Giulio Cimini graduated in Physics at “La Sapienza” University of Rome in 2009. Then he got the PhD degree in theoretical and interdisciplinary physics at University of Fribourg (Switzerland) in 2013, defending the thesis “physics of evolving complex systems: models, algorithms and applications”. His PhD research activity focused on developing both models of evolving complex networks and algorithms to study and enhance information diffusion over social systems.
After the PhD, he was awarded a fellowship from the Swiss Natural Science Foundation for a research project on evolutionary game theory that he carried out at University Carlos III in Madrid (Spain). Afterwards he joined as postdoc the Institute of Complex Systems (ISC-CNR) in Rome, where his research focused on modeling dynamics of innovation and competitiveness in economics and social networks, as well as the topology and dynamics of financial systems. He then got an assistant professor position at IMT School for Advanced Studies in Lucca, where he focused on quantitative analysis and modeling of complex economic and financial systems, that is, on using statistical mechanics techniques to infer networks of bilateral and indirect exposures between financial institutions, and on developing dynamical models for risk propagation in financial networks. This research activity has been carried on in collaboration with researchers from regulatory entities (central banks and clearing houses).
After a short period as permanent researcher back at ISC-CNR, he is now associate professor at the Physics Department of University of Rome Tor Vergata. His current focus is on applying statistical mechanics and information theory to develop models of (possibly multilayer) complex networks, that find a twofold application in network reconstruction and statistical validation of network patterns. He also study critical phenomena of percolation and diffusion on networks, with applications in the diffusion of epidemics and opinions in structured populations.