Ripartizione III – Scuola di Dottorato Tor Vergata


Procedura di accesso
Competition procedure

Obiettivi formativi del dottorato
Educational goals and objectives

descrizione:Il dottorato in Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Science, in convenzione tra Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" e Sapienza Università di Roma, insieme all'Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF) è attivo dal XXVIII Ciclo ed è tenuto in lingua inglese e dura tre anni.
Esso si prefigge l'obiettivo principale di formare una figura di futuro ricercatore competitivo internazionalmente nel campo dell'Astrofisica e delle Scienze Spaziali.
Il raggiungimento di questo obiettivo passa anche attraverso un offerta didattica mirata alle tematiche specifiche del Dottorato e attraverso l'eventuale partecipazione a Scuole e Workshop, nazionali ed internazionali, dedicate ai dottorandi in Astrofisica e/o Scienze Spaziali. In particolare, i dottorandi seguono almeno due corsi di 15 ore ciascuno su tematiche specifiche del Dottorato oltre a svolgere attività di stage e tirocinio presso enti di ricerca, nazionali e/o internazionali, e/o imprese.

Acquisite tali conoscenze, che rafforzano la preparazione derivante dalla Laurea Magistrale, il dottorando deve raggiungere le seguenti competenze:

1. Saper predisporre un programma di ricerca coadiuvato dai supervisori assegnati dal Collegio dei Docenti;
2. Acquisire le competenze tecnico-matematiche-informatiche e fisiche necessarie allo svolgimento del programma di ricerca;
3. Acquisire la padronanza della lingua inglese necessaria a una completa comprensione della letteratura scientifica inerente la sua ricerca;
4. Acquisizione di spirito critico tale da individuare aspetti problematici nella progettazione e nello svolgimento della sua ricerca;
5. Indipendenza nello svolgimento di progetto di tesi assegnatogli previsto dal programma;
6. Capacità di lavorare in un gruppo, anche con ruoli di coordinamento;
7. Acquisire padronanza nella presentazione dei risultati e delle conoscenze acquisite, sia di fronte ad un pubblico specialistico che ad una platea di non esperti.

description:The PhD program in Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Science, run jointly by the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" and Sapienza University of Rome, together with the National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF) has been active since the XXVIII Cycle, it is taught in English and it lasts three years.
Its main objective is to train a figure of internationally competitive researcher in the field of Astrophysics and Space Sciences.
The achievement of this objective passes also through a didactic offer aimed at the specific topics of the PhD program and through the possible participation in national and international Schools and Workshops dedicated to PhD students in Astrophysics and/or Space Sciences. In particular, PhD students must follow at least two courses of 15 hours each on specific topics of the PhD program as well as carry out internships and apprenticeships in national and/or international research institutions and/or industries.

Having acquired this knowledge, which reinforces the preparation deriving from the Master's Degree, the doctoral student must achieve the following skills:

1. Knowing how to prepare a research program assisted by the two supervisors assigned by the PhD Academic Board;
2. Acquiring the technical-mathematical-informatic and physical skills necessary to carry out the research program;
3. Knowing the English language necessary for a complete understanding of the scientific literature concerning his research;
4. Acquiring a critical attitude to identify problematic aspects in the planning and carrying out of his research;
5. Independence in obtaining results useful to the assigned thesis project as foreseen by the program;
6. Ability to work in a team, also with coordination roles;
7. Mastering the presentation of his results and acquired knowledge both in front of a specialist public and of an audience of non-experts.

Settori Disciplinari:

Borse e posti di dottorato disponibili
Available scholarships and positions

ex D.M. 117/2023 ex D.M. 118/2023 Enti terzi Ateneo Stato Estero Dipendenti PA Imprese senza borsa Partenariati estesi Posti senza borsa
Transizione digitale Generiche Pubblica Amministrazione Patrimonio culturale
0 0 0 2

Tematiche definite per le borse PNRR e di Ateneo estero
Themes defined for funded scholarships


