PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXV

supervisor: Prof. Massimiliano Pellegrini

Research: Artificial intelligence as an enabler for entrepreneurship

I have always been fascinated by entrepreneurship and innovation, and I have sought to cultivate this passion through my experiences. While studying for my MSc in Business Administration – in which I specialized in Entrepreneurship – I had the opportunity to attend three entrepreneurial programs in Silicon Valley, Germany, and France thanks to three scholarships. After gaining practical experience working in national and international organizations, I started my PhD, which examined my own AI-driven communication startup “Speechannel”. During my PhD visiting program at Stanford and Berkeley, I launched “The Roads Not Taken” to inspire individuals, companies, and universities to take "the roads not taken", sharing unique stories and unconventional perspectives from all over the world. I was also invited to publicly talk about all these topics in TV appearances, on the radio, and at various universities.

Research products

Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" - Via Cracovia, 50, 00133 Roma RM