2018-present: Associate Professor in History of Medieval Philosophy (M-FIL/08), at the Department of Art, Literature, Philosophy, and History of Art, University Rome Tor Vergata
2008-2018 Assistant Professor in History of Medieval Philosophy, from 1/10/2008.
Participation to Doctorate Board of Professors
2022-present: Doctorate in Philosophy, University of Rome Tor Vergata
2012-2022: Doctorate in Philosophy, University of Rome Tor Vergata – University of Roma Tre
2010-2011: Doctorate “Scuola superiore di studi in filosofia”, Universities of Rome Tor Vergata, Tuscia-Viterbo e L’Aquila
2022: National Habilitation to the role of Full Professor SC 11/C2 (Logik, History and Philosophy of Science)
2017: National Habilitation to the role of Full Professor SC 11/C5 (History of Philosophy)
2013: National Habilitation to the role of Associate Professor SC 11/C5 (Storia della filosofia)
2013: National Habilitation to the role of Associate Professor SC 10/C1 (Musicologia)
2012: National Habilitation to the role of Associate Professor SC 11/C5 (Storia della filosofia)
1995: PhD in Latin Medieval Philology (VII cycle), University of Florence
1990: Master of Arts (MA) in Medieval Studies, Centre for Medieval Studies / Pontifical Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto
1989: University Diploma in Musical Disciplines, University La Sapienza Rome
1988: Degree in Philosophy, 110/110 cum laude, University of Siena
International Research
2015-2019: member of the core investigative team of the AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council) Major Grant, «Interdisciplinary Readings of Medieval Science: Robert Grosseteste (c.1170-1253) », University of Durham / Oxford University;
2015-2018: co-investigator of British Academy Leverhulme Research Grants, «Lorenzo Ghiberti’s 3rd Commentary: A Study of Perspectiva in 15th Century Florence (Historical Context and English Translation)», University of Huddersfield (UK).
2012-2014 member of the core investigative team of the AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council) International Network Award. Science in Culture theme, «Interdisciplinary Readings of Medieval Science: Robert Grosseteste (c.1170-1253)», University of Durham;
2010-2012: member of the Research Project «The Ordered Universe: Interdisciplinary Readings of Medieval Science in England, 1100-1400», Institute of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, University of Durham.
National and Local Research
2016-2017: PI of the project «FHIN. For a History of the Idea of Nature: Middle Ages versus Modernity», programme «Consolidate the Foundations» 2015, University of Rome Tor Vergata.
2013-2017: participant PRIN 2012 «L’universalità e i suoi limiti: meccanismi di inclusione ed esclusione nella storia della filosofia e nei dibattiti filosofici contemporanei» PI L. Sturlese (Univ. Lecce), co-I P.B. Rossi (University of Torino): «Forme del commento filosofico e teologico dalla tarda antichità alla fine del medioevo: studio ed edizione di testi greci, latini, arabi e vernacolari».
2006-2007: participant PRIN 2005 «Terminologia dell’estetica musicale», PI G. Borio (University of Pavia- Cremona), co-I University of Siena, T. Pecker Berio.
2004-2005: participant PAR (Piano Ateneo Ricerca) 2003 University of Siena «Introduzione on-line al pensiero e alle pratiche della musica», resp. Prof. T. Pecker Berio.
2003-2004: collaborator PRIN 2003 «Terminology of musical aesthetics: five key concepts», PI G. Borio (University of Pavia-Cremona).
2002-2003: participant PAR (Piano Ateneo Ricerca) 2001 University of Siena «History of Medieval Philosophy online, PI. M. Pereira.
2002-2003: collaborator COFIN-MIUR 2002 «Paradigmi della conoscenza scientifica e filosofica nel Medioevo», PI G. d’Onofrio, Local Unit of Rome Tor Vergata, co-I M. Cristiani.
1995-1996: participant 60% fund University of Siena, PI. F. Della Seta: «Il Diffinitorium musicae di Giovanni Tinctoris».