- Development of advanced optical systems for future gravitational wave interferometers
Ente finanziatore: PE
Supervisor: Prof. V. Fafone,, University of Roma Tor Vergata Future gravitational wave observatories, such as Einstein Telescope (ET) will revolutionize the way we look at the Universe through gravitational waves (GW). These new detectors will observe the coalescence of stellar and intermediate mass black hole binary systems back to the dark ages of the Universe, before the star formation, shedding light on the first phases of the Universe and contributing solving the dark matter enigma. The expected unprecedented binary black holes and binary neutron stars detection rates promise breakthrough discoveries in fundamental physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics and cosmology. The next generation GW observatories will need new technologies to achieve the target sensitivity. In particular, the quality of the optics will represent a key ingredient to match such demanding requirements. The aim of this project is the development of cutting-edge adaptive optics technologies for the improvement of the quality of the ET core optics. The thesis will be carried on within the Tor Vergata GW group, in the framework of the ETIC Project (“Einstein Telescope Infrastructure Consortium” PNRR- IR0000004).

- Development of advanced optical systems for future gravitational wave interferometers
Supervisor: Prof. V. Fafone,, University of Roma Tor Vergata Future gravitational wave observatories, such as Einstein Telescope (ET) will revolutionize the way we look at the Universe through gravitational waves (GW). These new detectors will observe the coalescence of stellar and intermediate mass black hole binary systems back to the dark ages of the Universe, before the star formation, shedding light on the first phases of the Universe and contributing solving the dark matter enigma. The expected unprecedented binary black holes and binary neutron stars detection rates promise breakthrough discoveries in fundamental physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics and cosmology. The next generation GW observatories will need new technologies to achieve the target sensitivity. In particular, the quality of the optics will represent a key ingredient to match such demanding requirements. The aim of this project is the development of cutting-edge adaptive optics technologies for the improvement of the quality of the ET core optics. The thesis will be carried on within the Tor Vergata GW group, in the framework of the ETIC Project (“Einstein Telescope Infrastructure Consortium” PNRR- IR0000004).


- Development of advanced optical systems for future gravitational wave interferometers
Ente finanziatore: PE
Supervisor: Prof. V. Fafone,, University of Roma Tor Vergata Future gravitational wave observatories, such as Einstein Telescope (ET) will revolutionize the way we look at the Universe through gravitational waves (GW). These new detectors will observe the coalescence of stellar and intermediate mass black hole binary systems back to the dark ages of the Universe, before the star formation, shedding light on the first phases of the Universe and contributing solving the dark matter enigma. The expected unprecedented binary black holes and binary neutron stars detection rates promise breakthrough discoveries in fundamental physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics and cosmology. The next generation GW observatories will need new technologies to achieve the target sensitivity. In particular, the quality of the optics will represent a key ingredient to match such demanding requirements. The aim of this project is the development of cutting-edge adaptive optics technologies for the improvement of the quality of the ET core optics. The thesis will be carried on within the Tor Vergata GW group, in the framework of the ETIC Project (“Einstein Telescope Infrastructure Consortium” PNRR- IR0000004).

- Development of advanced optical systems for future gravitational wave interferometers
Supervisor: Prof. V. Fafone,, University of Roma Tor Vergata Future gravitational wave observatories, such as Einstein Telescope (ET) will revolutionize the way we look at the Universe through gravitational waves (GW). These new detectors will observe the coalescence of stellar and intermediate mass black hole binary systems back to the dark ages of the Universe, before the star formation, shedding light on the first phases of the Universe and contributing solving the dark matter enigma. The expected unprecedented binary black holes and binary neutron stars detection rates promise breakthrough discoveries in fundamental physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics and cosmology. The next generation GW observatories will need new technologies to achieve the target sensitivity. In particular, the quality of the optics will represent a key ingredient to match such demanding requirements. The aim of this project is the development of cutting-edge adaptive optics technologies for the improvement of the quality of the ET core optics. The thesis will be carried on within the Tor Vergata GW group, in the framework of the ETIC Project (“Einstein Telescope Infrastructure Consortium” PNRR- IR0000004).

