Full professor


Ordinary Professor, School of Law, University of Fribourg Dr. iur., attorney-at-law, LL.M. (Berkeley) Chair for Private Law and Roman Law,  born 3 August 1967, married, three children.  PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE a) Teaching Visiting Professor: Center for Transnational Legal Studies (CTLS – Spring 2023); Shanghai ECUPL (October 2020, online due to COVID-19); Paris Sorbonne (Paris 1) (February 2020); City University Hong Kong (March 2019); Georgetown University Law Center (August 2017-July 2018); Paris Panthéon-Assas (Paris 2) (February 2017; January 2013 and November 2012; May 2012; Feb. 2008); Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Santiago, November-December 2014); Trento (April 2014); Liège (Chaire David-Constant, March 2013) ; Istanbul, Bilgi University (April 2012), Center for Transnational Legal Studies (CTLS), London (; Aug.-Dec. 2018; Aug.-Dec. 2011; Jan-June 2009); Georgetown Summer Program (London; August 2011); Montpellier (March-April 2011); Stellenbosch (South Africa; October 2010); University of Rome 2 “Tor Vergata” (April 2007); University d’Auvergne Clermont-Ferrand (France; March 2007); Glasgow (March 2003); Pisa (February 2003); Liège (November 2002). Since 1st Oct. 2001 Ordinary Professor at the Law School of the University of Fribourg (Switzerland), Chair for Private Law and Roman Law (teaching of Contract Law [since 2006], Family Law [2001- 2007], and since 2001 European Private Law, European Consumer Law and Roman Law). Oct. 2000 -Sept. 2001 Associate Professor at the Law School of the University of Fribourg, holder of the Chair for Private Law and Roman Law (teaching of Roman Law, Family Law, European Private Law). Sept. 1999-June 2001 Substitute Professor at the Law Faculty of the University of Lausanne. b) Other legal activities: Since Nov.2023 Member of the advisory committee of the Federal Council for Digital friendly legislation (“ Beiratstreffens Digitale Schweiz zum Fokusthema Digitalisierungsfreundliches Recht”) Sept. 2022 Sept. 2021 Sept. 2019 Since Jan. 2019 Sept 2017- Aug 2014-July 2017 Feb. 2005-2009 Jan. 2012-Dec. 2018 2004-2014 Since 2010 2009-2020 Since June 2008 Since 2004 2000-2012 2007-2009 2003-2007 July 2004-2008 Member of the Governing Council, representing Switzerland, at Unidroit (Rome, Italie) President of the European Law Institute (elected in February 2021) 2nd vice-president of the executive Committee of European Law Institute President of the Federal Consumer Commission Council member of the ELI (European Law Institute) Dean of the Fribourg School of Law. President (2008-2009) of the European Law Faculties Association (ELFA); 1st vice-president (2007- 2008); member of the board (2005-2009). Vice-president of the Federal Consumer Commission Co-Dean for international Relations for the School of Law of Fribourg Member of the International Jury of the Premio Internazionale di diritto romano ‘Gérard Boulvert’ (Roman Law; Chair of the Jury for High-School gradutate (Collège St-Michel Fribourg) Co-Program director LL.M. in Business Law (Fribourg, Berne, Neuchâtel, Master of Laws in cross-cultural business practice Teacher of the Summer University on European Private Law, University of Salzburg. Co-ordinator for the module Law for the Executive Master on management in telecommunications, IIMT, University of Fribourg President of the Professoral Body of the University of Fribourg Board of examinators for the Bar-exam in Fribourg Co-scientific Director of the project European Law Online School of Law of Fribourg in coordination with the University of Strasbourg III. 2002-2006 Since 2000 Since 2008 Since 2018 1991-2015 c) Legal journals Scientific Director of the Master of advanced studies in Children Rights (University of Fribourg in collaboration with the Institute Kurt Bösch in Sion and the Institute for children’s rights, Bramois/Sion; Regular legal expert opinions, mainly on Swiss and International Contract Law, Construction Law and Family Law. Chair and sole arbitrator (10) and co-arbitrator (13) in