Associate professor

email: emanuele.brienza@uninettunouniversity.net

Associate Professor of Research Methods for Archaeology

P.h.D. in Classical Archaeology (2004, University of Rome La Sapienza).

From 1997 to 2007 Scientific Manager of graphic and digital data for the archaeological cooperative Parsifal a. r. l.

From 2000 to 2010 GIS and Survey Expert for Pisa University in two projects of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy: Risk Map for North Saqqara Site and ISSEMM (Institutional Support to the Supreme Council of Antiquities for Environmental Monitoring and Management of the Cultural Heritage Sites),  Egypt.

In 2003 and 2005 GIS and Survey Expert for  the archaeological excavations in Elaiussa Sebaste, Turkey, (University of Rome Sapienza).

In 2008 Senior Consultant in Archaeology for the International Management Group inside the Pilot Activities for Education and Culture, Republic of Macedonia.

From 2007 to 2010 Contract Professor of Computer Applications in Archaeology at University of Rome Sapienza.

From 1990 to 2017 Survey and GIS Responsible for the archaeological excavations at the Meta Sudans and at the North-East Palatine Slope, Rome (University of Rome La Sapienza).

From November 2012 to April 2022 Researcher and Assistant Professor of Research Methods for Archaeology at University of Enna Kore.

From April 2022 to date is Associate Professor of Research Methods for Archaeology at the International Telematic University Uninettuno.

He published several articles on methods, survey, GIS and digital reconstruction in archaeology.

SSD: L-ANT/10 - L ARCH-01/G



Landscape archaeology, stratigraphic excavation, archeology of architecture and construction, GIS and information systems for archaeology, survey and technical analysis of ancient monuments, digital and virtual reconstruction.


Director of the Archeological Mission at Rossomanno, Sicily.

Member of the Curiae Veteres Technical-Scientific Committee, in cooperation with Archaeological Park of the Colosseum.


Member of the Scientific Committee of the journal Cronache di Archeologia


E. BRIENZA, Valle del Colosseo e Pendici Nord Orientali del Palatino. La via tra valle e Foro: dal dato stratigrafico alla narrazione virtuale (64 d.C.-138 d.C.), Roma 2016, Quasar; ISBN 978-88-71407463.


E. BRIENZA, The ancient Ostia Synagogue virtual reconstruction: a methodological approach for a controversial monument, in Zakhor. Rivista di storia degli Ebrei d’Italia, II, 2019, pp. 229-242; ISSN 2280-2487.

E. BRIENZA, M. CULTRARO, E. DRAIA’, Settlement and Viewshed dynamics between the ancient sites of the Erei hills as a key of interpretation and enhancement of Sicily’s historical landscape, in Archeologia e Calcolatori, 31.2, 2020, pp. 190-210; ISSN 1120-6861 e- ISSN 2385-1953.

M. NUZZOLO, R. PIRELLI, A. BOSCO, E. BRIENZA, P. ZANFAGNA, M. OSMAN, K. ARIAS, A. D’ANDREA, Sun temple of Niuserra in Abu Ghurab: report of the season 2018-2019, in Newsletter di Archeologia CISA, 11, 2020, pp. 289-306; ISSN 2036-6353

E. BRIENZA, L. FORNACIARI, Un Sistema Integrato per la Gestione e la Rielaborazione in Ambiente Tridimensionale della Documentazione Prodotta dalle Indagini Archeologiche presso le Pendici Nord-orientali del Palatino, in Archeomatica, 1/2020, pp.14-20; ISSN 2037-2485.

C. PANELLA, E. BRIENZA, L. FORNACIARI, Rome, Colosseum square and NE slopes of the Palatine hill: toward an integrated 3D system for stratigraphic data management and ancient urban landscape reconstruction, in GROMA documenting archaeology, 5, 2021, pp. 1-24; ISSN 2531-6672.

E. BRIENZA, L. FORNACIARI, Rome: NE slopes of the Palatine hill. Archaeology of architecture and ancient masonries deep analysis, in Archeologia e Calcolatori, 32.2, 2021, pp. 177-186; ISSN 1120-6861 e- ISSN 2385-1953.