2017-2018: funding FFABR (Fondo Finanziamento Annuale individuale delle Attività Base di Ricerca) ANVUR-MIUR, 295-302 Legge 11/12/2016, n. 232. Research Project: Natural Philosophy in the Middle Ages
2016-2017: Visiting Senior Associate, Oxford University, Pembroke College (Trinity Term, April-May 2017, research activities and teaching collaboration)
2006 e 2007: two-year post-doc «Fondazione Umberto Micheli», at Centro Interdipartimentale Studi Antropologici sulla Cultura Antica, University of Siena (dir. M. Bettini), research on the mythology, beliefs, imaginations and science of early music, with particular reference to Augustine of Hippo
2000-01/01-02/02-03/03-04: four-year research grant, University of Siena, Department of Archaeology and History of Arts, for studies in the fields of mathematics and philosophy of music.
1998 e 1999: postdoctoral two-year fellowship in Latin Medieval Philology at the Department of Middle Ages and Renaissance (Dipartimento di Medioevo e Rinascimento), University of Florence
1991-92/92-93/93-94: three-year fellowship for the PhD course in Latin Medieval Philology, Department of Middle Ages and Renaissance (Dipartimento di Medioevo e Rinascimento), University of Florence
1990-91: winner of the annaul fellowship, Fondazione «Ezio Franceschini», Florence, for research in medieval Latin Literature and Philology
1989-90: winner of the annual scholarship of the Universities of Siena and Toronto exchange program, for a period of study and research at the University of Toronto and enrollment to the M.A. course
2022 member of the commission of the XXXVIII Ciclo di Dottorato di Ricerca in Filosofia, University of Roma Tor Vergata
2022 Outside peer-to-peer referee for internal promotion at Department of Philosophy at Queens College, City University of New York
2021 (03/11) member of the commission of the XXXVII Ciclo, Bando D.R. 1531/2021 Tematica Green, Dottorato di Ricerca in Filosofia Univ. Rome Tor Vergata-Roma Tre
2021 Member of the jury of the prize committee SIEPM (International Society of Medieval Philosophy) Junior Award 2021
2021-2023 Expert evaluator ReFIN (Research For Innovation) projects – ongoing project evaluation
2020 Member of the competition commission RTD-B SSD M-Fil/08 History of Medieval Philosophy at University Statale di Milano
2018-2021: member of the Giunta di Dipartimento di Studi letterari, filosofici e di storia dell’Arte, University of Rome Tor Vergata
2018 Expert peer-reviewer, National Science Centre (Narodowe Centrum Nauki), Kraków, No. 684885 proposal No. 2017/27/N/HS1/02492
2015 (14-17/09) member of the competition commission, XXXI ciclo di Dottorato interateneo in Filosofia, University Roma Tre – Tor Vergata
2022-present: general series editor «Global Perspectives on the History of Natural Philosophy», Routledge
2022-present: editorial board of the journal «Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval»
2017-present: advisory board of the journal «Micrologus», SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo, Florence
2017-present: advisory board of the series «Micrologus Libray», SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo, Florence
2016-2020: scientific and editorial committee of the series «The Scientific Works of Robert Grosseteste: Edition and English Translation and Interdisciplinary Analysis» (vol. 1), Oxford University Press
2007-2010: scientific committee of the encyclopedia «Il Medioevo», ed. Umberto Eco; and editor with L. Marconi of the section Musik, ed. 2009 (Federico Motta editore, 12 vols.), new ed. 2010-2011 (EncycloMedia, 4 vols.)
2001-2007: editorial collaborator «MEM. Medio Evo Musicale» Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino (SISMEL), Florence
1997-2003: secretary of the Centro Interdipartimentale per lo Studio delle Civiltà Medievali, University of Siena
1993-2000: secretary of the journal «Micrologus. Natura, scienze e società medievali»
1990-present: collaborator to «MEL. Medio Evo Latino», Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino (SISMEL), Florence
SISMEL (Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino) from 1995
SIEPM (Société Internationale pour l’Etude de la Philosophie Médiévale) from 2002
SISPM (Società Italiana di Studio sul Pensiero Medievale), from 2001; from 1/10/2015 to 31/10/2021 member of the directory committee; from 2018 treasurer
Robert Grosseteste International Society, dal 2003, founder member
RBRS (Roger Bacon Research Society), dal 2020, founder member
Fondazione CISAM (Centro Italiano di Studi sull’Alto Medioevo) dal 2023 member of the Scientific Council.
