2108/361483 - 2024 -
A meta-analysis approach to gene regulatory network inference identifies key regulators of cardiovascular diseases Pepe, Gerardo; Appierdo, Romina; Ausiello, Gabriele; Helmer Citterich, Manuela; Gherardini, Pier Federico - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES (Basel: MDPI Center) pp. - - issn: 1422-0067 - wos: WOS:001210099700001 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85191386951 (2)
2108/377946 - 2024 -
Circulating KRAS G12D but not G12V is associated with survival in metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma Gherardini, Pier Federico - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS (London: Nature Publishing Group-Springer Nature) pp. - - issn: 2041-1723 - wos: WOS:001270732400024 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85198107944 (3)
2108/373494 - 2024 -
Human lncRNAs harbor conserved modules embedded in different sequence contexts Ballesio, Francesco; Pepe, Gerardo; Ausiello, Gabriele; Novelletto, Andrea; Helmer Citterich, Manuela; Gherardini, Pier Federico - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: NON-CODING RNA RESEARCH ([Amsterdam] : Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd.) pp. 1257-1270 - issn: 2468-0540 - wos: WOS:001273502800001 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85196831816 (0)
2108/307779 - 2022 -
Artificial intelligence methods enhance the discovery of RNA interactions Pepe, Gerardo; Helmer Citterich, Manuela; Gherardini, Pier Federico - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: FRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR BIOSCIENCES (Lausanne : Frontiers Media S.A., 2014-) pp. - - issn: 2296-889X - wos: WOS:000875656500001 (4) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85140450709 (4)
2108/312074 - 2022 -
Sotigalimab and/or nivolumab with chemotherapy in first-line metastatic pancreatic cancer: clinical and immunologic analyses from the randomized phase 2 PRINCE trial Gherardini, Pier Federico - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: NATURE MEDICINE (New York, N.Y. : Nature America, Inc.) pp. 1167-1177 - issn: 1546-170X - wos: WOS:000805744500001 (179) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85131291377 (174)
2108/312444 - 2022 -
Ipilimumab alone or in combination with nivolumab in patients with advanced melanoma who have progressed or relapsed on PD-1 blockade: clinical outcomes and translational biomarker analyses Gherardini, Pier Federico - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: JOURNAL FOR IMMUNOTHERAPY OF CANCER ([London] : BioMed Central) pp. - - issn: 2051-1426 - wos: WOS:000747345500003 (30) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85123816141 (29)
2108/312077 - 2021 -
CD40 agonistic monoclonal antibody APX005M (sotigalimab) and chemotherapy, with or without nivolumab, for the treatment of metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma: an open-label, multicentre, phase 1b study Gherardini, Pier Federico - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: THE LANCET ONCOLOGY (The Lancet:6277 Sea Harbor:Orlando, FL 32887:(800)462-6198, EMAIL: uslancetcs@elsevier.com, INTERNET: http://www.thelancet.com, Fax: (407)363-1354) pp. 118-131 - issn: 1470-2045 - wos: WOS:000610553800054 (197) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85098529304 (200)
2108/312076 - 2021 -
A "data sharing trust" model for rapid, collaborative science Gherardini, Pier Federico - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: CELL (Cambridge Mass.: MIT, 1974-) pp. 566-570 - issn: 1097-4172 - wos: WOS:000629631400002 (4) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85100405503 (8)
2108/312078 - 2020 -
Landscape of coordinated immune responses to H1N1 challenge in humans Chen, Han; Gherardini, Pier Federico - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: THE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION (American Society for Clinical Investigation:PO Box 7226:Ann Arbor, MI 48107:(734)222-6050, EMAIL: rhickman@the-jci.org, INTERNET: http://www.jci.org, Fax: (734)222-6058) pp. 5800-5816 - issn: 0021-9738 - wos: WOS:000587413700022 (19) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85095461758 (22)
2108/312080 - 2019 -
Multiplexed profiling of RNA and protein expression signatures in individual cells using flow or mass cytometry Gherardini, Pier Federico - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: NATURE PROTOCOLS (London, UK : Nature Pub. Group, 2006-) pp. 901-920 - issn: 1750-2799 - wos: WOS:000459890700010 (26) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85061178423 (30)
2108/312079 - 2019 -
Comprehensive Immune Monitoring of Clinical Trials to Advance Human Immunotherapy Gherardini, Pier Federico - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: CELL REPORTS (Elsevier B.V.
