Full professor

phone: *34-696691502
building: 6
room: 6219

Bernardo Periñán (Cádiz, 1970) is a Full Professor of Roman Law at Pablo de Olavide University, in Seville (Spain). He has carried out some research stays at prestigious foreign Universities, such as Pavia and Padua (Italy), Harvard (USA) and Cambridge (UK). Likewise, he has supervised three doctoral theses, two national research projects in competitive calls and is the Head of the Research Group "From Common European Law to Civil Law". Author of monographs and articles in his legal specialty, published in the most important publishers and journals, he is a member of eight international scientific committees. He also serves as an expert at the Spanish Research Agency. Prof. Periñán is the Director of the "Persona" Collection of Editorial Comares and he is a member of the Royal Hispano-American Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters. His teaching activity, in Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses, focuses on Roman Law and Comparative Law, subjects to which he also dedicates his research work. He regularly participates in the International Congresses of his discipline and is a member of the Ibero-American Association of Roman Law and the Société Internationale Fernand de Visscher pour l'Histoire des Droits de l'Antiquité. He has held different academic positions, among which as Director of the Department of Private Law at his University.

Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" - Via Cracovia, 50, 00133 Roma RM