Alighieri, Annals of science, British Journal for the History of Science, Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale, Filologia mediolatina, Isis, Itinerari, Mediterranea, Micrologus, Medioevo, Oxford Bibliographies, REFIME-Revista Espanola de Filosofia Medievale, Rivista di storia della Chiesa in Italia, Studi danteschi, Studi medievali, Vivarium
- Natural philosophy, cosmology, optics, and quadrivial sciences from late antiquity to the Renaissance
- Mathematical tradition and scientific knowledge in the Middle Ages
- Ecdotics and philology of medieval Latin philosophical and scientific treatises and humanities
My research in the outlined areas promoted the doctrinal and philological reconstruction of large sections of scientific literature on natural philosophy in Latin, from late antiquity to humanism. Starting with studies in late medieval musical mathematics and humanities, my research moved to the Pythagorean tradition and the quadrivium, cosmology and astronomy, theories of vocality, the concepts of harmony and human music, and celestial mechanics, examining in particular key figures such as Augustine, Boethius, Hugh of San Vittore. As far as natural philosophy is concerned, my research examined the encounter between the Neoplatonic tradition and the Aristotelian philosophical naturalism in the thirteenth century. Central and innovative has been the reconstruction of the Oxonian tradition through the doctrinal and philological investigation of the philosophical-scientific works by Robert Grosseteste, which led to critical editions of his cosmological writings, and treatises on light and optical theory. Contextually, the debate on experimentalism in early Franciscanism has been explored with studies on Roger Bacon and lesser-known masters such as Adam of Exeter and Thomas Docking. Recent developments of my research concern the perspectiva (geometrical optics) up to Lorenzo Ghiberti and the theory of vision in Dante Alighieri.
2023 (29-30/03): Interdisciplinary conference “Forme del pensiero matematico fra passato e presente”, University of Rome Tor Vergata: organization
2022 (22-26/08): XVe SIEPM Congrès International de Philosophie Médiévale La pensee radicale au moyen âge, Paris-Aubervilliers: organization panel “Roger Bacon’s Utopia” and talk “Roger Bacon’s Millenaristic Utopia: The Astrological, Geographical and Historical Narration of the sectae”
2022 (14-18/06): International Symposium Dante and the Neurosciences, in the 26th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the History of the Neurosciences (ISHN), Sapienza University, Roma; talk “Dante and medieval perspectivism” (in course of publication)
2021 (12-13/11): International conference L’esperienza di Dante. Officina San Francesco, Bologna-Ravenna; talk “Dante e la perspettiva: l’esperienza del vedere aldiquà e aldilà del cielo” (in course of publication)
2021 (21-22/10): International conference Le statut ontologique des couleurs en philosophie ancienne et médiévale, Sphere. Laboratoire de Philosophie et d’Histoire des Sciences, Paris; talk su “Color est lux incorporata perspicuo. Robert Grosseteste’s Definition of colour and its Franciscan legacy” (in course of publication)
2021 (10-12/10): International conference Dante e il mondo. Tra realtà e poesia, tra storia e letteratura, CISBaM-Accademia Tudertina, Todi (Pubbl. 2022)
2021 (13-14/09 e 17-18/09) presidenza di sessione e conclusioni International conference Aristotle’s De sensu in the Latin Tradition 1150-1650, University of Pavia – KU Leuven, Pavia-Leuven
