

Carlotta Sylos Calò                

Date of birth 06/12/1979 | Nationality Italian

Researcher B qualified as Lecturer II fascia

L-ART03 History of Contemporary Art

Department of Literary, Philosophical and Art History Studies University of Rome Tor Vergata



I graduated in Contemporary Art History at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" (2005, 110 cum laude). In 2008 I obtained my postgraduate diploma at the University of Siena, with a thesis on the history of photography, later published (Arte e fotografia negli anni Sessanta e Settanta. The photographic case of Luigi Di Sarro, 2010). In 2013 I obtained my PhD in Contemporary Art History at the University of Rome Tor Vergata with a thesis later published (Corpo a corpo. Aesthetics and politics in Italian art of the 1960s, 2018). From 2008 to 2013, I collaborated with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and MAXXI - Museum of XXI Century Arts and, once I obtained my PhD degree, I started to collaborate first with the University of Rome "La Sapienza", as a scholar, and then with the University of Rome Tor Vergata. Between 2013 and 2019, I worked as a freelance researcher (collaborating among others with the MIBAC, MAXXI - National Museum of XXI Century Arts, Archivio Alberto Boatto, Enciclopedia Treccani, DigiLab - La Sapienza, Centro per la ricerca artistica contemporanea Luigi Di Sarro) and I was an adjunct lecturer for the course of Theories of Contemporary Art at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata". In 2016 I was the winner of a one-year research grant (later extended for a second year) at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, for the sector LART/03. Since December 2019, I have been Researcher A at the San Raffaele Telematic University where I am a titular professor of the courses History of Contemporary Art, History of Cinema and Photography, Theories of Contemporary Arts, and a member of the Joint Commission.

In December 2020 I was awarded the national scientific qualification for the second bracket (10/B1 - LART/03). Since November 2022 I have been Researcher B at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, where I am the titular lecturer of the courses in Contemporary Art History (two and three years), Theories of Contemporary Art and Contemporary Art History in Rome for the Department of Literary, Philosophical and Art History Studies, and lecturer for the Contemporary Art History course of the II level Master in Neuroaesthetics (Faculty of Medicine).


I am mainly concerned with the history and theory of the arts in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries and the study and exploitation of sources (archives and documentary funds of private individuals or institutions, private and public collections, digitisation).


2020 National scientific qualification Competitive Sector 10/B1, band II (associate professor), History of contemporary art.


Research grants: Winner of a 12-month research grant (01-05-2017 to 01-05-2018) in History of Contemporary Art, chair of Prof. Stefano Gallo (LART/03), University of Rome Tor Vergata), title: L'arte in Italia dagli anni Cinquanta agli anni Settanta.  The grant was then renewed for a further 12 months (2018/2019). During the period of the cheque I was engaged in research on artists, archives and magazines later partly channelled into the book Corpo a corpo. Estetica e politica nell'arte italiana degli anni Sessanta (Quodlibet 2018) and in the inventory and study of Alberto Boatto's private archive, later donated to the MAXXI museum. My research and collaboration with Boatto's family led to the curatorship of his book, 1964 New York (Italo Svevo 2019). [].

research assignments

- September 2016 - February 2017, Museo MAXXI - Museo delle arti del XXI secolo: research, content processing, writing on the theme La Nuova Immagine. Art 1960-2000.

- April 2015 - March 2017, Alberto Boatto Private Archive, Rome: research, bibliographic and iconographic research, editing, publication coordination, archive inventorying.

- May 2015 - February 2016, CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Analysis of Agricultural Economics: Conception, research and writing of a publication on the relationship between art and agriculture from 1960 to the present day.

- February 2015 - June 2015, Enciclopedia Treccani and Adhoccultura, Rome: Research and writing Lemmario degli artisti contemporanei for L'Enciclopedia Treccani.

- September 2013 - April 2017, Centro Luigi Di Sarro, Historical Archive, Rome: research, bibliographic and iconographic research, archive inventorying.


Participation in journal committees, editorial series, scientific committees and juries

I was a member of the editorial board of the Class A scientific journal (for sectors B/1 and C/1 of Area 10) 'Pianob. Art and Visual Cultures' (from 2016 to 2020). Member of the jury for ARP-Art Residency Project, conceived and promoted by the Luigi Di Sarro Centre for Documentation of Contemporary Artistic Research, Rome (2019, 2022).


I have been a member of CUNSTA, National University Council for Art History, since 2021, From 2018 to 2020 I was a member of AICA, Association Internationale des Critiques d'Art.


I have been a member of CUNSTA, National University Council for Art History, since 2021, From 2018 to 2020 I was a member of AICA, Association Internationale des Critiques d'Art.