Il candidato sceglierà una tematica in fase di presentazione della candidatura on line

Procedura concorsuale
Competition Procedure

Valutazione titoli
Qualifications assessment

La commissione valuterà:
- lettere di presentazione (minimo 2)
pervenute entro il limite specificato nel
bando (obbligatorie);
- lettera motivazionale (obbligatoria);
- curriculum vitae, incluse eventuali
pubblicazioni e altri titoli (obbligatorio);
- lista completa degli esami sostenuti
nella laurea magistrale (obbligatorio);
- voto di laurea magistrale (obbligatorio
se conseguita);
- voto di laurea triennale (obbligatorio)
The selection board will evaluate:
- the presentation letters (2 at least)
received within the deadline specified in
the call (mandatory);
- motivation letter (mandatory);
- curriculum vitae, including publications
and other titles (mandatory);
- full list of exams taken in the second
level degree course (mandatory);
- second level degree final mark
(mandatory if obtained);
- first level degree final mark (mandatory)

Prova orale
Oral interview

Il candidato discuterà con la commissione
su argomenti generali di Astronomia,
Astrofisica e Scienze Spaziali, sulla
ricerca già svolta, in particolare in
preparazione alla Tesi Magistrale, e sulla
ricerca che prevede di svolgere durante i
tre anni del suo dottorato. Per
quest'ultima si potrà discutere sia la
problematica scientifica, con le sue
prospettive di sviluppo, che le modalità di
svolgimento, nell'ambito delle strutture di
ricerca coinvolte con il PhD in Astronomy,
Astrophysics and Space Science.
The candidate is expected to discuss with
the selection committee on Astronomy,
Astrophysics and Space Science issues,
on the research already carried out,
focusing on the second level degree
thesis, and on the research plans for the
3 years of the PhD course. The latter can
include both a discussion on the science
involved and its development
perspectives, and the
possible implementation of the research,
in the framework of the research
infrastructures involved in the PhD in
Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space

Curriculum studiorum

- data e voto di laurea (obbligatorio)
Graduation date and grade of the Master's degree
- elenco degli esami sostenuti per la laurea MAGISTRALE e relative votazioni (obbligatorio)
detailed list of exams including completion dates and scores of Masters's degree
- elenco degli esami sostenuti per la laurea TRIENNALE e relative votazioni
Graduation date and grade of the Bachelor's degree
- data e voto della laurea TRIENNALE
Graduation date and grade of the Bachelor's degree
- elenco cronologico di Borse di studio, Assegni di ricerca (et similia) percepiti
History of Scholarships, Research Grants (or similar)
- Diplomi/certificati di conoscenza lingue estere
Certificates of Foreign Languages
- Diplomi/attestati di partecipazione di corsi universitari post-lauream
Certificates of participation in post-graduate university courses
- Attestati di partecipazione a gruppi di ricerca
certificates of Participation in research groups
- Attestati di partecipazione a stage
certificates of Participation in internships
- Altri riconoscimenti (p. es.: premiazione in concorsi, seconda laurea)
Other University Awards/Degrees (e.g.: awards in competition, second degree)
- Conoscenze informatiche
computer skills

Ulteriore documentazione richiesta ai candidati
Additional documentation required

prima lettera di presentazione (a cura di un docente) obbligatorio/mandatory, la lettera dovrà essere caricata dal docente sull'apposita piattaforma entro il 25/08/2023 ore 14.00/the letter must be uploaded by the referee by il 25/08/2023 ore 14.00
seconda lettera di presentazione (a cura di un docente) obbligatorio/mandatory, la lettera dovrà essere caricata dal docente sull'apposita piattaforma entro il 25/08/2023 ore 14.00/the letter must be uploaded by the referee by il 25/08/2023 ore 14.00
lettera di motivazione (a cura del candidato) obbligatorio/mandatory, da caricare entro 25/08/2023 ore 14.00
altro documento: italiano (inglese) obbligatorio/mandatory
Curriculum Vitae, da caricare entro 25/08/2023 ore 14.00

Competenza linguistica richiesta ai candidati
Language Skills

Il candidato dovrà obbligatoriamente conoscere le seguenti lingue:
the candidate will have to know the following languages

Griglia di valutazione
Evaluation scale

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file (eng):nessun file caricato
no file uploaded