2019 (17/05): International Conference Vision, Perspectiva and Shifting Modalties of Representation. Tracking Changes and Cross-Fertilisations in the Early-Modern and Modern Ages, University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield (UK), talk: «Lorenzo Ghiberti’s Third Commentary and his Medieval Sources»
2019 (25/04-01/05): Sessantasettesima Settimana di studio. La conoscenza scientifica nell’alto medioevo, Fondazione CISAM, Spoleto (Pubbl. 2020)
2019 (24/01): organization: conference Filosofia naturale, filosofia morale e teologia in Ruggero Bacone, University of Pavia, Pavia
2018 (13-15/12): Certaldo Ars Nova. Aggiornamenti tra letteratura e musica, Centro studi sull’Ars Nova, Certaldo (Siena)
2018 (27-29/09): organization of the International conference “Arabic and Latin Science of Vision and the Theory of Perspective in Early Renaissance Florence, SISMEL, Florence (Pubbl. 2019)
2017 (24-27/05): scientific committee: International conference CIRFIM-SISPM «Rappresentazioni della natura nel Medioevo», University of Padova
2017 (30/03-01/04): scientific committee: International Conference «Aspectus and Affectus: Robert Grosseteste, Understanding and Feeling», Georgetown University, Washington
2016 (08-11/12): International Conference Manuscripts in the Making: Art and Science, Fitzwilliam Museum - University of Cambridge, Cambridge (Pubbl. 2018)
2016 (02/12) Conference Mente, natura e bellezza nella filosofia medievale, University of Florence (Pubbl. 2018)
2016 (12-13/09): International Conference Before and After Wyclif: Sources and textual influences, University of Milano, Milano; talk: «Wyclif and Grosseteste on universals»
2016 (14–16/04): Colloque International Materia. Nouvelles perspectives de recherche dans la pensée et la culture médiévale (XIIe-XVI siècles), Université de Fribourg (Suisse) (Pubbl. 2017)
2015 (15-16/10): Colloque international Richard de Fournival et les sciences au XIIIe siècle, Paris, Université Paris-Sorbonne, Université Paris 8 et Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Pubbl. 2018)
2015 (11-14/10): LII International Conference Centro italiano di studi sul basso medioevo Niccolò Cusano. L’uomo, i libri, l’opera, Todi, Accademia Tudertina (Pubbl. 2016)
2015 (6-8/05) Conference Immagini della luce. Dimensioni di una metafora assoluta, Udine, University of Udine (Pubbl. 2019)
2015 (12-14/03): Colloque international Lieu, espace, mouvement: physique, métaphysique et cosmologie (XIIIe-XIVe siècles), Friburg, Université de Fribourg (Suisse) (Pubbl. 2017)
2014 (18-20/07): International Conference Robert Grosseteste and the Pursuit of Religious and Scientific Learning in the Middle Ages, Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln (UK) (Pubbl. 2016)
2014 (10-11/04): Journée d’étude Réception de Ptolémée, du XIIe au XIIIe siècle, CNRS/Universitès de Paris Diderot-Paris 7; talk: «The Ptolemaic system in early thirteenth century Latin astronomy, and the case of Robert Grosseteste»
2013 (18-19/12) Colloquium Dopo Med-Ren 2013 bilanci e prospettive tra Letteratura e Musica, Certaldo (FI), talk: «Il canto fra natura e artificio nel pensiero medievale sulla musica»
2013 (3-5/10): Colloque international Harmonia. Idées de l’harmonie dans la culture et la société médiévale, Mosca, École des hautes études en sciences économiques (Pubbl. 2016)
