PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVI

advisor: Prof. Marco Meneguzzo
supervisor: Prof.ssa Denita Cepiku
joint PhD: Prof. Jean-Patrick Villeneuve

Rossella Lorusso PhD candidate in Public Management and Governance at the University of Rome Tor Vergata and in co-tutorship at the USI of Lugano, Switzerland. Research project on ethics in public administration as a disincentive to corruption and restorative justice. Master degree in Economics and Communication, Major in Public Management and Policy at USI of Lugano; Master degree in Prevention and Anti-Corruption Enforcement Tools at Unitelma Sapienza University of Rome; Part of Public Integrity and Transparency Research Group (GRIP); Editorial Board Assistant for Azienda Pubblica journal; Intern at Italian Public Function Department, Performance Evaluation Office;

Research products

Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" - Via Cracovia, 50, 00133 Roma RM