PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVI
email: clauddia,

tutor: Prof. Marco Meneguzzo
advisor: Prof. Marco Menegeuzzo

Claudia Papa PhD candidate in Public Management and Governance, Department of Economic and Management, University of “Tor Vergata”. Main research topics: sustainable development and sustainable finance with a particular focus on the smart cities, Islamic finance and space economy (2020- now) G20 Task Force, Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers (2021) Research assistant at the industrial engineering department, University of “Tor Vergata”. Main research topics: circular economy and composites materials (2020- 2022) Fellowship in Industrial Sustainability of Smart Processes at the industrial engineering department, University of “Tor Vergata”. Main research topics: Industry 4.0, sustainable development, renewable energies, green economy (Oct. 2019-April 2020) Pubblications and activities: Claudia Papa, Smart Cities and Sustainable Finance: The Islamic Perspective, European Journal of Islamic Finance, 9 (2), pp.18-26, 2022 Claudia Papa, Smart Cities and Renewable Energies: Beyond Traditional Boundaries, in Needs and Barriers of Prosumerism in the Energy Transition Era, pp 88-96, Dykinson, 2021 Loredana Santo, Denise Bellisario, Leandro Iorio, Claudia Papa, Fabrizio Quadrini, David Benedetti, Jacopo Agnelli, Composite Laminates with Recycled Carbon Fibres and Carbon Nanotubes, 57 (1), pp- 86-91, Materiale Plastice, 2020 Leandro Iorio, Denise Bellisario, Claudia Papa, Loredana Santo, Fabrizio Quadrini, Cold compression molding of pyrolytic carbon from tires for oil absorbers, 47, pp 799-803, Procedia Manufacturing (Elsevier), 2020 Claudia Papa, Fabrizio Quadrini, Loredana Santo, Industry 4.0 and Sustainability: A Multidisciplinary Approach, accettato con revisione per pubblicazione in the International Journal of Sustainable Engineering. - Winner of the “Fourth Youth Research Forum2022: The World Cup and Qatar2022: Challenges and Aspirations” with the project: “Data Security Management in the light of the Sustainable International Regulation and Comparative Perspectives” (An international competition which involves about 150 participating, and which is held annually in Qatar to discuss the most contemporary research topics) - Horizon2020 Call name: Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: Research and innovation in support of the European Green Deal, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” - Euromena2021, carried on a comparative analysis –having in mind the European and Islamic models- on the smart cities’ projects and financial instruments – traditional as well as innovative and sustainable- used for implementing those models - Junior Fellow, at the American Studies Center in Rome - External junior expert, ECPE Project, (Enabling Consumer to Become Prosumer in the Energy Transition Era), University of Camerino

Research products

Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" - Via Cracovia, 50, 00133 Roma RM