2013 (25-29/06): International Congress FIDEM (Fédération Internationale Des Instituts d’Études Médiévales) 5th European Congress of Medieval Studies: Secrets and Discovery in the Middle Ages, Facultade de Letras, Porto; talk: «The scientific vocabulary of Grosseteste’s De luce concerning the nature of physical body and the generation of the universe: the “statements” of infinite multiplication»
2013 (23/05): Conference Atene, Alessandria, Roma: Scienza, filosofia, momenti del sapere antico, University of Rome Tor Vergata, talk: «La lettura boeziana degli Harmonica di Claudio Tolomeo e la definizione di vis armonica»
2012 (21-22/01): International conference Architecture as Cosmology: Lincoln Cathedral and Bishop Robert Grosseteste (1235-53), University of Lincoln UK (Pubbl. 2014)
2011 (06-08/10): 39° International conference of Franciscan Studies I francescani e le scienze, Assisi (Pubbl. 2012)
2011 (05/10): organization International colloquium Roger Bacon, Communia Naturalium. A 13th Century Philosopher's Workshop, Istituto Italiano di Studi sul Rinascimento, Florence (Pubbl. 2014)
2010 (10-12/10): XLVII Convegno storico internazionale Ugo di San Vittore, Centro Italiano di Studi sul Basso Medioevo –Accademia Tudertina, Todi (Pubbl. 2012)
2010 (27-29/09): XIX International conference SISPM (Società Italiana per lo Studio del Pensiero Medievale) L’antichità classica nel pensiero medievale, University of Trento (Pubbl. 2011)
2010 (19-20/04): Conference Da Carlo Martello a Il nome della rosa. Il Medioevo rivisitato, University of Siena (Pubbl. 2011)
2009 (17-19/07): Internazional Colloquium Robert Grosseteste, his thought and its impact, Bishop Grosseteste University College, Lincoln UK (Pubbl. 2012)
2007 (21-23/11): Colloquium Internationale The Silence, Universitè de Lausanne (Pubbl. 2010)
2007 (16-22/09): XII SIEPM International Congress of Medieval Philosophy Universality of Reason, Plurality of Philosophies in the Middle Ages, University of Palermo (Pubbl. 2012)
2007 (17-18/04): Conference I discorsi sulla musica, University of Cassino (Pubbl. 2008)
2006 (7-8/07): International Conference Deo è lo scrivano ch’el canto à ensegnato. Segni e simboli nella musica al tempo di Iacopone, Collazzone (Perugia), talk: «Matematica e cosmologia nel pensiero musicale del primo francescanesimo»
2005 (15-16/12): organization International conference Harmonia mundi. Musica Mondana e Musica Celeste fra Antichità e Medioevo, University of Roma Tor Vergata (Pubbl. 2007)
2005 (21-23/10): International conference L’istituzione ‘cappella musicale’ tra corte e chiesa nell’Italia del Rinascimento, Camaiore (Lucca) (Pubbl. 2007)
2005 (18-19/02): Conference Paradigmi della conoscenza scientifico-filosofica e pensiero religioso nel medioevo, Roma, LUMSA. talk: «La cosmologia della luce di Roberto Grossatesta: questioni storiografiche e nuove prospettive di ricerca»
2004 (23-25/09): Coimbra Group Conference The Past in the Present. Tradition in a Changing World, Galway, National University of Ireland, (Pubbl. 2006)
2004 (18-21/03): International conference Petrarca e la musica, University of Siena e Arezzo (Pubbl. 2006)
2003 (21-23/11): VII Musicology Colloquium, University of Bologna, talk su «Il Diffinitorium musice di Giovanni Tinctoris: prima edizione critica e nuova traduzione italiana»
2003 (18-22/07): International Conference Robert Grosseteste and his intellectual milieu, University of Lincoln (Pubbl. 2013)
2002 (02-07/12): International conference I francescani e la politica (secc. XIII-XVII), Officina di Studi Medievali, Palermo (Pubbl. 2007)