Cambridge MA: Cell Press) pp. 819-831.e4 - issn: 2211-1247 - wos: WOS:000475582000020 (76) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85068116065 (83)
2108/312082 - 2018 -
Epigenomic-Guided Mass Cytometry Profiling Reveals Disease-Specific Features of Exhausted CD8 T Cells Gherardini, Pier Federico - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: IMMUNITY (Cambridge Mass.: Cell Press) pp. 1029-1045.e5 - issn: 1097-4180 - wos: WOS:000432488600021 (218) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85046641108 (218)
2108/312261 - 2018 -
GateFinder: projection-based gating strategy optimization for flow and mass cytometry Gherardini, Pier Federico - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: BIOINFORMATICS ([Oxford] : Oxford University Press) pp. 4131-4133 - issn: 1367-4811 - wos: WOS:000453453300027 (14) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85057163364 (18)
2108/312295 - 2018 -
High response rate to PD-1 blockade in desmoplastic melanomas Gherardini, Pier Federico - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: NATURE ([London] : Nature Pub. Group) pp. 347-350 - issn: 1476-4687 - wos: WOS:000423475100053 (255) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85040827832 (274)
2108/312081 - 2018 -
MetaCyto: A Tool for Automated Meta-analysis of Mass and Flow Cytometry Data Gherardini, Pier Federico - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: CELL REPORTS (Elsevier B.V.
Cambridge MA: Cell Press) pp. 1377-1388 - issn: 2211-1247 - wos: WOS:000440377500025 (36) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85050365233 (37)
2108/312297 - 2017 -
Systemic immunity is required for effective cancer immunotherapy Gherardini, Pier Federico - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: CELL (Cambridge Mass.: MIT, 1974-) pp. 487-502.e15 - issn: 1097-4172 - wos: WOS:000424595700001 (709) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85009756462 (732)
2108/234343 - 2016 -
Deep Proteomics of Breast Cancer Cells Reveals that Metformin Rewires Signaling Networks Away from a Pro-growth State Sacco, Francesca; Pirro', Stefano; Gherardini, Pier Federico; Castagnoli, Luisa; Cesareni, Giovanni - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: CELL SYSTEMS (Cambridge, MA : Cell Press ; Philadelphia, PA : Elsevier) pp. 159-171 - issn: 2405-4712 - wos: WOS:000394358800006 (67) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84959286939 (73)
2108/312339 - 2015 -
Single-cell systems-level analysis of human Toll-like receptor activation defines a chemokine signature in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus Gherardini, Pier Federico - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: THE JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY (St. Louis, MO : Elsevier) pp. 1326-1336 - issn: 1097-6825 - wos: WOS:000364787200023 (62) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84957447776 (66)
2108/302887 - 2015 -
Erratum: AMBRA1 links autophagy to cell proliferation and tumorigenesis by promoting c-Myc dephosphorylation and degradation (Nature Cell Biology (2015) 17 (20-30)) Cianfanelli, Valentina; Fuoco, Claudia; Gherardini, Pier Federico; De Zio, Daniela; Antonioli, Manuela; D'orazio, Melania; Bordi, Matteo; Helmer Citterich, Manuela; Piacentini, Mauro; Di Bartolomeo, Sabrina; Cecconi, Francesco - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: NATURE CELL BIOLOGY (London : Macmillan Magazines Ltd., c1999-
London : Nature Publishing Group) pp. 706-706 - issn: 1476-4679 - wos: WOS:000353771500018 (5) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84929469872 (29)
2108/312340 - 2015 -
An interactive reference framework for modeling a dynamic immune system Gherardini, Pier Federico - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: SCIENCE (New York, N.Y. : [s.n.] 1880-American Association for the Advancement of Science.) pp. 1259425- - issn: 1095-9203 - wos: WOS:000357664300034 (185) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84937604921 (196)
2108/107761 - 2015 -
AMBRA1 links autophagy to cell proliferation and tumorigenesis by promoting c-Myc dephosphorylation and degradation Fuoco, Claudia; Gherardini, Pier Federico; De Zio, Daniela; Nazio, Francesca; Antonioli, Manuela; D'orazio, Melania; Helmer Citterich, Manuela; Piacentini, Mauro; Di Bartolomeo, Sabrina; Cecconi, Francesco - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: NATURE CELL BIOLOGY (Nature America Incorporated:345 Park Avenue South, 6th Floor:New York, NY 10010:(888)331-6288, EMAIL: institutions@natureny.com, INTERNET: http://www.nature.com, Fax: (212)689-9108) pp. 20-30 - issn: 1465-7392 - wos: WOS:000346823900005 (189) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84926145894 (187)
