Roberto FREZZOTTI, full professor of Theoretical Physics at the Univ. of Roma Tor Vergata (UTOV), Physics Dept. since December 2021. Born in Rome, Italy on December 21, 1966, Msc (1991, supervisor G.C. Rossi) and PhD (1995, supervisor R. Petronzio) at UTOV. Postdoc fellow at DESY-Hamburg, MPI fuer Physick-Munich, Univ. Milano Bicocca and INFN/Milano. Associate fellow at CERN (Mar-Aug 2001); staff researcher (2005-2014) and associate professor (2014-2021) at UTOV. Teaching: diplome courses on "Mathematical Methods of Physics" (2013 to now) and exercitations (2005-2013); master course on "Elementary Particles Phenomenology" at UTOV. Lectures at PhD schools on lattice QCD and applications. Member of the Physics Ph.D. school of UTOV. Supervisor of ~20 students, a few Ph.D and postdoc fellows. Evaluator of Italian Research VQR 2015-19. Research: lattice field theory and applications to Flavour Physics, Standard Model Parameters and Precision Tests. Invention of methods for lattice regularization of gauge theories with fermions (twisted mass Lattice QCD), non-perturbative renormalization of operators; "ratio method" for b-quark physics observables in lattice QCD, QED corrections to hadronic observables. Study of new mechanism for elementary particle mass. Computation of the leading hadronic contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment and of R(e+e- -> hadrons). Founding member of the European/Extended Twisted Mass Collaborations, key scientist in 5 PRIN/IT research projects + 8 PRACE/EU projects on Tier0 computers, P.I. of the LIBETOV project ("Uncovering excellence 2014",UTOV) and PRACE/EU project "PLepNuGam" (call 17). Member of the LOC of Lattice2010, since 18 years referee of Phys.Rev.D. Coauthor of 78+79 publications with >7500 (two of them with 500+) citations and h-index=44 on HEP-INSPIRE; >4350 citations and h=39 on Scopus; >8350 citations and h=45 on Google Scholar; appearing in the “Top Italian Scientists” list. Two dozens of invited talks, among which 4 plenary talks.