Full professor


Mario Stella Richter (Rome, 27 September 1965) is a full professor of

commercial law in the Department of Law at the University of Roma Tre.

Education and training. After graduating with honours in Law from the

University of Rome “La Sapienza” on 16 June 1988, he attended:

- the Scuola di specializzazione in Comparazione giuridica su base

romanistica (1988-1989 and 1989-1990), with a scholarship from the

Ministry of Universities and Scientific Research;

- the Master of Laws at Columbia University in New York (1990-1991),

with the “D. Menichella” scholarship from the Bank of Italy;

- the PhD at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”

, with the corresponding


- the Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht

in Hamburg, which awarded him its Stipendium in 1993, 1996 and 1998.

Academic position and teaching activities. Since 7 April 2000, he has been a

full professor of commercial law.

Since 1 November 2023, he has been a full professor in the Department of Law of

Roma Tre University.

From November 2006 to October 2023, he was full professor in the Department of

Law of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. Before that, he had full professor

of Commercial Law in the Faculty of Law of the University of Macerata.

In the three-year period 2015-2018, he was a member of the Academic Senate of

the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and, from 2019 to 2023, he was President

of the Scientific Council of the Library of the Law. Previously, he was President

of the degree course, a member of the Rector’s Advisory Committee for Research

Centres and a member of the Commission for the valorisation of research results

and technology transfer, also at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.

In 2016 he was appointed as a member of the Governing Council of the Supreme


From 2013-2014 to 2017-2018, he taught Public Economic Law on contract in the

Faculty of Law at LUISS-G. Carli in Rome.

In 2017-2018, he was a lecturer in Business Law Seminars at Bocconi Universityof Milan.

In 2022, he was a professor at the Centro Studi Guido Rossi – Diritto delle Grandi

Imprese, established at the Collegio Ghislieri in collaboration with the

Department of Law of the University of Pavia.

He also taught:

- Corporate Governance for two academic years at Bocconi University of


- Italian and European Commercial Law for two academic years at the Free

University of Bolzano;

- for two academic years, in the specialisation school for the legal

professions of the Universities of Camerino and Macerata;

- Company Law for three academic years at the Notarial School of Rome;

- at the Higher School of the Magistracy, the Higher School of the Tax

Police, the Carabinieri Cadet School, the National School of

Administration, the Higher School of the Interior Administration and the

Higher School of Economics and Finance.

Professional experience: since 1992, he has been a lawyer at the Rome Bar.

Since 2001, he has been a Supreme Court lawyer.

By decree of the Minister of Economy and Finance 11 March 2024, no. 11501, he

was appointed a member of the Reform Committee, to implement the delegation

contained in art. 19 of Law no. 21 of 2024.

Since 28 February 2023, he has been Chair of the Interbank Deposit Protection

Fund (FITD) and of the Voluntary Intervention Scheme (SVI).

By resolution of the OCF-Organismo di Vigilanza e tenuta dell’albo unico dei

Consulenti finanziari, he was appointed as a member of the OCF Supervisory

Committee, for the four-year period 2018-2022 and was confirmed for the four-

year period 2022-2026.

From 2000 to 2008, he was a corporate law consultant to the Ministry of Economy

and Finance-General Directorate of the Treasury (in this capacity he, among other

things, represented the State Treasury in meetings with main investee companies:

Eni, Enel, Finmeccanica, Alitalia, Telecom, INA, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, Poste

Italiane, Ferrovie dello Stato, IPZS, Anas, RAI, Coni Servizi, etc.).

Furthermore, he was:

- from 1989 to 1991, Secretary of the Commission for the study and

transposition of European Union directives on companies;

- from 2002 to 2007, legal counsel to the Italian Italian Investment

Management Association (Assogestioni);

- from 2005 to 2009, member of the Group of experts on corporate

governance and corporate law of the European Commission;- from 2004 to 2010, member of the Executive Committee of the National

Compensation Fund of Financial Intermediaries;

- in 2005 and 2006, member of the Working Group for the revision of the

Italian Corporate Governance Code;

- from 2008 to 2010, corporate law consultant to the Province of Rome;

- from 2011 to 2013, Sub-Commissioner of SIAE;

- in 2011, an expert of the “Regulatory Simplification Commission”

established by Consob;

- from 2010 to 2014, arbitrator of the Arbitration Chamber for public


- from 2010 to 2015, arbitrator of the Consob Conciliation and Arbitration


- from 2015 to 2016, member of the Italian Arbitration Association (AIA)

and Assonime working group on corporate arbitration;

- from 1992 to date, member of the Study Commission of the National

Council of Notaries;

- from 2011 to date, reviewer of research projects of the Ministry of

Education, University and Research;

- from 2012 to date, member of some working groups established at the

Assonime on European corporate law, corporate governance and other

corporate law issues;

- from 2012 to date, president of some advisory committees of real estate

and securities investment funds;

- from 2014 to date, member of the CONI Collegio di garanzia;

- from 2021 to date, member of the Scientific Panel of the Assonime

working group on “Corporate governance and Regulation of Listed



In the past, he has been Chairman of the Board of Directors, President of the

Committee of Statutory Auditors, Board Member (independent and member of the

Control and Risk Committee) of Italian listed companies or companies supervised

by the Bank of Italy and Consob.

Publications and collaborations in scientific journals and series: Co-editor of

the Rivista delle società, Saggi di diritto commerciale, and Quaderni di diritto

commerciale europeo. He is on the management committee of the following

journals: Rivista di diritto commerciale, Rivista bancaria; Munus. Legal review of

public services; Osservatorio del diritto civile e commerciale; Giurisprudenza


He is a member of the Scientific Committee of Studies and Materials. Journal of

the National Council of Notaries; Art and Law; as well as the following series:Theoretical and methodological models in the history of private law; Legal

culture. Texts on science, theory and history of law; Rules and markets (university

series of the Universitas Mercatorum); Monographs of the Economic Law Section

of the Management Department of the University of Turin; Corporate law.

Historical roots, evolution and configuration of the contract in Italian and

European law. He is referee at Banca borsa e titoli di credito; Giurisprudenza

commerciale; Corriere giuridico; Giurisprudenza italiana; Rivista del diritto

societario; Diritto della banca e del mercato finanziario; Italian Review of Legal

History; Rivista del notariato; Vita notarile; Rivista giuridica sarda; Orizzonti del

diritto commerciale; The Italian Law Journal; LawArt; Jus; Journal of Banking

Law; as well as the following series: Domestic and International Commercial

Law; Quaderni di giurisprudenza commerciale; Collana di diritto dell'economia;

Il diritto della banca e della borsa; Collana del Dipartimento di Diritto,

Economia e Culture dell'Università dell'Insubria.

He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the “Paolo Ferro-Luzzi

Interdepartmental Centre for the Study of European Banking and Finance Law” of

Roma Tre University; the *** Milan Monza Brianza Lodi; of the Giorgio Oppo

Foundation; of the CNPDS-National Centre for Social Prevention and Defence.

Since graduation, he has pursued research in numerous areas. Among them, over

330 books, articles, notes or papers have been published (or are in the process of

being published), in Italy and abroad.

He has lectured at all leading Italian universities and institutions and at a number

of foreign universities.

Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" - Via Cracovia, 50, 00133 Roma RM