Full professor

email: raffaele.lener@leplex.it

Full Professor since 1994; currently at the Department of Law of the University of Rome Tor Vergata,

where he has been teaching Commercial Law and Financial Market Law. He previously taught at the

University of Perugia and the University of Bari. Lecturer in Commercial Law at the LUISS-Guido

Carli University.

He was a member of the ABF from 2009 to 2015 and member of the ACF from 2016 to 2022, he is

currently member of the Supervisory Committee of the Supervisory Board on Financial Advisers

(OCF). He is also a member of Assoreti’s Jury. He was a partner with Freshfields for 20 years. In

2018, he founded Lener & Partners. Expert member of the Bicameral Commission on the banking

and financial system (2020).

Founding member of Associazione Preite and co-director of AGE-Analisi Giuridica dell’Economia,

he was founder and Vice-President of the Associazione dei Docenti di Diritto dell’Economia

(ADDE). He is Director, with Eugenio Picozza, of the series “Diritto dell'Economia” (Giappichelli).

Co-director of Rivista di diritto bancario, Rivista Dialoghi di diritto dell’economia and Rivista di

diritto privato. Among his works: Diritto del mercato finanziario. Saggi (2011), I titoli di credito, in

Commentario del codice civile UTET (2015), Fintech. Diritto, tecnologia e finanza (2018), I diversi

settori del Fintech (2019), Tutela del cliente e “giurisprudenza” ABF (2020), La consulenza

digitalizzata (2021)

Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" - Via Cracovia, 50, 00133 Roma RM