
Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e Ricerca ambientale (ISPRA) - Responsabile dell'Unità Monitoraggio del territorio, cambiamenti di uso del suolo e desertificazioneResponsible role held: Head, Land Monitoring, Land Use Change and DesertificationUnit.

Professional contribution to the debate at the National level within the research area of interest of the PhD: Land consumption analysis and data elaboration; Soil/Land, urbanization, regeneration law monitoring; Ecosystem services and natural capital assessment; Environmental Impact Assessment; Environmental assessment of Urban areas through indicators - National Report; Environmental damage technical evaluation supporting Court; LIFE+ SAM4CP Soil Administration Models for Community Profit.

These skills are functional to the educational and research activities of the curriculum "Enhancement of Cultural and Environmental Heritage." Dr. Assennato's contribution is remarkable, especially in the international arena of her field of research, as confirmed by her scientific production in leading journals of recognized prestige and by her positions of high responsibility so far held at the Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (Italy's top research institution in this field).

SSD: Area CUN 09


Assennato F. Smiraglia D, Cavalli A, Giuliani C, The Increasing Coastal Urbanization in the Mediterranean Environment: The State of the Art in Italy, in Land, 2023;

Assennato F, Smiraglia D, Cavalli A, Congedo L, Giuliani C, Riitano N, Strollo A, Munafò M, The Impact of Urbanization on Land: A Biophysical-Based Assessment of Ecosystem Services Loss Supported by Remote Sensed Indicators, in Land, 2022;

Assennato F, De Fioravante P, Strollo A, Marinosci I, Congedo L, Munafò M, High Resolution Land Cover Integrating Copernicus Products: A 2012–2020 Map of Italy, in Land, 2022;

Assennato F, Strollo A, Smiraglia D, Bruno R, Congedo L, De Fioravante P, Giuliani C, Marinosci I, Riitano N, Munafò M, A Map of Land Consumption in Italy, in Journal of Maps, 2020;

Assennato F, Benedetti Y, Morelli F, Munafò M, Strollo A, Santolini R, Spatial associations among avian diversity, regulating and provisioning ecosystem services in Italy, in Ecological Indicators, 2020.

Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" - Via Cracovia, 50, 00133 Roma RM