David Fabio ESBORRAZ is Researcher of the Institute of International Legal Studies (ISGI) of Italian Research Council (CNR) from 2001.
Bachelor’s degree in Law at the National University of Rosario, Argentina (1990). He held Master’s degree in “Integration and Unification of Law in Europe and in Latin America” (1999) and PhD in “Roman Law System and Unification of Law in Europe and in Latin America” (2003), both at the University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’.
From 1993 to 2013 he was also Adjunct Professor of Contract Law at the National University of Rosario in Argentina.
Visiting professor and researcher in the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Lima (2005, 2011, 2013 and 2016-2018), Mother and Teacher Pontifical Catholic University (Dominican Republic, 2006), University of São Paulo, Brazil (2006 and 2023), National University of Córdoba, Argentina (2008), Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law of Hamburg (2009), University Externado of Colombia, Bogotá (2009, 2013 and 2018-2022), Institute of Legal Research of the UNAM, Mexico (2010 and 2018), University Complutense of Madrid (2013), China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing (2017) and Interamerican University of Puerto Rico (2021).
He has also participated as a speaker at numerous national and international congresses: Rosario (Argentina, 2003), Buenos Aires (2005), Xalapa (Mexico, 2005 e 2014), Bogotá (2009 e 2019), Roma (2010, 2013, 2015, 2017 e 2018), Lima (2011 e 2013), Siena (2012 e 2022), Ayacucho (Perú, 2013 e 2021), Brescia (2013 e 2019), Pinar del Río-L’Avana (Cuba, 2014), Saint Petersburg (2015), Concepción (Cile, 2015), Xi’an (Cina, 2019), Bucarest (2019), La Plata (Argentina, 2020), Quito (2020) and Nice (2022).
Since 2013 he is member and executive secretary of the Academic GADAL (Group for the Harmonization of Latin American Law), with the purpose to develop a Latin American juridical model and to lay the foundations for a Code on the law of obligations.
He is the author of numerous articles in the field of Latin American law and of three books (Contrato y Sistema en América Latina, Rubinzal-Culzoni, Buenos Aires, 2006; Subsistema jurídico latinoamericano, comparación y tradición romanística, UniversItalia, Roma, 2020; Vicisitudes del contrato en la tradición jurídica romanística: sus proyecciones en el derecho latinoamericano, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogotá, 2020).
His main research interests are: Latin American law and Romanistic legal tradition; Unification/Harmonization of law; circulation of the Italian legal model outside Europe.