2002 (14-15/11): Conference Morire nel Medioevo. Il caso di Siena, University of Siena. (Pubbl. 2004)
2001 (07-09/12): Conference of SISPM (Società Italiana di Studi sul Pensiero Medievale) Parva naturalia: saperi medievali, natura e vita, University of Macerata (Pubbl. 2004)
2000 (03-04/11) International conference Editing Robert Grosseteste, University of Toronto (Canada) (Pubbl. 2003)
1999 (11-12/06): International Colloquium Les cinq sens au Moyen Age, Universitè de Freiburg (Pubbl. 2002)
1997 (29/05-01/06): International conference Musik - und die Geschichte der Philosophie und Naturwissenschaften im Mittelalter, Thomas-Institut-University of Cologne (Pubbl. 1998)
2022-2023 workshops for the Doctorate in Philosophy (Rome Tor Vergata): seminars in preparation of the conference “Forme del pensiero matematico tra passato e presente” (20-30/03/2023): 01/03 A. Palma and L. Dragone, Archimede, la storia della scienza ellenistica nello studio della matematica; 15/03 L. Tomassi and S. Cerasaro, Le proporzioni: uno strumento di conoscenza dalle origini antiche; 19/04: T. Numerico, Dalla teoria della computabilità all’intelligenza artificiale
2021-2022 on-line seminars Roger Bacon Research Society: Tea Time with Bacon: Opus maius and the Sciences https://rogerbaconresearchsociety.com/teatimewithbacon2021/
2020-2021 workshops for the Courses and Doctorate in Philosophy (Roma Tor Vergata): 2021 (7/12) seminar “Il Mind-Body problem è un problema medievale?” for the workshop “Passioni e emozioni dall’antichità all’età contemporanea”, with C. Beneduce
2018-2019 workshops for the Courses and Doctorate in Philosophy (Roma Tor Vergata): 2019 (14/03) “Dietro Dionigi l’Areopagita”, presentation of the volume by E. S. Mainoldi (with E. S. Mainoldi, M. Cristiani, D. P. Taormina, G. d’Onofrio); 2019 (3/04) workshop: “La Fisica di Aristotele nel Medioevo. Parigi e Oxford (1210-1270)” (with I. Caiazzo, N. Polloni, A. Rodolfi, C. Panti); 2019 (3/11) workshop: “Il pensiero francescano nel Medioevo. Nuove ricerche su luce, materia ed eresia” (with F. Galli, A. Petagine, A. Salerno)
2016-2020 International Symposia “The Ordered Universe Project Symposia series”: 2020 (7-9/01) Light, the Universe and Everything; Robert Grosseteste’s De iride, De colore, De lineis, De natura locorum and De cometis, University of York, York (UK); 2019 (15-18/09) Sight Rays, Light Rays and Bubbles: Robert Grosseteste’s De lineis. De impressionibus elementorum, De natura locorum, De colore, De iride, Pembroke College, Oxford University, Oxford; 2019 (13-16/05) The Geometrical Principles of Movement. Robert Grosseteste’s De lineis, De natura locorum, De motu corporali et luce, De motu supercelestium, Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln; 2018 (17-20/09) Light Fantastic: Robert Grosseteste’s De cometis, De luce, De motu supercelestium, De motu corporali et luce, Trinity College, Dublin; 2018 (2-5/05) Guiding Stars, Motion and Light: Robert Grosseteste’s De motu supercelestium, De motu corporali et luce, and De sex differentiis, McGill University, Montréal, Canada; 2018 (7-10/01) Space, Place and Elements: Robert Grosseteste’s De impressionibus elementorum, De cometis, De sex differentiis, Pembroke College, Oxford Oxford (UK); 2017 (16-19/05) Below the Moon: Robert Grosseteste’s De cometis and De impressionibus elementorum, University of Oxford, Oxford; 2016 (01-03/09) Space and Place: Robert Grosseteste’s De sphera and De differentiis localibus, Durham University, Durham; 2016 (05-08/04) The Applicance of Science: Astronomy and the Calendar. Robert Grosseteste’s De sphera and Computus correctorius, University of Notre Dame, Rome Global Gateway – University of Roma Tor Vergata, Roma