2108/86849 - 2014 -
Regulation dynamics of Leishmania differentiation: deconvoluting signals and identifying phosphorylation trends Gherardini, Pier Federico; Helmer Citterich, Manuela - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: MOLECULAR & CELLULAR PROTEOMICS (AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY INC, 9650 ROCKVILLE PIKE, BETHESDA, USA, MD, 20814-3996) pp. - - issn: 1535-9476 - wos: WOS:000339251300011 (59) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84904103761 (59)
2108/87935 - 2014 -
A proteome-wide Domain-centric Perspective on Protein Phosphorylation Ausiello, Gabriele; Helmer Citterich, Manuela; Gherardini, Pier Federico - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: MOLECULAR & CELLULAR PROTEOMICS (AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY INC, 9650 ROCKVILLE PIKE, BETHESDA, USA, MD, 20814-3996) pp. - - issn: 1535-9476 - wos: WOS:000341785800003 (4) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84907192049 (4)
2108/74775 - 2013 -
Exploring the diversity of SPRY/B30.2-mediated interactions Gherardini, Pier Federico; Helmer Citterich, Manuela; Cesareni, Giovanni - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: TRENDS IN BIOCHEMICAL SCIENCES (Elsevier Trends Journals:An Imprint of Elsevier Science Limited, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford 0X5 1GB United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. 38-46 - issn: 0968-0004 - wos: WOS:000314143700006 (73) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84871474752 (56)
2108/74772 - 2013 -
Enrichment of Leishmania donovani ATP-binding proteins using a staurosporine capture compound Gherardini, Pier Federico; Helmer Citterich, Manuela - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS () pp. - - issn: 1874-3919 - wos: WOS:000321403500008 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84878906443 (4)
2108/78693 - 2013 -
Alternative splicing tends to avoid partial removals of protein-protein interaction sites Gherardini, Pier Federico; Scalia Tomba, Gianpaolo; Ausiello, Gabriele; Helmer Citterich, Manuela - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: BMC GENOMICS (London: BioMed Central, 2000-) pp. 379-379 - issn: 1471-2164 - wos: WOS:000321387000001 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84878657158 (4)
2108/74769 - 2013 -
Phosphoproteomic analysis of differentiating Leishmania parasites reveals unique stage-specific phosphorylation motif Gherardini, Pier Federico; Helmer Citterich, Manuela - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH (Washington, D.C. : American Chemical Society, c2002-) pp. - - issn: 1535-3893 - wos: WOS:000321605700031 (54) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84879897507 (54)
2108/74771 - 2013 -
Experimental and computational methods for the analysis and modeling of signaling networks Gherardini, Pier Federico; Helmer Citterich, Manuela - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: NEW BIOTECHNOLOGY (Amsterdam : Elsevier Life Science) pp. 327-332 - issn: 1871-6784 - wos: WOS:000317240000012 (4) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84878107994 (3)
2108/73447 - 2012 -
What have proteomics taught us about Leishmania development? Gherardini, Pier Federico; Helmer Citterich, Manuela - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: PARASITOLOGY (London: Cambridge University Press, 1908-) pp. 1146-1157 - issn: 0031-1820 - wos: WOS:000308382200005 (29) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84864999160 (28)
2108/74627 - 2012 -
Identification of binding pockets in protein structures using a knowledge-based potential derived from local structural similarities Gherardini, Pier Federico; Helmer Citterich, Manuela; Ausiello, Gabriele - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: BMC BIOINFORMATICS ([London]: BioMed Central, [2000]-) pp. - - issn: 1471-2105 - wos: WOS:000303936400018 (16) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84864936114 (16)
2108/69847 - 2012 -
