
My professional activity has always been focused on the themes of technological innovation, with strong attention to the content industry.
The projects I realized, both at national and international level, have allowed me to acquire considerable expertise in the management of complex projects with a high level of technological innovation and a deep understanding of the dynamics and difficulties that the processes of technological implementation bring with it in terms of economic development, business reorganization, creation of new skills and capabilities.
Many of the projects I have coordinated involve developing innovative solutions and / or technological platforms that can promote organizational change and, in some cases, the involvement of all relevant stakeholders and include structural transformations in the field of production and distribution throughout the whole value chain.
In all these cases, in the definition of technology solutions, strong attention has been paid to the use of open standards and interoperability as key elements for proper project development.
Many of these projects, in particular the European and international ones, have involved more than one subject or actors belonging to different parts of the value chain: so it has often been necessary to proceed with the harmonization and / or integration of several existing technological solutions during development of the project.
The presence in the board of international standard bodies, such as IDPF (International Digital Publishing Forum), EDRLab and W3C, has allowed me to deepen my knowledge on the advantages of the adoption of open standards and on the issues related to their definition and maintenance in each reference market. In this context, a particularly important role has been played by designing and developing specific activities to raise awareness among stakeholders (publishers, reader software developers, distribution platforms, device manufacturers, organizations representing visual impaired people) to promote their rapid adoption of standard, so achieving the development of the whole market.
In projects specifically geared to managing digital content, attention has been devoted to workflows that allow the creation of independent media content, ready for later cross-media, multi-format, and multiplatform use. This also includes the constant use of key international cataloguing and identification standards such as ISBN, DOI, Onix, etc. All the latest projects have also been focused on the Born Accessible Publishing strategy, with the aim of including accessibility as one of the main features since the initial design and production phases.
The projects involved clients from different market segments and both exclusively private, public or public/private partnerships.
Particularly important part of my experience is education and training activities focused on the development of technologies and the impact on production and distribution processes. The activities in this field have been designing and organizing a series of complex training projects, traditional and e-learning.
The management of these projects and the quality of the outputs obtained has allowed me to acquire specific competences, recognized at national and international level, attested by frequent requests to participate as an expert in conferences, events and seminars on technological innovation issues.

Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" - Via Cracovia, 50, 00133 Roma RM