numerous arbitral proceedings (ICC, SCAI, ad hoc; national and international contract Law, Construction Law) Member of the Court of Arbitration in Sports (CAS) – president of panels (4), sole arbitrator (6) and co- arbitrator (4). Judge at the Military Appelate Court in Switzerland I specifically state that I appeared 5 times as expert witness in international state and arbitration proceedings (4 times for plaintiffs, 1 time for defendants); more than 40 times as sole arbitrator, co- arbitrator, president, in domestic state and arbitral proceedings, sometimes for plaintiffs, sometimes for defendants. - Editor-in-chief of the Revue de droit suisse (Journal for Swiss Law), since 2018, before member since 2004 - Member of the editorial board of Baurecht/Droit de la construction (Swiss Journal for Construction Law), since 2002 - Member of the editorial board of Revue suisse de jurisprudence (Swiss Journal for Case-Law), since 2002 - Scientific correspondent of the Revue fribourgeoise de jurisprudence (RFJ), since 2002 - Member of the editorial board of Revue Internationale des Droits de l’Antiquité (RIDA) (Brussels), since 2007 - Member of the editorial board of Orbis Iuris Romani (International Journal for Roman Law), since 2004 - Member of the editorial board of Teoria e storia del diritto privato (Naples), since 2007 (electronic Journal: - Member of the Scientific committee of Pactum. Rivista di diritto dei contratti (Rome), since 2022 - Member of the Scientific committee of Index (International Journal of Roman Law), Naples, since 2010 - Member of the Scientific committee of Fundamina (International Journal of Roman Law), Pretoria (SA), since 2012 - Member of the Scientific committee of Iura (International Journal of Roman Law), Catania, since 2014 - Member of the Scientific committee of Revista Internacional de Derecho Romano (RIDROM ; Spain), since 2017 d) Associations - Supporting Member of the European Law Institute (Vienna) –sept. 2017 member of the Council, sept. 2019 2nd vice- president, sept. 2021 president - Associate Member of the International association of comparative law - Member of the Société de législation comparée (Paris) - Founding member of the Academy on European Private Law (Salzburg) - Member of the ASA (Association Suisse d’Arbitrage) - Member of the LCIA list (London Court of International Arbitration) - ICC Swiss Group (International Chamber of Commerce, arbitration) – Swiss Group - Member of the board of SSJ, and treasurer (Société suisse des juristes) - Secola (Society of European Contract Law association) - Familiengesellschaft (Deutschland) - IABA (International Association of Boalt Alumni), general secretary 2002-2008 MAIN STEPS OF LEGAL EDUCATION 2001 Habilitation at the University of Fribourg (venia legendi: Private Law, Roman Law and Comparative Law) with a thesis entitled: "La compensation. Analyse historique et comparative des modes de compenser non conventionnels" (on set-off in historical and comparative perspective), Fribourg 2001–AISUF 208, LXXX-736p. 1997-1998 Post-doctoral research at the University of Regensburg (Germany at Prof. R. Zimmermann’s Chair). 1998 Ph.D. utr. iur. (Doctorate), for a thesis entitled "Impossibilité et exorbitance. Etudes des obstacles à l'exécution des obligations en droit suisse (art. 119 CO et 79 CVIM)" (on frustration and hardship), AISUF 168, Fribourg 1997, LX-456 p. (reporters: Pierre Tercier and Peter Gauch). 1997 Master of Laws (LL.M.), at the University of California at Berkeley (USA). 1994 Attorney-at-Law (Fribourg), articled for two years by Hartmann & Dreyer (Fribourg) 1991 Licence en droit (LL.D.), bilingual at the University of Fribourg. Awards Frilex-Award 1991 ; Peter-Jäggi Stiftung Award 1997 ; Walther Hug Award 1997 ; Premio internazionale Gérard Boulvert Award 2002; and fellowships for publications and research (young research fellowship FNS 1996-1997; advanced research fellowship FNS 1998-2001; Robbins Fellow UC Berkeley, 2005) 

Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" - Via Cracovia, 50, 00133 Roma RM