Silvia Evangelisti obtained her PhD in Ancient History in the academic year 2002/2003; she was then Research Fellow between 2006 and 2008 at the University of Foggia. On 22 December 2008, she became a Researcher in Roman History at the same university, where she took up her post as Associate Professor on 1 April 2021.
From aa. 2008/9 to the present she has tutored and lectured for several courses in SSD L-Ant/03 (Roman History and Epigraphy for three-year and master's degree courses; Greek History and Epigraphy; Elements of History of the Classical World; Roman Institutions and Administrative History; Epigraphy of Distribution: Economy and Society, the latter for the inter-university course in Archaeology at the Universities of Bari and Foggia). In the aa. 2012-2015 he also taught Didactics of History for the A051 and A052 classes of the TFA organised by the University of Foggia.
From November 2017 to March 2021 he was a member of the Academic Senate of the University of Foggia. Since November 2023 he has been a member of the Joint Commission of Teachers and Students of the Department of Humanistic Studies of the University of Foggia.
Since 2003, she has participated as a speaker at numerous conferences/Workshops/Seminars (national and international). Since November 2023, he has been a local (Unifg) responsible of the PRIN PNRR project "Epigraphic Poetry in Ancient Campania", coordinated by C. Pepe of the University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli".
Since 2009 he has been the technical-scientific responsible of the EDR (Epigraphic Database Rome) project.
She is a member of the scientific committee of the “Insulae Diomedeae” series and of the "Italia Epigrafica Digitale" series. He acts as reviewer for several journals in the field, including Epigraphica, SEBarc, Caster (Cartagine, Studi e Ricerche).
He is currently a member of the teaching board of the PhD programme in " Antichità classiche e loro fortuna: archeologia, filologia e storia" at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" and of the consortium doctorate in "Patrimoni storici e filosofici per una innovazione sostenibile" at the Universities of Bari, Foggia, Molise and Naples l'Orientale.
The research activity is oriented towards several strands the study of the forms of entertainment in antiquity (ludi and munera) (Epigrafia anfiteatrale dell’Occidente Romano, VIII. Regio Italiae I, 1: Campania praeter Pompeios, (Vetera 18), Roma 2011; I pantomimi nelle città dell’Italia romana, Roma 2021); the study of the epigraphic heritage of the Roman centres of Aeclanum, Luceria in regio II, and of Privernum in regio I, with particular regard to the evolution of their administrative structures, the changes in the ruling classes and social dynamics (together with M. Chelotti, Curatores municipali nelle regiones II e III, in M.G. Granino Cecere (cur.), Le curae cittadine nell’Italia Romana, Atti del Convegno, Siena 18-19 aprile 2016, Roma 2017, pp. 69-93; Supplementa - Regio II. Apulia et Calabria. Aeclanum – Ager inter Compsam et Aeclanum, in Supplementa Italica, n.s., 29, Roma 2017, pp. 37-251; Antiche genti di Privernum, in S. Antolini - S.M. Marengo (cur.), Pro merito laborum. Miscellanea epigrafica per Gianfranco Paci (Ichnia, 16), Tivoli 2021, pp. 295-311; more in general, see also the review carried out on the occasion of the 16th AIEGL International Congress in Bordeaux “Italia – Iscrizioni e studi epigrafici alle soglie del terzo millennio, in P. Fröhlich – M. Navarro Caballero (eds), L’épigraphie au XXIe siècle, Actes du XVIe Congrès International d’Épigraphie Grecque et Latine, Bordeaux, 29 août-02 septembre 2022 (Scripta Antiqua 177), Bordeaux 2024, pp. 361-398); the study of the documentation of religious practices widespread in ancient Rome, in particular those concerning the cult of Iuno, Liber and Silvanus (together with C. Ricci, Silvano sacrum. Una ricognizione delle attestazioni epigrafiche del culto dell’Italia meridionale, in Scienze dell’Antichità, Storia, Archeologia, Antropologia, 28, 3, 2022, pp. 255-275); the use of information technology for the creation of tools to aid historical and epigraphic research (Scrittura epigrafica, alcune riflessioni, in S. Antolini – S.M. Marengo – G. Paci, Colonie e municipi nell’era digitale. Documentazione epigrafica per la conoscenza delle città antiche. Atti del Convegno di studi (Macerata, 10-12 dicembre 2015), Tivoli 2017, pp. 163-178; together with P. Liuzzo, Modeling Execution Techniques of Inscriptions, in Semantic Web, 12, 2, 2021).