- Corpo a corpo, Aesthetics and politics in Italian art in the 1960s, Quodlibet Studio. Art Theory and Visual Culture, 2018.

- Art and photography between the 1960s and 1970s. Il laboratorio fotografico di Luigi Di Sarro, Gangemi, 2010.

Articles in Band A

- Hear ye! Mussolini in the Hole, Piano B. Arti E Culture Visive, 7(1), pp. 1-24.

- Visual Arts and Theatre: themes, words, images and voices from Almanacco letterario Bompiani and Marcatrè, "Arabesques", no. 19, January-June 2022, pp. 1-18.

- L'ecole du regard. Notes on montage in the paintings of Mario Schifano, 1963-1965, "Il Verri", no. 68, October 2018, pp. 73-85.

- Un fatto imperfetto: La Macchina drogata di Vincenzo Agnetti, "Pianob", I, 2016, pp. 255-275.

- Alighiero Boetti the extra-vagant, "Vesper", Exiles and Exoduses, no. 4, spring - summer 2021, pp. 180-187.


Articles in journals, essays, and contributions in collective volumes

- (with Donatella Orecchia), The Piper in Turin. Profile, "Arabeschi", no. 19, January-June 2022.

- Il Piper pluriclub e le arti visive, "Arabeschi", no. 19, January-June 2022.

- (with Donatella Orecchia), Theatre, art, action in Italy 1959-1969. Foreword, "Arabeschi", no. 19, January-June 2022.

- New York, a giant combine painting, introduction to Alberto Boatto, New York 1964 New York, Italo Svevo 2019, pp. 7-17.

- Claudio Cintoli, Luigi Di Sarro, Ettore Innocente. Differently functional objects and projects, in C. Casero, E. Di Raddo, F. Gallo (eds.) Arte fuori dall'arte. Incontri e scambi fra arti visive e società negli anni Settanta, Postmedia books, pp. 253-259.

- Arte Programmata and La Salita grande vendita. Two exhibitions compared, 'S/Confine research', Dossier4, 2018, pp. 119-126.

- Messi nel sacco. L'opera di Burri tra rifiuto e consenso dall'interrogazione parlamentare del 1959 alla retrospettiva alla galleria nazionale di Roma del 1976, in F. Tedeschi (ed.), Atti del convegno di studi Alberto Burri nell'arte e nella critica, Scalapendi editore 2017, pp. 102-113.

- Personifying Illness: The Tumours of Alina Szapocznikow, "Horti Hesperidum", II, 2016, pp. 323- 342.

- Dealing with miracles. For an alienated man by Alighiero Boetti, in N. Amendola, G. Sciommeri (eds.), Conflicts. Art, Music, Thought, Society, Universitalia 2017, pp. 9-18.

- Gli anni Sessanta: i materiali attivi della natura e del paesaggio, in S. Ciglia (ed.), Il Campo Espanso.  Arte e Agricoltura in Italia dagli anni Sessanta ai nostri giorni, CREA 2015, pp. 21-46.

- Art and Agriculture at the End of the Short Century, in S. Ciglia (ed.), Il Campo Espanso.  Art and Agriculture in Italy from the 1960s to the present day, CREA 2015, pp. 91-112.

- Beyond the Visible. Italian drawing between 1968 and 1972, 'Horti Hesperidum', VIII, 4, February 2014, pp. 231-254.

- Giulio Carlo Argan e la critica d'arte degli anni Sessanta tra rivoluzione e contestazione, "Horti Hesperidum", II, 2, November 2013, pp. 199 - 227.

- The Great Cretto I. La natura si finge pittura. Burri a Gibellina fra materia e memoria, in M. Bignardi, D. Lacagnina, P. Mantovani (ed.), Cantiere Gibellina. Una ricerca sul campo, ed. Artemide, Roma 2008, pp. 83-86.

- Perception of the city and artistic interventions. Interviews with Gibellinians, in M. Bignardi, D. Lacagnina, P. Mantovani (ed.), Cantiere Gibellina. Una ricerca sul campo, ed. Artemide, Roma 2008, pp. 121-141.


Curatorship Volumes

- Donatella Orecchia, Carlotta Sylos Calò (eds.), Teatro, arte, azione in Italia 1959-1969, "Arabeschi", 19, January-June 2022.

- Carlotta Sylos Calò (ed.), A. Boatto, New York 1964 New York, ed. Italo Svevo, Rome


Mother tongue Italian

Other languages English (very good); French (good))

Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" - Via Cracovia, 50, 00133 Roma RM