2016-2017 workshops for the Courses and Doctorate in Philosophy (Roma Tor Vergata): “Per una storia dell’idea di natura”, 2017 (15/02) P.-F. Moreau, L’idée de nature chez Spinoza et ses lectures hétérodoxes au XVIIIe siècle / M. Menin, Forcer l'ėconomie animale à favorisse l’ordre moral: Rousseau materialista?; 2017 (26/01) M. Sanna, Vico e l’idea di natura; 2017 (25/01) C. Montaleone, Uomini problematicamente ilemorfici: la burla di Montaigne; 2016 (30/11) P. B. Rossi, Natura, necessità e caso secondo Roberto Grossatesta / M. Pereira, Natura tra filosofia, scienze e magia in Ruggero Bacone
2015-2018 Seminari Residenziali SISMEL of the research group Roger Bacon’s Philosophia moralis, Florence: held on 08/06/2015, 16/12/2015, 30/06/2016, 11/12/22016, 7/02/2017, 02/07/2017, 01/06/2018
2015-2016 workshops for the Courses and Doctorate in Philosophy (Roma Tor Vergata): 2015 (17/11) J. Bemporad: “La filosofia araba nel Medioevo: Mosè Maimonide”
2013-2014 workshops for the Courses and Doctorate in Philosophy (Roma Tor Vergata): 2014 (7/05) T. Suarez Nani “Luogo, spazio e tempo nel pensiero medievale: il contributo dell’angelologia”
2012-2013 workshops for the Courses and Doctorate in Philosophy (Roma Tor Vergata): 2013 (19/03) L. Sileo, Giovanni Duns Scoto: il pensiero, il film; 2013 (26/03) P. Porro: Astrazione, separazione e il soggetto della metafisica in Tommaso d’Aquino; 2013 (27/03) P. Porro: Necessità, contingenza e provvidenza in Tommaso d’Aquino; 2013 (14/12) G. d’Onofrio: Vera philosophia. La sintesi di fede e ragione nel pensiero medievale
2010-2015: International Workshops “Ordered Universe. Interdisciplinary Readings in Medieval Science: The scientific works of Robert Grosseteste”, Durham University, Durham (UK): 2010 (25-26/08) The Ordered Universe: Interdisciplinary Readings of Medieval Science in England, 1100-1400; 2012 (24/01) The Creation of Light in the Hexaemeron and De luce by Robert Grosseteste; 2012 (9-10/07) The De luce of Robert Grosseteste, an interdisciplinary investigation; 2012 (18-19/10) De iride (De fractionibus radiorum). A Medieval Theory of the Rainbow. I Part; 2012 (7/12) De iride. A Medieval Theory of the Rainbow. II part; 2014 (3-4/03) De iride: Antecedents and Analysis. A collaborative and interdisciplinary reading of Robert Grosseteste’s treatise on the rainbow; 2015 (8-10/04) Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln: Knowing and Speaking. Robert Grosseteste’s De liberalibus artibus and De generatione sonorum; 2015 (25-28/11) On the Liberal Arts’ and ‘On the Generation of Sounds’: Robert Grosseteste’s Early Treatises and their Reception
2009-2011: Seminari Residenziali SISMEL of the Research group Roger Bacon’s Communia Naturalium, Florence, held on 2009 (02/02), 2009 (04/05), 2010 (06/12), 2011 (03/06).
2022 (14/12) workshop for the Doctorate in Philosophy ‘I luoghi della filosofia’, Tor Vergata: «La scuola in convento: il caso dello studium francescano di Oxford nel medioevo»
2022 (10/02) Seminari di storia intellettuale del Medioevo CeSim (Centro per la Storia Intellettuale del Medioevo), University of Milan. talk: «Il Quadrivio e l’evoluzione medievale della geometria».