B-Pred, a structure based B-cell epitopes prediction server Giaco', Luciano; Amicosante, Massimo; Fraziano, Maurizio; Gherardini, Pier Federico; Ausiello, Gabriele; Helmer Citterich, Manuela; Colizzi, Vittorio; Cabibbo, Andrea - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: ADVANCES AND APPLICATIONS IN BIOINFORMATICS AND CHEMISTRY ([Auckland, N.Z. : Dove Medical Press]) pp. 11-21 - issn: 1178-6949 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84878890474 (16)
2108/74770 - 2012 -
Identification of nucleotide-binding sites in protein structures: a novel approach based on nucleotide modularity Gherardini, Pier Federico; Helmer Citterich, Manuela; Ausiello, Gabriele - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: PLOS ONE (San Francisco, CA : Public Library of Science) pp. e50240-e50240 - issn: 1932-6203 - wos: WOS:000311885800056 (6) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84870276089 (6)
2108/77892 - 2012 -
Mapping the human phosphatome on growth pathways Sacco, Francesca; Gherardini, Pier Federico; Paoluzi, Serena; Helmer Citterich, Manuela; Ragnini, Antonella; Castagnoli, Luisa; Cesareni, Giovanni - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: MOLECULAR SYSTEMS BIOLOGY (London : Nature Pub. Group) pp. 603-603 - issn: 1744-4292 - wos: WOS:000308316400003 (20) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84868282067 (18)
2108/42697 - 2011 -
PhosTryp: a phosphorylation sites predictor specific for parasitic protozoa of the family trypanosomatidae Gherardini, Pier Federico; Ausiello, Gabriele; Helmer Citterich, Manuela - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: BMC GENOMICS (London: BioMed Central, 2000-) pp. 614- - issn: 1471-2164 - wos: WOS:000300735700001 (18) - scopus: 2-s2.0-83655180753 (19)
2108/15203 - 2011 -
Adaptation of a 2D in-gel kinase assay to trace phosphotransferase activities in the human pathogen Leishmania donovani Gherardini, Pier Federico; Helmer Citterich, Manuela - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS () pp. - - issn: 1874-3919 - wos: WOS:000295149000014 (7) - scopus: 2-s2.0-80051673320 (7)
2108/15040 - 2011 -
Phosfinder: a web server for the identification of phosphate-binding sites on protein structures Gherardini, Pier Federico; Ausiello, Gabriele; Helmer Citterich, Manuela - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH (Oxford University Press:Journals Department, Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP United Kingdom:011 44 1865 556767, EMAIL: jnlorders@oup.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.oup.co.uk, Fax: 011 44 1865 267485
Editore precedente:
Information Retrieval ltd., London) pp. - - issn: 0305-1048 - wos: WOS:000292325300045 (12) - scopus: 2-s2.0-79959938469 (12)
2108/14876 - 2011 -
Phospho3D 2.0: an enhanced database of three-dimensional structures of phosphorylation sites Gherardini, Pier Federico; Helmer Citterich, Manuela - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH (Oxford University Press:Journals Department, Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP United Kingdom:011 44 1865 556767, EMAIL: jnlorders@oup.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.oup.co.uk, Fax: 011 44 1865 267485
Editore precedente:
Information Retrieval ltd., London) pp. D268-D271 - issn: 0305-1048 - wos: WOS:000285831700045 (38) - scopus: 2-s2.0-78651323535 (40)
2108/15046 - 2011 -
Phosphate binding sites identification in protein structures Gherardini, Pier Federico; Helmer Citterich, Manuela; Ausiello, Gabriele - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH (Oxford University Press:Journals Department, Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP United Kingdom:011 44 1865 556767, EMAIL: jnlorders@oup.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.oup.co.uk, Fax: 011 44 1865 267485
Editore precedente:
Information Retrieval ltd., London) pp. 1231-42- - issn: 0305-1048 - wos: WOS:000288019400013 (14) - scopus: 2-s2.0-79952351456 (15)
2108/312337 - 2010 -
Identification from chest x-rays: reliability of bone density patterns of the humerus Gherardini, Pier Federico; Arcudi, Giovanni - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES (West Conshocken, PA : ASTM) pp. 478-481 - issn: 1556-4029 - wos: WOS:000275098700028 (5) - scopus: 2-s2.0-77649258479 (6)
2108/15086 - 2010 -
Superpose3D: a local structural comparison program that allows for user-defined structure representations Gherardini, Pier Federico; Ausiello, Gabriele; Helmer Citterich, Manuela - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: PLOS ONE (San Francisco, CA : Public Library of Science) pp. e11988- - issn: 1932-6203 - wos: WOS:000280605400021 (14) - scopus: 2-s2.0-77957760751 (12)
