Name Briguglio Antonio
Telephone 0039 0636005256 /063220746
Fax 0039 0636001112
Nationality ITALIAN
Full Professor of Civil Procedural Law in the "Tor Vergata" University of Rome; Lawyer
• Type of work,
• Main tasks and responsibility
• Lawyer since 1986 and Supreme Court lawyer since 1999, he has assisted and still assists numerous large companies and public institutes, as well as extraordinary administrations and l.c.a. in national and international particularly complex disputes, on civil and commercial law matters. In particular, he has worked on individual and collective claiming actions against companies; industrial property and copyright protection; litigations concerning energy and telecommunication market; litigations concerning the execution of public contracts; liability actions against corporate bodies; relevant trans-national litigations; recognition and execution of foreign decisions; many ad various issues regarding bankruptcy law and other insolvency procedures; issues regarding the enforcement of bank guarantees payable on first demand, transfer of shares, international sales including post M&A disputes and litigations concerning representations and warranties; producer’s liability; private enforcement actions on antitrust matters; succession issues on significant assets, etc.
• He has been coarbitrator, sole arbitrator or president of the arbitration panels in several national and international arbitral proceedings (ICC and others). He has been member of the Court of arbitration of the Curia Mercatorum of a Treviso.
• He is consultant for important Italian and foreign companies.
• He is full professor of civil procedural law in “Tor Vergata” University of Rome. Previously he taught at the University of Pisa. He has promoted and organized several national and international scientific congresses as well as series of seminar, or he has participated as a speaker.
• He is author of monographies, commentaries and numerous other publications (several of which published on foreign journals) on the subject of civil procedural law, arbitration law, E.U. law, private international law. Among which: the volume on “Community preliminary ruling and civil trial”, two volumes on “Foreign Arbitration”, the “Commentary” to the “New discipline of the arbitration” (written with E. Fazzalari and R. Marengo), the four volumes of the “Commentary to the reforms to the Civil Trial”, edited by him (together with B. Capponi), the volume on “Collective Compensatory Action”, as well as the Commentary, again edited by him (together with L. Salvaneschi), to the “Regulation of the arbitration of the ICC”.
• He is member of the executive committee of the “Italian Association of Scholars of Procedural Law“, member of the Scientific Committee of the “Italian Association for Arbitration”, as well as member of the “Wiss. Vereinigung für Internationales Verfahrensrecht”, of the “International Association for Procedural Law”, and of the “High Institute of Studies on Arbitration”.
• He is the director of the Rivista dell’Arbitrato (Journal of Arbitration) and he is member of the Editorial Committee of the Rivista di diritto processuale (Journal of Procedural Law).
• Name and type of academic institute
• Reading
• Writing
• Speaking
• Graduated with a degree in Law in 1980 from the University of Messina.
• In 1981-1982 he was an Assistant at the Institute of compared procedural law at the University of Würzburg.
• In 1998 - 2000 he was Full Professor of Civil Procedural Law, Bankruptcy Law and Arbitration Law at the University of Pisa.
• Since 2004 he is Full Professor of Civil Procedural Law, at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.
• Level: excellent
• Level: excellent
• Level: excellent
• 1996: member of the Ministry Committee (“Tarzia Committee”) for the elaboration of a delegated law for the reform of the civil trial.
• 2005: member of the Ministry Committee that elaborated the reform of the Italian Supreme Court proceedings and of the arbitral proceedings.
• 2016-2017: member of the Ministry Committee (presided by G. Alpa) for the revision of the regulation on the subject of adr.
• 2022: member of the Ministry Committee for the implementation of the Civil Proceedings Reform (DLGS n. 149/2022).
“I authorize the treatment and the publication of the personal data contained in my curriculum vitae in compliance with art. 13 of Leg. Decree 196/2003