Full Professor of History of Modern Art (L-ART/02)
University of Urbino, Carlo Bo – UNIURB (Italy), Department of Communication Sciences, Humanities and International Studies (DISCUI)
Full Professor University of Urbino (MA degree History of Art, teaching History of Modern Art L-ART/02; MA degree in Communication and Advertising for Organizations, teaching in History of Modern Art field L-ART/02 -Artistic Languages-).
Professor at Federico da Montefeltro e le arti. Un laboratorio del Rinascimento, Summer School 10-16 july 2022, curated by Anna Maria Ambrosini Massari and Andrea De Marchi, Urbino, Palazzo Ducale; Gubbio, Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Storico Artistici; Biblioteca Comunale Sperelliana, Federico Zeri Foundation, Bologna University, in collaboration with Direzione Regionale Musei dell’Umbria e Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, patronage and contribution by Comune di Urbino e Comune di Gubbio, patronage Urbino University DISCUI, Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Storico Artistici dell’Università di Perugia
Since AY 2019 Member of the Terza Missione Commission, Department of Communication Sciences, Humanities and International Studies (DISCUI), University of Urbino
AY 2018-2022 Member representing Professors in the Commissione Paritetica MA History of Art, University of Urbino
2018-2019 Manager of the research project commissioned by Palazzo Ducale Galleria Nazionale delle Marche to Urbino University Urbino: Storia, Arte, Collezioni.
2017 Professor at Tra Norcia e Camerino. Una terra ferita, un patrimonio da salvare, Summer School (Federico Zeri Foundation, University of Bologna, patronage Marche Region) curated by A. Delpriori, A. De Marchi (Spoleto, Norcia, Camerino, Matelica, 2-8 july 2017).
2016-2021 Adjunct professor at the Graduate School in Gubbio (University of Perugia, Urbino, L’Aquila, Teramo, Chieti, Pescara) teaching History of Modern Art, L-ART/02
2016-2019 Member of the AQ (Assicurazione della qualità della ricerca e terza missione) board, Department of Communication Sciences, Humanities and International Studies (DISCUI), University of Urbino
2016 Curator (with (B. Agosti, M. Beltramini, S. Ginzburg) and professor for the international high educational seminar Girolamo Genga, una via obliqua alla Maniera moderna, (Bologna, Federico Zeri Foundation-Pesaro, Villa Imperiale, 30 giugno - 2 luglio 2016).
2016 Curator (with A. De Marchi) and Professor at the Summer School Marche 1550. Tra protoclassicismo ed eccentrici al tempo di Perugino e Raffaello (Pesaro-Matelica, 2-9/7/2016), Fondazione Federico Zeri
2016 Scientific board and Professor at Barocco mediterraneo, Summer school curated by F. Bottacin (University of Urbino, 12-17 September 2016)
2015 Curator (with A. Bacchi, D. Benati, A. Galli) and Professor for the international high educational seminar, Il mestiere del conoscitore, Roberto Longhi (Bologna, Fondazione Federico Zeri, 24-26 settembre 2015)
Since AY 2013 Member of the select board of the MA degree in History of Art, University of Urbino
2013-2019 Associate Professor University of Urbino (BA degree in Humanities’ Sciences, teaching in Art Critic field L-ART/04, 2013-2015; MA degree in History of Art, teaching in Art Critic, L-ART/04 and History of Modern Art, L-ART/02 fields, 2013-2019; MA degree in Communication and Advertising for Organizations, teaching in History of Modern Art field L-ART/02, 2014-2019)
2011-2014 Adjunct professor University of Urbino (BA degree Primary Education, teaching History of Modern Art, L-ART/02
2011-2013 Member of the winner PRIN project: Aristocratic art collecting in the Northern capital of the Church State: Bolognese senatorial families between the Sixteenth and the Eighteenth centuries), interuniversity project including the University of Urbino and the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. 2010 National scientific qualification as Associate Professor of History of Modern Art (L-ART/02)
2006-2013 MA degree Cultural Heritage, teaching in Art Critic field L-ART/04 and History of Art fields, L-ART/02
2004-2013 Adjunct professor University of Urbino (BA degree Cultural Heritage, teaching in Art Critic field L-ART/04; BA degree Advertising and Communications, teaching in History of Modern Art field L-ART/02 and History of Contemporary Art L-ART/03