2108/14880 - 2010 -
Identification of Leishmania-specific protein phosphorylation sites by LC-ESI-MS/MS and comparative genomics analyses Gherardini, Pier Federico; Helmer Citterich, Manuela - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: PROTEOMICS (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmBH:PO Box 101161, D 69451 Weinheim Germany:011 49 6201 606147, EMAIL: service@wiley-vch.de, INTERNET: http://www.wiley-vch.de, Fax: 011 49 6201 606328) pp. 3868-3883 - issn: 1615-9853 - wos: WOS:000284045300009 (30) - scopus: 2-s2.0-78049391406 (38)
2108/15047 - 2010 -
Modular architecture of nucleotide-binding pockets Gherardini, Pier Federico; Ausiello, Gabriele; Helmer Citterich, Manuela - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH (Oxford University Press:Journals Department, Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP United Kingdom:011 44 1865 556767, EMAIL: jnlorders@oup.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.oup.co.uk, Fax: 011 44 1865 267485
Editore precedente:
Information Retrieval ltd., London) pp. 3809-3816 - issn: 0305-1048 - wos: WOS:000279188800035 (25) - scopus: 2-s2.0-77954364272 (24)
2108/15049 - 2009 -
Structural motifs recurring in different folds recognize the same ligand fragments Ausiello, Gabriele; Gherardini, Pier Federico; Helmer Citterich, Manuela - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: BMC BIOINFORMATICS ([London]: BioMed Central, [2000]-) pp. 182- - issn: 1471-2105 - wos: WOS:000267597100001 (12) - scopus: 2-s2.0-67649891099 (13)
2108/15192 - 2008 -
Structure-based function prediction: approaches and applications Gherardini, Pier Federico; Helmer Citterich, Manuela - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: BRIEFINGS IN FUNCTIONAL GENOMICS & PROTEOMICS (-London : Henry Stewart, 2002-2009.
-Oxford : Oxford Journals) pp. 291-302 - issn: 1473-9550 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-53249156104 (64)
2108/15050 - 2008 -
FunClust: a web server for the identification of structural motifs in a set of non-homologous protein structures Ausiello, Gabriele; Gherardini, Pier Federico; Helmer Citterich, Manuela - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: BMC BIOINFORMATICS ([London]: BioMed Central, [2000]-) pp. S2- - issn: 1471-2105 - wos: WOS:000259022900002 (27) - scopus: 2-s2.0-43349087464 (30)
2108/15194 - 2007 -
3dLOGO: a web server for the identification, analysis and use of conserved protein substructures Gherardini, Pier Federico; Ausiello, Gabriele; Helmer Citterich, Manuela - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH (Oxford University Press:Journals Department, Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP United Kingdom:011 44 1865 556767, EMAIL: jnlorders@oup.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.oup.co.uk, Fax: 011 44 1865 267485
Editore precedente:
Information Retrieval ltd., London) pp. W416-W419 - issn: 0305-1048 - wos: WOS:000255311500078 (4) - scopus: 2-s2.0-34547561586 (6)
2108/15215 - 2007 -
False occurrences of functional motifs in protein sequences highlight evolutionary constraints Gherardini, Pier Federico; Ausiello, Gabriele; Scalia Tomba, Gianpaolo; Helmer Citterich, Manuela - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: BMC BIOINFORMATICS ([London]: BioMed Central, [2000]-) pp. 68- - issn: 1471-2105 - wos: WOS:000244856400001 (7) - scopus: 2-s2.0-33947389235 (9)
2108/14722 - 2007 -
Phospho3D: a database of three-dimensional structures of protein phosphorylation sites Ausiello, Gabriele; Gherardini, Pier Federico; Helmer Citterich, Manuela - 01 - Articolo su rivista
paper: NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH (Oxford University Press:Journals Department, Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP United Kingdom:011 44 1865 556767, EMAIL: jnlorders@oup.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.oup.co.uk, Fax: 011 44 1865 267485
Editore precedente:
Information Retrieval ltd., London) pp. D229-D231 - issn: 0305-1048 - wos: WOS:000243494600047 (41) - scopus: 2-s2.0-33846097128 (42)
2108/15200 - 2007 -
Convergent evolution of enzyme active sites is not a rare phenomenon Gherardini, Pier Federico; Helmer Citterich, Manuela - 01 - Articolo su rivista
-London; New York: Academic Press.) pp. 817-845 - issn: 0022-2836 - wos: WOS:000249494800020 (92) - scopus: 2-s2.0-34548241399 (97)