E. BRIENZA, L. FORNACIARI, The masonry of the Bagni di Eliogabalo at the Palatine hill (Rome). Survey, analysis and quantification of a roman empire architecture, in Acta IMEKO 11-1, Special Issue on "Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 2022, pp. 1-9, ISSN 2221-870X.

E. BRIENZA, C.S., Using new smart tools for multiscale landscape archaeological investigations: the Eridu case, in Acta IMEKO TC4, Special Issue on "Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, pp. 1-15, eISSN: 2221-870X


E. BRIENZA, L’organisation des espaces urbains entre la vallée du Colisée et le Forum aux périodes néronienne et flavienne, in M. de Souza, O. Devillers (eds.), Neronia X. Le Palatin, émergence de la colline du pouvoir à Rome, de la mort d'Auguste au règne de Vespasien, 14-79 p.C:[travaux présentés à Rome sur le thème du Palatin lors du Xème Congrés international de la Société Internationale d’Études Néroniennes du 5 au 8 octobre 2016], Mémoires 55, Bordeaux 2019, Ausonius, pp. 123-137; ISBN 9782356132550.

E. BRIENZA, Le fortificazioni di Castiglione di Paludi: considerazioni aggiuntive 15 anni dopo, in L.M. Caliò, G.M. Gerogiannis, M. Kopsacheili (eds.), Fortificazioni e società nel Mediterraneo occidentale/Fortifications and Societies in the Western Mediterranean. Sicilia e Italia, atti del Convegno di Archeologia, organizzato dall’Università di Catania, dal Politecnico di Bari e dalla University of Manchester, Catania-Siracusa 14-16 febbraio 2019, in Cronache Monografie, Roma 2020, Quasar, pp. 387-407; ISBN 9788854910423.

E. BRIENZA, L.  FORNACIARI, Rome: NE slopes of the Palatine hill. Analysis and quantification of ancient architectures, Acta IMEKO TC4, Proceedings of the International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Trento 22-24 ottobre 2020, pp. 1-6; https://www.imeko.org/publications/tc4-Archaeo-2020.

E. BRIENZA, Roma, la via tra valle del Colosseo e Foro in età adrianea: ricostruzione storica e architettonica, in F. Hidalgo, G.E. Cinque, A. Pizzo, A. Viscogliosi (eds.), Adventus Hadriani. Investigaciones sobre Arquitectura Adrianea, Hispania Antigua, Serie Arqueológica 11, Roma 2020, L’Erma di Bretschneider, pp. 63-80; ISBN 9788891320131.

E. BRIENZA, La sinagoga di Ostia Antica restituita. Ricostruzione di un monumento controverso: ICT e approccio metodologico alla documentazione tradizionale, in D. Patti, L. Carnevale (eds.) Spazi e percorsi sacri fra Tarda antichità e Alto medioevo. Archeologia, Storia e Nuove Tecnologie. Atti del IV Convegno FIRB, (Enna 6-7 novembre 2015), Marenostrum. Segmenta 5, Bari 2021, Adda Editore, pp. 141-162; ISBN 9788867175024.

E. BRIENZA, G. CARATELLI, C. GIORGI, L. FORNACIARI, Rome-NE Palatine slopes: open-source methodologies and tools for the analysis of ancient architecture, in J. Bogdani, R. Montalbano, P. Rosati (eds.), ArcheoFoss 14 2020. Open software, hardware, processes, data and formats in archaeological research. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference, 15-17 October 2020, Oxford 2021, ArchaeoPress, pp. 24-34; ISBN 9781803271248.

E. BRIENZA, L.  FORNACIARI, Roma – “Bagni di Elagabalo”: un approccio di lettura del cantiere severiano, in ISCUM (ed.), Tiziano Mannoni. Attualità e sviluppi di metodi e idee, Biblioteca dell’Istituto Di Storia della Cultura Materiale 4.1, Sesto Fiorentino 2021, All’Insegna del Giglio, vol. 1, pp. 276-279; ISBN 9788892850583

E. BRIENZA, S. FONTANA, Per una carta archeologica del territorio di Giove, in E. Roscini (ed.), Fra tutela e ricerca. Indagini archeologiche nel territorio Amerino, Perugia 2022, Futura Libri, pp. 173-199, ISBN 88-3378-184-4.