1999-2004 Adjunct professor University of Urbino, teaching History of Art Methods, L-ART/04, degree in Cultural Heritage, Faculty of Literature and Philosophy at University of Urbino
Member of the scientific board of Palazzo Ducale, Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Urbino, Polo museale delle Marche. Appointed by the Higher Council of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Activities and Tourism
Member of the scientific board of the Federico Zeri Foundation, Bologna, University of Bologna
Since 2020 Director of the book series ‘Studi raffaelleschi’, Urbino, Accademia Raffaello
Since 2017 Director of the book series “Fonti e Studi per la storia dell’arte e del collezionismo” (Ancona, Il Lavoro editoriale)
2017-2019 Member of the Scientific board in the project (MIBAC e Regione Marche) for cultural heritage after the earthquake
2017-2019 Director and scientific board for 5 exhibitions: ‘Mostrare le Marche’ (Loreto, Macerata 2017; Ascoli Piceno, Fermo, Matelica 2018; Fabriano 2019) in the project (MIBAC e Regione Marche) for cultural heritage after the earthqauke
Since 2014 Scientific board of “Arte Marchigiana”, History of Art scientific journal (ANVUR)
2014 50th Circolo della Stampa Award (for the whole career as art historian)
Since 2010 Affiliation in Accademia Raffaello, Urbino
2009 Salimbeni Award for the History and Critique of Art (XXVII) for the book ‘Dotti amici: Amico Ricci e la nascita della storia dell’arte nelle Marche, Ancona, Il Lavoro editoriale 2007
2008 Frontino-Montefeltro Award Art and Culture Prize for the book ‘Dotti amici: Amico Ricci e la nascita della storia dell’arte nelle Marche, Ancona, Il Lavoro editoriale 2007
Since 2008 Editorial board of “Accademia Raffaello. Atti e Studi”, History of Art scientific journal (ANVUR)
2005-2015 Member of the artistic and cultural board “Assindustria” Pesaro-Urbino
1997-2013 Director and curator of Cassa di Risparmio Foundation (Pesaro) artistic heritage (catalogue and new museum reset at Palazzo Montani Antaldi in Pesaro).
Affiliation in Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Fano
Affiliation in Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Pesaro
2019 Curator (with V. Balzarotti) “Di somma aspettazione e di bellissimo ingegno” Pellegrino Tibaldi e le Marche, international conference (Universities of Leicester, Padova, Roma Sapienza, Roma Tor Vergata, Roma Tre, Urbino) Ancona, 11-12 aprile 2019
2016 Raffaello: impresa e fortuna (Accademia Raffaello and University of Urbino) Urbino, 18 April 2016
2016 Il Perugino nella Marca 1488-1497, international conference (University of Urbino) Urbino 28 October 2016
2014 Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art, international conference (University of Saint Petersburg and Mosca, Hermitage Museum) Saint Petersburg, 28 October-1 November 2014
2013 Inventari e cataloghi: collezionismo e stili di vita negli stati italiani di antico regime, international conference, (PRIN 2011-2013 Universities Roma, ‘La Sapienza’, Urbino) Pisa, 23-24 May 2013
2012 Johan Zoffany (1733-1810) and his International Contexts, international conference 14 May 2012 (The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, the Royal Academy of Arts, London, and the Yale Center for British Art, New Haven) London, Royal Academy of Arts
2012 The challenge of the object. (33rd Conference of the International Committee of the History of Art CIHA) Nürnberg, 15th-20th July 2012
2007 Viaggio artistico tra Marche e Liguria, tra ‘700 e ‘800, international conference (PRIN 2005-2007 Universities of Genova, Perugia, Urbino) Genova, 6, 7, 8 November
2007 Timoteo Viti, international conference (University of Urbino) Urbino, 25-26 ottobre
PUBLICATIONS (Selected list)
Anna Maria Ambrosini Massari's researchs developed starting from themes linked to the territory, in particular between the Marches, Umbria, Bologna and Rome, between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries: from Raphael and Perugino, to Federico Barocci to Simone Cantarini, with the connected artistic circles, on painting, graphics, historiography and collecting.
