Full professor

email: enrico.gabrielli@tiscali.it

Full Professor of Civil Law in the Law Department of the University of Rome "Tor Vergata"

PhD in Civil Law at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" (1988). 

Honorary Professor of the Facultad de Derecho of the Catholic University of Uruguay (2009) and Honorary Professor of the Universidad CLAEH (Uruguay) (2019)


The Universidad Catòlica of Uruguay, in 2013, awarded him the "Academic Medal" for his contribution to the Maestria en derecho civil contractual of the Facultad de Derecho.


The Faculty of Law of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina) in 2017 appointed him "Personalidad destacada de la Ciencia Juridica".


Member (and Member of Board of Directors) of the Accademia dei Giusprivatisti Europei of Pavia.


He directs the Maestria de derecho contractual de la Universidad CLAEH (Uruguay)

Visiting Professor in: Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Universidad Catòlica of Uruguay; Universidad de Montevideo.

He has published over 30 monographic books (italian and spanish language) and is the author of more than two hundreds of articles and papers.

He, at moment, directs:  

“SCUOLA di GIURISPRUDENZA”, Giappichelli Editore; 

 (together with prof. Pietro Rescigno): TRATTATO DI DIRITTO CIVILE E COMMERCIALE ITALIANO, Pechino; TRATTATO DEI CONTRATTI, Torino (until 1999).

He has also directed:


and (together with prof. Eugenio Picozza) TRATTATO DI DIRITTO DELL’ECONOMIA, CEDAM, Padova; 

and (together with proff. Francesco Vassalli and Francesco Paolo Luiso) TRATTATO Di DIRITTO FALLIMENTARE E DELLE ALTRE PROCEDURE CONCORSUALI, Giappichelli Editore, Torino; 

(together with prof. Francesco Gazzoni) il TRATTATO DELLA TRASCRIZIONE, UTET, Torino.

He’s director of the following legal rewiev: Giurisprudenza Italiana; Rivista del diritto commerciale; Rivista di diritto privato, Rivista di diritto fallimentareand he’s in Board of Directors of: Rivista trimestrale di diritto e procedura civile, Giustizia civile; Jus civile, Rivista di diritto sportivo, and others.

Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" - Via Cracovia, 50, 00133 Roma RM