2021 (21/05) workshop for the Doctorate in Philosophy Aporie del tempo. Continuo e discreto, University of Roma Tor Vergata - Roma Tre
2021 (16-17/09) XV Settimana di formazione dottorale in Filosofia (on-line), University of Pisa, talk: «Teorie musicali e insegnamento nella tradizione antica e medievale»
2021 (21/04) Workshop La filosofia e le scienze nel Medioevo. Talk «L’ottica geometrica (perspectiva): un ponte fra oriente e occidente e fra matematica e filosofia naturale», University of Trento
2019 (8/10): Seminar, Ildegarda di Bingen: santa e dottore della chiesa: dal passato al futuro, Comunità Mondiale per la Meditazione Cristiana, Florence, pubblicazione negli atti (2020)
2017 (06-07/03) Workshop Scienze sperimentali e descrittive, Centro FITMU, University degli studi di Salerno, talk su «Astronomia e visione del cosmo fra XII e XIV secolo: alcune attuali linee di ricerca»
2016 (1/03) University of Udine Project Immagini della luce. Progetto di orientamento universitario, Liceo Classico Dante Alighieri. Talk: «La luce nella filosofia medievale»
2015 (30/01) Seminar of the Corso di Perfezionamento in Filologia e Letteratura latina medievale, SISMEL-Florence. Talk: «Ildegarda di Bingen e la musica»
2015 (19/11) Seminar for the Degree course on Philosophy, University of Naples. Talk: «Il De luce di Roberto Grossatesta»
2015 (18/07) Incontri sul Medioevo, Castignano, Teatro Comunale, talk: «Dulcissima suavitas: L’arte e la scienza della musica nel Medioevo»
2014 (5/03) Seminar The History and Future of Artificial Light, Institute of Advanced Study Light-theme, University of Durham, Durham. Talk: «Mirrors and lamps between optics and magic. Artificial light and its military and recreational applications in Roger Bacon and the pseudo-Albert the Great (De mirabilibus mundi)»
2013 (2-13/07) Seminario di formazione in storia religiosa e studi francescani I francescani e le scienze, Centro di Studi Francescani, Assisi-Cortona. Talk: «Scienza e conoscenza scientifica nel pensiero dei primi maestri francescani inglesi»
2013 (11/04) XXXII Corso di Archeologia e Storia Il Medioevo. Lux in tenebris, Albano Laziale (Roma). Talk: «Lo studium curiae e gli studia conventuali del Lazio nella seconda metà del 1200: filosofia, teologia e l’insegnamento di Tommaso d’Aquino (1260-1268)»
2008-2009 Seminars of the Course Degree in Philosophy (Roma Tor Vergata): 2009 (11/03) I dialoghi di Agostino, corso di laurea in Filosofia; 2009 (25/03) Pietro Abelardo, corso di Letteratura latina medievale; 2009 (01/04) Boezio e la scienza della musica, corso Storia della filosofia dell’Illuminismo
2005 (05-08/07) meetings on: Problemi di classificazione e metodo bibliografico, Fondazione Ezio Franceschini-MEM. Medio Evo Musicale, Certosa del Galluzzo, Florence. Talk: La filosofia della musica nel Medioevo: questioni e storiografia
1998 (04/11) workshop La filosofia nel Medioevo, Fondazione Ezio Franceschini Certosa del Galluzzo, Florence. Talk: «L’incorporazione della luce in Roberto Grossatesta»
Tenured teaching assignments
2008-present: docente di History of Medieval Philosophy, Laurea Triennale e Magistrale in Filosofia, University of Roma Tor Vergata
2017-2018: docente di Estetica e Filosofia della musica, Laurea Magistrale in Filosofia, University of Roma Tor Vergata
2018-present: docente di Didattica della Filosofia, Laurea Triennale e Magistrale in Filosofia, University of Roma Tor Vergata
Doctorate tutorial
2019-2022: tutor of dr Matteo Agostinone (thesis: Agostino e la dottrina trinitaria)
2015-2018: tutor of dr Clelia Crialesi (thesis: Matematica e teologia in Abbone di Fleury), in cotutela con EPHE, Parigi
2012-2014: tutor of dr Alessandro Salerno (thesis: Il Dialogo sul papa eretico di Guglielmo di Ockham).
Doctorate Exam Commissions
2023 (25/05) Final Exam Commission of dr Giulia Lista, University of Chieti-Pescara
2022 Evaluator Doctoral thesis of Amalia Salvestrini, University of Pavia
2020 (19/03) Final Exam Commission of dr Aurora Panzica, University of Freiburg, Switzerland
2018 Final Exam Commission of dr Clelia Crialesi, University Roma Tre – Tor Vergata
2015 (23/11) Commission for the European Doctorate, dr Georgina Gonzales Rabassó, University of Barcellona
2012 (26/04) Final Exam Commission of dr Manlio Della Serra