Recent selected publications:
Editor with B. Agosti e S. Ginzburg, Studi Raffaelleschi 1., Introduction, first book of the serie, Accademia Raffaello, Urbino 2022
“…eccellente in dipingere persone nude”. Per Giuseppe Diamantini dalle Marche a Venezia, in Giuseppe Diamantini (1623-1705) pittore e incisore dalle Marche a Venezia, edited by A.M. Ambrosini Massari, M. Cellini, M. Luzi, Fossombrone 2021, ed. Ancona 2021, pp. 25-64.
Simone Cantarini per Antonio Barberini. Tre ritratti e la congiuntura naturalista, in ‘Rivista d’Arte’, X, 2020, pp. 89-110
"Illustris Raphael". Raffaello, Città di Castello e il nodo della formazione di un genio, in Prima e dopo Raffaello. Città di Castello e il Rinascimento, Perugia 2019, a cura di A. Delpriori, pp. 13-73
La luce e i silenzi. Orazio Gentileschi e la pittura caravaggesca nelle Marche. Diario di viaggio, in La luce e i silenzi. Orazio Gentileschi e la pittura caravaggesca nelle Marche del Seicento, exhibition catalogue (Fabriano 2019), Ancona 2019, edited by A.M. Ambrosini Massari, A. Delpriori, 38-60
A.M. Ambrosini Massari, B. Agosti, Lineamenti di storiografia artistica marchigiana nell'età moderna, in L'incostante provincia. Architettura e città nella marca pontificia 1450-1750, Milano 2019, edited by M. Ricci, pp.15-41.
Urbino prima e dopo Raffaello, in Raffaello e gli amici di Urbino, exhibition catalogue (Urbino 2019-2020), Firenze 2019, edited by B. Agosti and S. Ginzburg, pp. 30-39.
L'erudito e lo scultore. Amico Ricci, Fedele Bianchini, documenti opere e artisti fra Marche e Roma dopo Canova, Ancona 2018, “Fonti e Studi per la Storia dell’arte e del collezionismo”, 4, book series edited by A.M. Ambrosini Massari.
L’altra ‘strada per Roma’. Percorso per Girolamo Genga pittore, con l’aiuto di Federico Zeri, in Girolamo Genga: una via obliqua alla maniera moderna, edited by B. Agosti, A.M. Ambrosini Massari, M. Beltramini, S. Ginzburg, Bologna 2018, pp. 13-35.
Il giovane favoloso. Roberto Longhi, Percorso di Raffaello giovine, in Il mestiere del conoscitore. Roberto Longhi, proceedings of the conference (Bologna 2015), Bologna 2017, edited by A.M. Ambrosini Massari, A. Bacchi, D. Benati and A. Galli, pp. 225-265.
Perugino, ‘primus pictor in orbe’, le pale ‘gemelle’, Raffaello giovane e Girolamo Genga, in Il Perugino nella Marca 1488-1497, proceedings of the international conference (Urbino 2016), Macerata Feltria 2017, edited by B. Cleri and M. Procaccini, pp. 203-229.
Capriccio e Natura tra gli Zuccari e Barocci: alle radici del moderno nelle Marche del secondo Cinquecento, in Capriccio e Natura: arte nelle Marche del secondo Cinquecento. Percorsi di rinascita, exhibition catalogue (Macerata 2017), Cinisello Balsamo 2017, edited by A.M. Ambrosini Massari and A. Delpriori, pp. 92-111
Giuseppe Diamantini e Giacinto Brandi, incontro a Urbino, in “Studi di Storia dell’Arte”, 28, 2017, pp. 229-238.