E. BRIENZA, E. DRAIA’, Rossomanno da centro indigeno a polis Siculo-Greca, in R. Brancato, L.M. Caliò, M. Figuera, G.M. Gerogiannis, E. Pappalardo, S. Todaro (eds.), Schemata. La citta oltre la forma. Per una nuova definizione dei paesaggi urbani e delle loro funzioni: urbanizzazione e società nel Mediterraneo pre-classico. Età arcaica. Atti del Convegno Internazionale, organizzato dall’Università degli Studi di Catania, dall’Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli e dal Consorzio Universitario Archimede. Siracusa 26-28 febbraio 2002, Cronache Monografie, Roma 2022, pp. 333-358.

E. BRIENZA, Medinet Madi: an Egyptian town from Middle Kingdom to Late-Roman Period, in R. Brancato, L.M. Caliò, M. Figuera, G.M. Gerogiannis, E. Pappalardo, S. Todaro (eds.), Schemata. La citta oltre la forma. Per una nuova definizione dei paesaggi urbani e delle loro funzioni: urbanizzazione e società nel Mediterraneo pre-classico. Età arcaica. Atti del Convegno Internazionale, organizzato dall’Università degli Studi di Catania, dall’Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli e dal Consorzio Universitario Archimede. Archimede. Siracusa 26-28 febbraio 2002, Cronache Monografie, Roma 2022, pp. 627-650.

E. BRIENZA, M. ANZALONE, P. ZANFAGNA, The Abu Ghurab landscape: from total station to GIS and GPR, in M. Nuzzolo (ed.), The Sun Temple of Niuserra at Abu Ghurab, Oxford 2023, ArchaeoPress, pp. 231-248, ISBN 9781789695717.

E. BRIENZA, From landscape to excavation: using new smart tools for multiscale archaeological investigations, Acta IMEKO TC4, Proceedings of the International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Roma 19-21 ottobre 2023, Roma 2023, Athena, pp. 218-224, ISBN 9789299009062.

E. BRIENZA, L. FORNACIARI, Documentazione grafica e GIS: dal dettaglio stratigrafico. alla scala territoriale. Metodo, tecniche ed esperienze, in A. F. Ferranders (ed.), Strade, santuario e domus tra Palatino e Velia nella media età repubblicana (IV-III secolo a.C.). 1. Stratigrafie, contesti, ricostruzioni, MACAM 2, Roma 2023, Quasar, pp. 1-30; E-ISBN 9788854913967.


In 2007/2008 Academic Year - Adjunct of IT for archeology at the Faculty of Human Sciences of the Sapienza University of Rome, specialist degree, second semester.

In 2008 Lecturer at the II level inter-faculty Master's degree entitled Architecture for archeology - Archeology for architecture. Construction sites, projects and installations in archaeological areas, established by the Sapienza University of Rome.

In 2008/2009 Academic Year Adjunct of IT for archeology at the Faculty of Humanities of the Sapienza University of Rome, specialist degree, second semester.

In 2009 - Lecturer at the II level inter-faculty Master's degree entitled Architecture for archeology - Archeology for architecture. Construction sites, projects and installations in archaeological areas, established by the Sapienza University of Rome.

In 2009/2010 Academic Year - Adjunct of IT for archeology at the Faculty of Human Sciences of the Sapienza University of Rome, specialist degree, second semester.

In February 2021 - Lecturer for the Phd in Mediterranean archaeological, historical, architectural and landscape heritage: integrated systems of knowledge, design, protection and enhancement, XXXVI cycle, University of Bari Aldo Moro and Polytechnic of Bari.

In April 2022 - professor for the Specialization School in Architectural and Landscape Heritage of the Polytechnic of Bari.



November-December 2014 - research on the cultural heritage of the Enna area for the Sicilia Foundation

December 2019 to December 2020 - Consultant for the Archaeological Park of Morgantina and the Roman Villa of in Piazza Armeria, for the design of the Territory Museum in Palazzo Trigona.

Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" - Via Cracovia, 50, 00133 Roma RM