Xenophon’s Hellenica.” In Robert B. Strassler, ed., The Landmark Xenophon’s Hellenica (New York: Pantheon Books, 2009),

pp. 374-378.


“Antigonos Monophthalmos,” “Demetrius Poliorcetes,” and “Thessaly.” In Michael Gagarined., The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), vol. 1, pp. 116-117, vol. 2, pp. 393-395 and vol. 7, pp. 48-51.


"The Nature of the “Noble Man” (γενναῖος ἀνήρ) for Alexander the Great, the 'Man Who Loved Homer' (φιλόµηρος)," (Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington, DC, 2012:


"Cani, lepri, barbari e Alessandro il Macedone: Nobiltà d’animo e d’azione nell’opera di Arriano." Co-authored with Monica Berti. In Virgilio Costa, ed., Tradizione and trasmissione degli storici greci frammentari II (Rome: TORED, 2012), pp. 389-410.


“Demetrius ‘the Besieger’ and Hellenistic Warfare.” In Brian Campbell and Lawrence A. Tritle, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Warfare in the Classical World (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013), pp. 671-687.


"The Latin Translations of Josephus on Jesus, John the Baptist, and James: Critical Texts of the Latin Translation of the Antiquities and Rufinus' Translation of Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History Based on Manuscripts and Early Printed Editions." Co-authored with David Levenson. Journal for the Study of Judaism 45 (2014), pp. 1-79.


"Classical Antiquity and Reading Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments: Is the Sunbathing Beggar an Allusion to Diogenes the Cynic and Alexander the Great?" Adam Smith Review 8 (2015), pp. 217-240.


“The Ancient Latin Translations of Josephus.” Co-authored with David Levenson. In Honora Howell Chapman and Zuleika Rodgers, eds., A Companion to Josephus (Wiley- Blackwell: Malden, Mass., 2016), pp. 322-44.


“The Place of the Early Printed Editions of Josephus’ Antiquities and War (1470-1534) in the Latin Textual Tradition.” Co-authored with David Levenson. In Joel Baden, Hindy Najman, and Eibert Tigchelaar, eds., Sibyls, Scriptures, and Scrolls: John Collins at Seventy (Leiden: Brill, 2016), Vol. 2, pp. 765-825.


“Open Greek and Latin Data for the Challenges of the Fragmentary State of the Primary Sources for the Pentekontaetia.” Mouseion. Journal of the Classical Association of Canada 14 (2017), pp. 409-436.


“ ‘The Gods Were Supervising the Hardest-to-Handle Sufferings of Greece’: The Meaning of Episkopein in Plutarch, Phocion 28.” Co-authored with Ivy Sui-yuen Sun. Rationes Rerum 9 (2017), pp. 93-112.


“The Landscape [of Ancient Greece]” and “The Power of Sparta.” Passport to Social Studies Reader-High School, Grade 9: Global History Anthology (New York: New York Public Schools, 2017).


“Thinking With Sima Qian’s Shiji About Herodotus’ Fragmented Narrative of the Story of Miltiades” In Mary C. English and Lee M. Fratantuono, eds., Pushing the Boundaries of Historia (New York: Routledge, 2019), pp. 26-52.


“Why diversity is vital to keeping American democracy healthy.” The Washington Post. Made By History, April 14, 2019. american-democracy-healthy/?utm_term=.2cad97167a0a


“Cognitive dissonance, defeat, and the divinization of Demetrius Poliorcetes in early Hellenistic Athens.” In Peter Meineck, William Michael Short, and Jennifer Deveraux,


eds., The Routledge Handbook of Classics and Cognitive Theory (New York: Routledge, 2019), pp. 216-239.


“Why the U.S. must guard against blundering into war with Iran.” The Washington Post. Made by History, June 4, 2019. blundering-into-war-with-iran/


Excerpts on ancient Greek history in Senior Ancient History for Queensland, Cambridge University Press, 2019, Unit 3, Sections 11 and 12.


“A plague can wipe out peoples—and democracies.” The Washington Post. Made By History, April 14, 2020. democracies/


“If we can resist quarantine fatigue, we can shorten lockdowns.” The Washington Post. Made By History, May 22, 2020. fatigue-we-can-shorten-lockdowns/


“Cutting Down Paradise: The Moral Meaning of the Landscapes of Jerusalem in Josephus’ Jewish War.” Rationes Rerum 13 (2019; publ. 2020), pp. 251-286.


“Only the Richest Athenians Paid Taxes—and They Bragged About It.” The Conversation, November 3, 2020 bragged-about-it-147249

Polish translation for economics web site i-byl-to-dla-nich-powod-do-dumy/amp

Interview for article: convinced-its-wealthiest-to-love-paying-taxes/409789/


“One man brought down democracy in Rome. Trump’s behaving similarly today.” The Washington Post. Made By History. November 24, 2020 democracy-rome-trumps-using-same-tactics-today/


“A Revised Classification of Manuscript Groups for the Early Books of the Latin Translation of Josephus’s Antiquities Based on Textual Variants in AJ 6.356-360 and 362b.” Co-authored with David Levenson. Medievalia et Humanistica 46 (2021) 71-148.


“Ancient Greek and Persian Units of Measurement.” In Shane Brennan and David Thomas, eds., The Landmark Xenophon’s Anabasis (2021), pp. 383-392.

“Spartan neighbors and slaves; The Helots of Messenia.” In Alan Barrie and Aaron Sloper, eds. Cambridge Checkpoints QCE Study Guide Ancient History Units 1-4. Sec. ed. (Cambridge University Press Australia, 2022), p. 25.


“A Life Lesson for a Conqueror: Alexander the Phrenêrês and Candace of Meroe in the Greek Alexander Romance.” Rationes Rerum 19 (2022), pp. 51-78.


“Units of Distance, Currency, Weight, and Capacity in Polybius.” In Robert Strassler, senior editor., The Landmark Polybius. (book appendix forthcoming)


“Anchoring religious innovation: the social psychology of deification in Athens 307 BCE” (book chapter forthcoming)


“Sniffing Out Sweet Smells of Freedom in Xenophon’s Symposium.” (book chapter forthcoming)


Book reviews both for professional journals and also The History Book Club Review.

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